- 1. Her eyes were wild with terror.
- 她的眼睛里充满了恐惧。
- 2. Her eyes were transfixed with terror.
- 他的双眼因恐惧而锁定。
- 3. The children watched in stark terror.
- 孩子们极端恐惧地看着。
- 4. The terror ended when armed police swooped on the car.
- 当武装警察突袭了这辆汽车时,这起恐怖活动就此结束。
- 5. The army had perfected the use of terror as a means of controlling the population.
- 军队已经能很好地利用恐怖手段来控制这里的人们。
- 6. The bomb attack on the capital could signal the start of a pre-election terror campaign.
- 对首都的炸弹袭击可能标志着选举前的恐怖活动的开始。
- 7. He is stupefied with grief [terror].
- 他因忧郁[恐怖]而发呆。
- 8. His joy has flown, for fear and terror take its place.
- 他的快乐飞走了,取而代之的是害怕和恐惧。
- 9. In terms of your emotional state, I remember a see-saw of panic and terror.
- 关于你的情绪状况,我记得是摇摆于惊慌与恐惧之间。
- 10. It can be concluded that the passage is most probably part of a terror story.
- 我们可以得出结论,这段话很可能是恐怖故事的一部分。
- 11. No, never heard of that, but my grandmother was a terror for that kind of thing.
- 没有,我从未听说过这个。但是我的祖母经常说那种恐怖的话。
- 12. Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.
- 它的“保护英格兰农村”运动使许多当地的保守党感到恐惧。
- 13. Surely he must have fainted; maybe he was dead; maybe his heart had burst under terror and excitement.
- 他一定是昏过去了;也许他已经死了;也许他的心在恐惧和兴奋之下炸裂了。
- 14. Colin answered as if neither the doctor's alarm nor Mrs. Medlock's terror were of the slightest consequence.
- 科林回答,好像医生的惊慌和梅洛太太的恐惧都无关紧要。
- 15. The consequence was, that the smaller boys spent their days in terror and suffering and their nights in plotting revenge.
- 结果,小一点的孩子们白天在恐惧和痛苦中度过,晚上则在策划复仇。
- 16. My relief reverted to terror when I opened The Watchman's Rattle, a book by the biologist and business leader Rebecca Costa.
- 当我打开《看守人的喋喋不休》这本书时,我的放松又变回恐惧,该书由同为生物学家和商业领袖的Rebecca Costa 所著。
- 17. What sets Jackson's family apart is that his father used his reign of terror to train his children as musicians and dancers.
- 让杰克逊家族与众不同的是,他的父亲利用他的恐怖统治训练他的孩子们成为音乐家和舞者。
- 18. It makes providing funds for terror activities a criminal offense and would freeze bank accounts of those who sponsor terrorism.
- 该法案将为恐怖活动提供资金定为犯罪行为,并将冻结那些支持恐怖主义的人的银行账户。
- 19. Her previous calm gave way to terror.
- 她先前的泰然自若已变为惊恐。
- 20. People fled from the explosion in terror.
- 人们惊恐地逃离了爆炸现场。
- 21. I froze with terror as the door slowly opened.
- 门慢慢开启时我吓呆了。
- 22. He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror.
- 他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。
- 23. As a boy, he had a real terror of facing people.
- 他小时候其实非常害怕见人。
- 24. People ran for the exits, screaming out in terror.
- 人们惊恐万状,尖叫着奔向出口。
- 25. I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods.
- 她任性易变喜怒无常,让我整天提心吊胆。
- 26. Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.
- 苏尖叫起来,声音不大,与其说是害怕不如说是吃惊。
- 27. The very name of the enemy struck terror into their hearts.
- 他们一听到敌人的名字就心惊胆战。
- 28. I shook with terror whenever I was about to fly in a plane.
- 我每次要坐飞机时都害怕得发抖。
- 29. These street gangs have become the terror of the neighbourhood.
- 这些街头少年团伙使得周围邻里谈之色变。
- 30. Some women have a terror of losing control in the birth process.
- 有些妇女惧怕在分娩过程中失去控制。