- 1. Like some poor Arab tribesman and his tent.
- 像一些贫穷的阿拉伯部落和他的帐篷里。
- 2. He was a Luo tribesman who grew up in Kenya and studied at Harvard.
- 他是一位卢奥部落男子,成长在肯尼亚,求学于哈佛。
- 3. A Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells.
- 缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。
- 4. One Afar custom, now defunct, declared a man could not marry without first killing an enemy tribesman.
- 阿法尔族有一个风俗,即男子必须杀死一个敌对种族的族人才能结婚,现在这个风俗已不存在了。
- 5. Photographer Mitsuaki Iwago used a low angle and the body of the Maasai tribesman to add drama to this photograph.
- 摄影师岩合光昭使用了低角度摄影,从而使马赛族人的身体在这张照片里显得富有魅力。
- 6. September 15, 2009-up on the Laikipia Plateau in Kenya, a Masai tribesman must have nine cattle before he can get married.
- 2009年9月15日—在肯尼亚的莱基·皮亚高原上,一位马赛族人必须有九头牛才能结婚。
- 7. Solomon Kane: Ive been shot, stabbed and beaten more times than I can recall. These here, was a spear thrust by a tribesman of Africa.
- 凯恩:我被枪击、被刺伤和被打的次数已经记不清利了。这些都是被一个非洲土著用长矛给刺伤的。
- 8. Scouting for fossils under the gaze of an Afar tribesman, an international team scours sediments near the Awash River, beyond the trees on the horizon.
- 在阿法(Afar)部落的牧人注视下,一个国际考古队在阿瓦什河(Awash River)附近的沉积物中寻找化石,前面是生长在地平线上的小树。
- 9. As for the things that can come between people, technology is certainly one of them. So it has been since a spear missed the mammoth and hit a tribesman.
- 作为那些来自于人们生产出来的东西,从一支长矛没有射中猛犸象却伤到了一个部落男子开始技术就是其中之一了。
- 10. Hermannsburg was the birthplace of Albert Namatjira, an Aranda tribesman whose brilliant landscape paintings of central Australia 60 years ago brought him fame (but not fortune).
- Hermannsburg是阿兰达部落的Albert Namatjira出身的地方,60年前其出色的山水画在澳大利亚中部给他带来了名声(但不是财富)。
- 11. Working with the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in southern Kenya, the researchers presented the animals with clean clothing and material worn by either a Masai or Kamba tribesman.
- 研究人员是与肯亚南部的安波赛利大象研究计画合作,让大象嗅闻乾净的衣服,以及分别被马赛族人或坎巴族人穿过的衣物。
- 12. Working with the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in southern Kenya, the researchers presented the animals with clean clothing and material worn by either a Masai or Kamba tribesman.
- 研究人员是与肯亚南部的安波赛利大象研究计画合作,让大象嗅闻乾净的衣服,以及分别被马赛族人或坎巴族人穿过的衣物。