- 1. The cold air stung the man’s work and time-worn hands, but he didn’t notice.
- 此处的work其实是和time-worn一起修饰hand的,因此不能翻译为“这个人的工作”,而应该是“那双终年劳作、饱经风霜的手”。
- 2. The cold air stung the man's work and time-worn hands, but he didn't notice.
- 这寒冷的天气使他那双终年劳作、饱经风霜的手也感觉刺痛,但他没在意。
- 3. So it began to look tackier and tackier till in the beginning of second millennium it became looking really time-worn and run-down.
- 于是开始寻找庸俗和庸俗的第二个千年的开始寻找,直到它成为真正的时间,破旧和运行了。
- 4. Many say it reflects the communal nature of Japanese society, developed in the rice paddies and reflected in the time-worn adage, "the nail that sticks up will be hammered down."
- 许多人说,这反映了日本社会的集体天性:“枪打出头鸟。”
- 5. To maintain the building's familiar time-worn appearance, slates and timber salvaged from other outbuildings that were too damaged to be restored were used when resurfacing the roof.
- 为了保持建筑熟悉的饱经风霜的外观,石板和木材从其他附属建筑上被拆卸下来,由于这些材料有所损坏,所以当用于屋顶修复时也要进行修复。
- 6. Seat belts must be worn all the time.
- 安全带要一直系着。
- 7. At this time, a bowknot was adopted to be worn in lieu of the medal.
- 在这个时候,人们用蝴蝶结代替奖章。
- 8. Brewer says that the word comes from the time when silk or cloth shoes were worn indoors and in dry conditions.
- Brewer说,这个词来自于人们在室内和干燥的地方穿丝鞋或布鞋的时代。
- 9. It need only be worn at night, but can be worn the whole time for convenience.
- 它只需要夜间配戴,不过方便的话也可以一直戴着。
- 10. Giving herself no time to think, Anna carefully picked up her mother's worn bag and hung it around her neck. Then she flew out of the house and down, down to the warm human world below.
- 没有时间容她多想,安娜小心翼翼的拿起妈妈那个旧包挂在自己脖子上,然后,她飞出房子,直往下飞,来到了充满温暖的人间。
- 11. By using deep breathing as a replacement for giving in to your anger, your bad habit will get worn away over time until it disappears completely.
- 通过利用深呼吸来代替发泄怒火,你的坏习惯会随着时间逐渐磨平知道完全消失。
- 12. This causes inefficient use of the spindle, which increases benchwork finishing time in addition to the number of trips to the tool crib to replace worn, overloaded tooling.
- 这会导致主轴利用率低,增加精加工时间,使刀具过载。
- 13. I once worked harder and outperformed others. However, if I had worn a blue shirt as other workers did at that time, I would not have been noticed by my boss.
- 小伙子,我也是这样爬上来的.我非常卖力工作,表现得比所有人更好.如果当初我跟大家一样穿上蓝色的工人服,那么就很可能没有人会注意我的表现了.所以,我天天穿条纹衬衫,同时加倍努力.不久,我就出头了.老板注意我,升我当工头.后来我存够了钱,终于自己当了老板.
- 14. Alas, the text explains that these etched details have been more or less worn away by time. We are left with an odd and possibly fictional story: what we see, after all, is a plain old fruit pit.
- 文字解释说这些蚀刻的细节多多少少已被时间磨损,只留给我们怪异似小说情节的故事:毕竟我们看到的,只是一个普通的旧果核。
- 15. She had put on weight, and in spite of the makeup her face looked worn, not so much by time as by frustration, which surprised me, since I’d never really thought that Clara aspired to anything.
- 她身体发福了,尽管化了装,她的脸看上去憔悴不堪,与其说是因为时光的流逝到不如说是因为生活的挫折感使然,她的外表令我不胜惊讶,因为我从来没想象过克拉拉会变成今天这个模样。
- 16. And, appropriately, some of our sites now confront their own mortality-endangered by pollution or just worn down, like a few of us, by the passage of time.
- 而且,我们的一些地点相应还面临着自身的消亡——遭受污染的威胁,或者跟我们中的一些人一样,随着时间的流逝而消失。
- 17. That 'Nobody on his deathbed ever said, 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office, '' is a well-worn idiom.
- “从来没人在临终之际说:‘我要是把更多的时间花在了办公室就好了。’” 这句话被人们引用了无数次。
- 18. Designers often wear worn-out jeans and wrinkled t-shirts, and frankly, most of the time, I say embrace it.
- 设计师通常穿着破旧不堪的牛仔裤和皱巴巴的体恤,坦率地说,大部分时间我都可以接受这个样子。
- 19. If the upper appears pulled or stretched so that the foot is sliding off the midsole, or the grooves on the outsole are worn smooth, it's time for new running shoes.
- 如果上面的网布看起来呈拉伸或者撑起来的样子,那就说明脚在中底上打滑了,或者大底的花纹已经磨光了,就该买新跑鞋了。
- 20. They hang from thick cotton string or an aluminum chain; they're worn one at a time or three at a time, but they're there.
- 胸卡吊在粗棉线或铝制链上;有的佩带一张,有的同时佩带三张,反正胸卡处处可见。
- 21. Traditional Belarusian dress originated from the time of Kievian Rus continues to be worn today at special functions.
- 传统白俄罗斯服装起源于基辅罗斯,今天在特殊场合仍然有人穿着。
- 22. I write it out in a verse — MacDonagh and MacBride and Connolly and Pearse Now and in time to be, Wherever green is worn, Are changed, changed utterly: a terrible beauty is born.
- 我在诗中把它表达出来-,麦克·多纳和麦克布莱德,还有康诺利和皮尔斯,现在,或是将来,那所有披上绿色的地方,一切都变了,彻底变了:,一种惊人的美已经诞生。
- 23. You may have guessed, but these shoes are not intended to be worn for any extended period of time.
- 你可能也猜到了,这种鞋并不适合长时间穿着。
- 24. I can relate to this because I go through it every time I want to get rid of something that hasn't worn out, but I just don't want it any longer.
- 我能理解它,因为我经历过这样的事,每次我想扔一些还没穿破的东西,都只是我不想再要了。
- 25. The lenses, which are no more difficult to see through than normal contacts and can be worn for a month at a time, could also be loaded with drugs for cataracts and other eye conditions.
- 该种隐形眼镜和普通隐形眼镜一样,一次可以使用一个月时间,同样可以用于治疗白内障及其他眼疾。
- 26. This is not the first time a crook has worn a creative disguise while committing a crime.
- 劫匪作案创意变装的他可不是第一人。
- 27. For some time now Claire had not worn high heeled shoes.
- 如今克莱尔已有相当长时间没有没有穿高跟鞋。
- 28. For some time now Claire had not worn high heeled shoes.
- 如今克莱尔已有相当长时间没有没有穿高跟鞋。