- 1. John twisted his ankle badly.
- 约翰的脚踝严重扭伤。
- 2. He fell and twisted his ankle.
- 他摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。
- 3. I twisted off the lid and looked inside.
- 我拧开盖子往里面看。
- 4. The wheel had been twisted out of shape.
- 轮子已经扭曲变形了。
- 5. He twisted his head around to look at her.
- 他扭过头去看她。
- 6. He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.
- 他抓住我,把我的胳膊扭到背后。
- 7. One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle.
- 一个球员拖着扭伤的脚踝一瘸一拐地走下场。
- 8. He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
- 他把她的双臂扭到她的背后,把一副手铐扣在她的手腕上。
- 9. Ferdinand landed awkwardly on top of Delgado's right boot and twisted his left leg.
- 费迪南笨拙地落地,踩在德尔加多的右靴上,扭伤了左腿。
- 10. I fell off a step and twisted my ankles.
- 我从台阶上摔了下来,扭伤了脚踝。
- 11. The horse twisted and bucked and finally dismounted its rider.
- 那匹马扭动并猛然弓背跃起,使得骑手摔下马。
- 12. After the accident, the wheel of the car had been twisted out of shape.
- 事故发生后,汽车的轮子被撞得扭曲变形了。
- 13. When you hear the word "yoga", do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?
- 当你听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?
- 14. Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twisted your ankle?
- 为什么你上周第一次扭伤脚踝时不去预约看医生呢?
- 15. Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist.
- 他不是简单的追逐中的猎物,而是一个扭曲但清晰的对手。
- 16. In Dujiangyan, a large mechanical digger scoops slabs of concrete and twisted metal rods from a massive pile of rubble.
- 在都江堰,一台大型挖掘机从一大堆碎石中铲出混凝土板和扭曲的金属杆。
- 17. She fell and twisted her ankle.
- 她摔了一下,把脚崴了。
- 18. She gave a small twisted smile.
- 她不自然地微微一笑。
- 19. Her face twisted in anger.
- 她气得脸都变形了。
- 20. His mouth twisted into a wry smile.
- 他硬挤出一丝干涩的微笑。
- 21. She twisted a scarf around her head.
- 她用一条围巾裹住了头。
- 22. She twisted her hair into a tight knot.
- 她把头发紧紧地挽了个发髻。
- 23. Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.
- 我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。
- 24. She had twisted her ankle and was limping.
- 她把脚踝扭伤了,一瘸一拐地走着。
- 25. I twisted and turned to avoid being caught.
- 我左躲右闪免得被捉住。
- 26. Canete's mouth twisted in a contemptuous sneer.
- 卡内特撇了下嘴,一副蔑视嘲讽的样子。
- 27. Her experiences had left her bitter and twisted.
- 她的经历使她变得愤愤不平,性情乖僻。
- 28. She twisted in her chair when I called her name.
- 我唤她的名字时,她坐在座椅上转过身来。
- 29. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.
- 她已说服了他,让他邀请她。
- 30. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.
- 她已说服了他,让他邀请她。