- 1. In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists such as William Trotter.
- 事实上,杜·波依斯经常在华盛顿和威廉·特罗特等对抗主义者之间转变立场。
- 2. Globe Trotter - 25: Discover all snow globes.
- 世界环游者-25:发现所有滑雪手套。
- 3. And, Missus Trotter seemed to have grown tired of her job.
- 而且,太太特罗特似乎长大了她的工作感到厌烦。
- 4. Wouldn't you like to go meet Missus Trotter once before we leave?
- 你不想去开会一次,然后才离开太太特罗特?
- 5. But the phone call comes while Trotter is giving her two children a bath.
- 但是电话打过来的时候,Trotter正在给两个孩子洗澡。
- 6. An old friend of mine, Zeke Trotter, "he said, used to work in a tent show."
- “我的一位,泽克特·罗特的老朋友,”他说,曾经工作在帐篷里表演。
- 7. When have the Spring Festival, the greatest joy is the thirty night light "Trotter".
- 小时候过年,最大的乐趣莫过于三十晚上点燃“猪蹄儿灯”。
- 8. Mr Trotter said the couple intended to start splashing their cash on a new house and cars.
- 这对准夫妻准备先花一笔钱买栋房子,再添几辆车。
- 9. For days, Trotter has been waiting on a call from a woman in the HR department at a security company.
- 有几天,Trotter一直在等一个保险公司人事部门的电话。
- 10. They were sure that Missus Trotter could be trusted and that it was safe to leave the money in her name.
- 他们相信太太特罗特可以信任,它是安全的留在她的名字的钱。
- 11. Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chili and flavoured with salt.
- 将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。
- 12. She just wanted to let Trotter know that once she receives her application, she'll make sure it gets to the right person.
- 她只想让Trotter知道,一旦她收到她的求职信,她相信Trotter就是这个工作的合适人选。
- 13. Mr Trotter now plans to give up work and indulge his passion for touring car racing. Ms Ottaway resigned from her job on Tuesday.
- 特罗特正计划辞去工作,把精力放在房车比赛上。女友奥特维周二也会辞去工作。
- 14. Remove and place the trotter in a pressure cooker together with the dried mushrooms, ginger slices, spring onion, rice wine, soya sauces and star anise.
- 猪蹄放入高压锅里,入水没过蹄子,加入香菇,姜片,葱段,料酒,2种酱油和八角。
- 15. Reduce the heat and continue to simmer until the sauce turns thick and the trotter is cooked through. Dish out and sprinkle with some chopped spring onions.
- 小火烧至猪蹄软烂,大火收至汤汁浓稠即可出锅,洒上一些葱花装饰。
- 16. "I just need an hour to do some applications," Trotter says in a desperate voice to her boyfriend. "It's not like I can do it when you're not here, because you have your phone.
- “我只需要一个小时写个求职书,”Trotter绝望地向她男友喊道,“当你不在家的时候,我没办法弄着这个,因为你有你自己的电话。”
- 17. The formula and processing technology of box-packaged Chinese-style oiled trotter are de-tailed. Emphases are laid on the technical points and quality requirements for this product.
- 说明了中式产品塑盒装走油蹄的工艺流程和配方,着重阐述了其工艺操作中的技术要点和产品质量要求。
- 18. I was sure that I had found at last the one true cosmopolite since Adam, and I listened to his worldwide discourse fearful lest I should discover in it the local note of the mere globe-trotter.
- 当时,我对自己发现了人类自亚当以来第一个真正的世界公民确定不疑,我聆听着他关于整个世界的高谈阔论,生怕自己会发现他只是带有环球旅行者的地方口音。
- 19. I was sure that I had found at last the one true cosmopolite since Adam, and I listened to his worldwide discourse fearful lest I should discover in it the local note of the mere globe-trotter.
- 当时,我对自己发现了人类自亚当以来第一个真正的世界公民确定不疑,我聆听着他关于整个世界的高谈阔论,生怕自己会发现他只是带有环球旅行者的地方口音。