- 1. He was blithely unaware of the trouble he'd caused.
- 他漫不经心,丝毫没有察觉他惹的麻烦。
- 2. She was sublimely unaware of the trouble she had caused.
- 她压根儿没察觉自己闹出了乱子。
- 3. Due to the fact that they did not read English, the prisoners were unaware of what they were signing.
- 这些囚犯由于看不懂英语,不知道自己在签什么。
- 4. The Italian Culture Ministry says it is unaware of any government efforts to pressure UNESCO.
- 意大利文化部表示,他们不知道政府有任何向联合国教科文组织施压的举动。
- 5. Churchill got some surprised stares in 1941 when, evidently unaware of the vulgar usage, he gave the palm-backward "V" to British troops.
- 1941年,丘吉尔掌对英国军队做了个心向内的“V”形手势,当时有人惊讶地盯着他,显然他不知道这个手势的粗俗用法。
- 6. She was unaware that I could see her.
- 她没想到我能看见她。
- 7. I was unaware of his existence until today.
- 直到今天我才知道有他这么个人。
- 8. He was completely unaware of the whole affair.
- 他对整件事情一无所知。
- 9. They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.
- 他们并不知道即将降临到他们头上的厄运。
- 10. She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents.
- 她没有看过那封信,所以对其内容一无所知。
- 11. At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him.
- 起初,他对反对自己的阴谋全不知情,还在优哉游哉。
- 12. He was unaware that he was being fobbed off with out-of-date stock.
- 他没有意识到对方正向他骗售过期存货。
- 13. Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume.
- 许多人不知道自己到底消耗掉多少食物和饮料。
- 14. They seemed unaware of the drama being enacted a few feet away from them.
- 他们对于正在咫尺之外上演的戏剧性事件似乎浑然不知。
- 15. They were unaware that the street violence was just a foretaste of what was to come.
- 他们没有意识到,这起街头暴力预示着未来大规模的暴力行为。
- 16. They are unaware of the potential risks.
- 他们没有意识到潜在的风险。
- 17. They are unaware of the damage their behavior is doing to them.
- 他们没有意识到其行为对自己造成的伤害。
- 18. There was a faint crease between her eyebrows that she seemed unaware of.
- 她的眉毛之间有一道淡淡的皱纹,她似乎没有注意到。
- 19. Jessica babbled on and on about her dance plans, completely unaware of my inattention.
- 杰西卡喋喋不休地唠叨着她对舞会的计划,完全没有注意到我的心不在焉。
- 20. He may be unaware of his irritability and surprised when someone calls attention to it.
- 他可能没有意识到自己的易怒,当有人提醒他注意时,他会感到惊讶。
- 21. Our sensory and cognitive systems have systematic ways of failing of which we are often, perhaps blissfully, unaware.
- 我们的感官和认知系统有时未能成功接收信息,而我们通常,也许是过于喜悦而未曾意识到。
- 22. If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen, it would be too authentic, too unaware of the need to communicate with an audience.
- 如果你像在自己的厨房里一样说话,那就太真实了,你可能意识不到与听众交流的必要。
- 23. The term "blind spot" has also taken on a more general meaning—it refers to people being unaware of a bias that may affect their judgment about a subject.
- “盲点”一词也有了更广泛的含义——它指的是人们没有意识到可能影响他们对某一事物判断的偏见。
- 24. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.
- 对于那些还没有意识到这种不利条件的人来说,这指的是对那些姓氏以字母表下半部分的字母开头的人的歧视。
- 25. McKee and his team now knew for certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yet unaware that it also housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts.
- 麦基和他的团队现在已经确定他们找到了沉船,但他们还没有意识到这艘船里也有一个保存完好的艺术品宝库。
- 26. "Most consumers are unaware they're not supposed to throw computers in the trash," said Roxanne Gould, vice president of government relations for the electronics association.
- “大多数消费者都没有意识到,他们不应该把电脑扔进垃圾桶。”电子协会负责政府关系的副会长 RoxanneGould说。
- 27. In many cases we're unaware of it.
- 在许多情况下,我们并未察觉到。
- 28. Unaware that I was there.
- 不知道我也在那里。
- 29. Mr. Porter seems unaware of this fact.
- 波特先生似乎并没有意识到这个事实。
- 30. Mr. Porter seems unaware of this fact.
- 波特先生似乎并没有意识到这个事实。