- 1. A woman drove up to the Rainbow Bridge tollbooth.
- 一个女人开车来到了彩虹桥收费站。
- 2. But we'll go through a tollbooth.
- 但我们会经过一个收费站。
- 3. ITunes is more of a tollbooth than a store.
- iTunes更像是一个收费亭,而不是商店。
- 4. Taxi Driver: But we'll go through a tollbooth.
- 计程车司机:但我们会经过一个收费站。
- 5. Yeah. It's a quiet road. But we'll go through a tollbooth. That'll cost you a little extra.
- 没错,那条路没什么车。但我们会经过一个收费站。你得付点额外的费用。
- 6. Explicitly consider the scenario where there is exactly one tollbooth per incoming travel lane.
- 明确考虑如下情景,即在进来的每个车道恰好只有一个收费亭。
- 7. If you're a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.
- 如果你是高速公路收费站管理员,每当一辆白色的车经过的时候,放松呼吸吧。
- 8. H: If you're a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.
- H:如果你是一个高速路上的过路收费员,每次当一辆白色的轿车开过来的时候,放松呼吸吧。
- 9. Taxi Driver: Yeah. It's a quiet road. But we'll go through a tollbooth. That'll cost you a little extra.
- 出租车司机:没错,那条路没什么车。但我们会经过一个收费站。你得付点额外的费用。
- 10. FOR Milo, a kid with plenty of time, life is a bore. Then one day, a tollbooth mysteriously appears in his room.
- 生活对Milo这样一个时间充裕的小孩来说是如此无聊,某天,一个公路收费亭在他的房间神秘出现,在驾驶玩具车经过它后,他进入了一个充满惊诧的新时空。
- 11. On the road, the advent of EZPass and other computerized toll machines are replacing human tollbooth collectors.
- 在公路上,EZPAass和其它计算机化收费机器的到来正在取代人类收费员。
- 12. Jones opened his own company, Chuck Jones Enterprises, in 1962, directing such animated features as The Phantom Tollbooth (1971) and specials for television.
- 琼斯于1962年开办了自己的公司——查克·琼斯公司,导演了诸如《收费亭里的幽灵》(1971年)等多部动画片和电视专题片。
- 13. So when exiting the tollbooths in a barrier toll, vehicles must "fan in" from the larger number of tollbooth egress lanes to the smaller number of regular travel lanes.
- 因此,当汽车驶出收费站之后,车流必须从较宽的收费站出口呈扇形快速并入车道较少的常规机动车道。
- 14. For example, "Those speed bumps are put in front of tollbooth plazas so that hard-of-seeing drivers will have more time to find exact change, " is one I was exposed to at a tender time of life.
- 拿我来说吧,当我还年少无知时,我常常听说“收费站前设有减速带是为了让那些眼神不好的司机有多点时间找零钱”。
- 15. For example, "Those speed bumps are put in front of tollbooth plazas so that hard-of-seeing drivers will have more time to find exact change, " is one I was exposed to at a tender time of life.
- 拿我来说吧,当我还年少无知时,我常常听说“收费站前设有减速带是为了让那些眼神不好的司机有多点时间找零钱”。