- 1. And in some ways, she was the original tweeter, right?
- 从某个角度来说,她还是tweeter的创始人呢,不是吗?
- 2. Each satellite houses a four-inch woofer and 0.625-inch piezo-poly tweeter.
- 每颗卫星都设有一个四英寸低音单元和0.625英寸压电聚高音。
- 3. Yang Lan: I have a blog in several leading portals in China, and also tweeter.
- 杨澜:我在中国几个领先的门户网站有博客,我也有微博。
- 4. They are of a two-way configuration, with a 2.5" midrange driver and 1"tweeter.
- 他们是一个两分频的结构,有一个2.5英寸的中音单元和1英寸的丝绢膜高音。
- 5. The black curve shows the response with the tweeter connected with opposite polarity.
- 图里的黑色曲线显示了极性反向相连的高音喇叭响应。
- 6. But Tory MP Brian Binley, a committed non-tweeter, said: 'I just cannot see the point.
- 不过保守党议员布莱恩•宾利就是反微博主义者。他说:“我觉得没有意义。
- 7. The blue and green curves show respectively the response of the woofer and the tweeter.
- 蓝色和绿色曲线分别地显示了低音喇叭和高音喇叭的频率响应。
- 8. One of the advantages of Tweeter is the possibility to personalize your account as you like.
- 对高音的优点之一是个性化的可能性,因为你喜欢你的帐户。
- 9. Tweeter has announced three new measures which it says will reduce abuse on the social media platform.
- 推特宣布三条新的措施,将减少对该社交媒体平台的滥用。
- 10. The X-2 bass cabinets with "wings" attached, ready for installation of the midrange and tweeter modules.
- 的X - 2的低音音箱的“翅膀”重视,准备安装的中端和高音单元。
- 11. XS technology also ensures that the tweeter distributes sound over a greater area than traditional tweeters.
- XS技术也保证了低音扩音器的能比传统的阔因为声音分散得更广。
- 12. A specially engineered horn-loaded silk tweeter provides wide dispersion to make each player sound like a pro.
- 一个特别设计的号角负载丝绸高音提供了广阔的分散,使每一个球员像亲声。
- 13. WD-222 is a passive two sub-frequency sound, using a 12-inch long-stroke woofer driver and a 1-inch tweeter drive.
- WD-222是一款二分频无源音箱,采用了一只12英寸超长冲程低音单元驱动器和一只1英寸高音单元驱动器。
- 14. Britain's High Court ordered its first injunction via Twitter to stop an anonymous Tweeter impersonating someone else.
- 英国高级法院首次通过Twitter下达禁令,禁止一位匿名推客装成他人。
- 15. A dedicated tweeter handles the highs, while two larger drivers reproduce mids and lows giving you a nice, full sound.
- 一个专门的音单元处理高,而两个较大的司机重现中频和低点,给你一尼斯,充分健全的。
- 16. For stars like Ryan Seacrest, the no. 7 top tweeter, social media is just another platform to interact with the consumer.
- 对于瑞恩·西克雷斯特(Ryan Seacrest) (Twitter粉丝数排名第七)这样的明星来说,社交媒体就是和消费者互动的另一个平台。
- 17. In the past certain manufacturers have attempted to use Beryllium for the construction of a direct radiating tweeter dome.
- 过去,某些制造商试图利用铍来建造直接辐射式高音单元穹顶。
- 18. The sound produced by the titanium tweeter is of such subtlety that it gives a whole new meaning to the word sound "detail".
- 这声音由细微钛鸣声向世界全新解析细节的声音。
- 19. The smallest model in the range is the 2090 which USES one 8 inch woofer alongside the 25mm tweeter to deliver a maximum 119db SPL.
- 在最小的范围模型是2090年它使用的25毫米高音旁边一个8英寸低音喇叭,提供最高119分贝声压级。
- 20. The work with the development of TK has been about creating a tweeter that does not hold back the small and important sonic details.
- TK的研发工作就是发明一种不会阻碍微小重要的音波细节的高音单元。
- 21. The tweeter - or treble driver - is a high-quality neodymium unit with a silk fabric dome integrating smoothly with the rest of the system.
- 高音单元用三倍驱动于一只丝绸织物圆顶的高质量钕磁单元,顺利和其余的系统融合。
- 22. The world's oldest Tweeter has died, after over 1,000 tweets documenting numerous fish and chip dinners, family visits and meeting Gordon Brown.
- 艾薇·比恩,全世界年纪最大的Twitter使用者,日前在英国辞世,享年104岁。比恩留下了超过1000条微博,细细感悟生活的一点一滴——无数次炸鱼薯条的美餐,与家人的温馨小聚,以及与戈登·布朗的会面。
- 23. Another Tweeter, francescaway, said: "Felt blessed to witness the legendary duststorm, even if it meant feeling like breathing sawdust all day."
- 另一位Twitter用户francescaway写到:“目睹传奇般的尘暴使人感到三生有幸,虽然这与呼吸一整天的锯屑无异。”
- 24. This figure shows that the power response is very smooth throughout the whole frequency range, and the controlled off-axis roll off of the tweeter.
- 这幅图表明,频率响应是非常平滑地贯穿整个频率范围和高音喇叭的受控离轴滚降。
- 25. The tweeters and subwoofers measuring 100mm or 3.94" in diameter feature aluminum membranes with an additional ceramic surface on the tweeter domes."
- 高音和超低音扬声器的直径100mm或3.94寸,铝制振膜,高音扬声器的圆顶振膜还增加一层陶瓷表面。
- 26. This tweeter is known for having a very "natural" sound with an extremely smooth frequency response that extends well beyond the human hearing range.
- 音单元,这是已知的有一个很”自然“的声音与一个极其顺利频率响应范围远远超出了人类听力范围内。
- 27. Hybrid (PTH) tweeter, which took two years to develop, is the "first dynamic tweeter which can claim the transparency achieved with electrostatic or".
- 幻影要求他们纯钛混合素(PTH)高音喇叭,历时两年开发,是“第一个动态的高音。”
- 28. A crossover design contains a capacitor in series with the tweeter. This is an effective way of ensuring low frequency currents don't reach the tweeter.
- 交叉线路的设计包含了一系列的带有高音扩音器的电容器,这是一个确保阻止低频电流进入高音扩音器的有效方法。
- 29. A crossover design contains a capacitor in series with the tweeter. This is an effective way of ensuring low frequency currents don't reach the tweeter.
- 交叉线路的设计包含了一系列的带有高音扩音器的电容器,这是一个确保阻止低频电流进入高音扩音器的有效方法。