- 1. The flooding, caused by three days of torrential rain, is the worst in sixty-five years.
- 由3天暴雨引发的这场洪水泛滥是65年来最为严重的。
- 2. Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.
- 强风和暴雨交加使得苏格兰公开赛的环境对高尔夫球员很糟糕。
- 3. The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.
- 比赛因大雨取消了。
- 4. There was thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.
- 雷电交加,暴雨倾盆而下。
- 5. They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain.
- 尽管下着倾盆大雨,他们仍在9:30准时到达了。
- 6. The storms and torrential rain caused traffic chaos across the country.
- 暴风雨和倾盆大雨造成了全国的交通混乱。
- 7. It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.
- 这是一个暴风雨之夜,下着倾盆大雨,刮着强风。
- 8. Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms.
- 雷电是由闪电产生的冲击波,它被认为是引发暴雨的原因,而暴雨是风暴的典型特征。
- 9. According to the study, two factors were important for lake formation in the Empty Quarter: first the rains that fell there were torrential.
- 根据这项研究,有两个因素对“空白之地”湖泊的形成很重要:首先,那里的降雨十分猛烈。
- 10. The torrential flood annihilated the village.
- 山洪冲毁了这个村落。
- 11. The crops of entire rice fields have been rotted by torrential rain.
- 所有稻田的农作物因倾盆大雨而腐烂。
- 12. This July, torrential monsoon rains caused widespread flooding in Pakistan.
- 今年7月,强烈的季风暴雨不断,导致巴基斯坦境内洪水泛滥。
- 13. In late January torrential rain in the Cusco area brought chaos and tragedy.
- 一月下旬,豪雨在库斯科地区带来混乱和悲剧。
- 14. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour.
- 车窗外电闪雷鸣,乌云密布,天色渐暗,下起了倾盆大雨。
- 15. Winds accompanied by torrential rains caused havoc for residents of the New York region.
- 这场纽约狂风伴随着暴雨,把住纽约市的住宅区破坏得一塌糊涂。
- 16. The southeast wind had not let up. Suddenly torrential rains came down, soaking everyone.
- 忽然大雨倾盆,湿透衣甲。
- 17. Torrential rain will also sweep Hunan Province where floods and landslides have caused great damage.
- 暴雨将席卷湖南省,在那儿洪水和泥石流已造成极大的损害。
- 18. but they couldn't prevent a torrential downpour at the premiere of his latest film on Tuesday night.
- 哈利波特神奇的咒语或许可以打败邪恶的力量,但是不能够阻止周2晚上急剧的漂泊大雨。 周2晚上哈利·波特系列最新电影举行了首映式。
- 19. Mud and water engulfed the county town of Zhouqu, in the south of Gansu province, after hours of torrential rain.
- 甘肃南部舟曲县遭暴雨袭击,目前整个县城已处于泥水之中。
- 20. It was this glorious lit-up sky, following the torrential rain, that made me realize what a miracle this life is.
- 光点亮天空,随之而来的暴雨,使我明白生活真是一个奇迹。
- 21. With torrential rainfall becoming more frequent across South America, such preventive measures are essential.
- 由于豪大雨更频繁地出现在整个南美洲,这些预防措施是不可或缺的。
- 22. Katrina's torrential rains and a massive storm surge proved too much for the decades-old levee system in New Orleans.
- 卡特里纳飓风带来的暴雨和海水风暴潮冲垮了新奥尔良几十年前建的围堤系统。
- 23. In Brazil more than 100 people were killed after hours of torrential rains triggered mudslides in Rio de Janeiro state.
- 在巴西的里约热内卢超过100人被豪雨带来的泥石流淹死。
- 24. AS RUSSIA burns to a crisp, thousands of kilometres to the south-west torrential storms visit unprecedented flooding on Pakistan.
- 一个是蔓延俄罗斯数千公里的大火,一个是西南巴基斯坦西南的史无前例滂沱暴雨。
- 25. Maybe the torrential rain misted up his glasses at some point during the match because that didn't tally with the display I saw.
- 也许比赛时的雨有点大,某些时候弄湿了他的眼镜,比赛中我看到的某些场景,他老人家却没有看到。
- 26. Many people there were living without water or electricity, in homes without roofs—and there has been torrential rain every day.
- 仰光停水停电,很多人住在没有屋顶的房子里---那里每天暴雨不断。
- 27. Torrential rain continues to hit China, with the National Meteorological Center maintaining its alert at the second-highest level, orange.
- 暴雨持续袭击中国,国家气象中心保持其警报在第二高的水平-橙色警报。
- 28. Torrential rain continues to hit China, with the National Meteorological Center maintaining its alert at the second-highest level, orange.
- 暴雨持续袭击中国,国家气象中心保持其警报在第二高的水平-橙色警报。