- 1. Tilde "n" s alone took up a whole shelf.
- 单是Tilde的“n”系列就占了整整一个货架。
- 2. For example, you can refer to your home directory with the sigil ~ (tilde).
- 例如,您可以使用符号 ~(波浪符号)引用您的home目录。
- 3. Match one backlash; match two backslashes; match tilde + two backslashes.
- 匹配一个反弹;匹配两个反斜杠;匹配波浪线+两个反斜杠。
- 4. The bit that's doing the business is the General Sibling selector "~" (tilde).
- 做业务的一些一般的兄弟姐妹选择器“~”(波浪线)。
- 5. To do this, just use tilde followed by the user's login name, as Listing 14 shows.
- 为此,执行后面带该用户登录名的波浪号命令,如清单14所示。
- 6. In fact, the $HOME variable can be so helpful that it's got an alias: the tilde (~).
- 事实上,$HOME变量太有用了,以至于它有一个别名:波浪号(~)。
- 7. Tilde are not used, as they are often much bigger than the spacing modifier accents.
- 口音旋和波形不被用来作为他们往往远远大于间距修饰的口音。
- 8. You can use the tilde character (~) at the end of a single search word to do a fuzzy search.
- 你可以在搜索词的尾部加上字符 ~来进行模糊查询。
- 9. You can switch the case of the alpha character underneath your cursor in vi the tilde key (~).
- 在vi中,可以切换游标下的字母字符的大小写,方法是按escape,然后按波浪号键(~)。
- 10. A destructor is named in a similar manner, except that it has a ~ (tilde) followed by the parent's name.
- 析构方法按类似的方式命名,除了它的母体名前有一个~(否定号)。
- 11. You can enter a numeric character prior to the tilde to denote how many alpha characters you want to change.
- 可以在波浪号前面输入一个数字,表示希望改变多少个字母字符的大小写。
- 12. Accents Circumflex and Tilde are not used, as they are often much bigger than the spacing modifier accents.
- 口音旋和波形不被用来作为他们往往远远大于间距修饰的口音。
- 13. Conjugation of SoaML Requests is indicated in Figure 4 by applying a tilde (~) appended to the name of a Request.
- 图4中在请求名称中附加了一个波浪线(~),表明了SoaML请求的共轭关系。
- 14. You can also use tilde to list or work with files in another user's home directory (if your permissions allow it).
- 还可以使用波浪号列示或处理另一个用户的主目录中的文件(如果有足够权限)。
- 15. Synonym search looks for words that mean similar things. Use the tilde symbol before your keyword, like this: ~ eggplant.
- 同义搜索来寻找那些类似的信息,只须在你的关键词臆加一根波浪线,比如:~eggplant。
- 16. Putting a tilde in front of a search term (with no space in between) effectively turns that term into any of its synonyms.
- 在一个搜索关键词词前(中间无空格)加上“~”(波浪线,不好双引号,下同)将会有效地把那个关键词转换为它的近义词。
- 17. You can also use a tilde (~) to mean your own home directory and ~username to mean the home directory of the user named username.
- 您还可以使用一个波浪符号 (~)来表示自己的主目录,并使用 ~用户名 表示名为 username 的用户的主目录。
- 18. If you're in some other directory, there's no need to go home first or to type the full directory path. Just use the tilde character.
- 如果您位于其他目录中,不必先返回主目录或者键入完整的目录路径,只需使用波浪号即可。
- 19. A "~" (single tilde) is a shortcut to the search path that represents the Account object of the user that the IBM Cognos 8 SDK application is using for authentication.
- “ ~ ”(一个波浪字符)是一个搜索路径快捷方式,表示IBMCognos8SDK应用程序用于身份验证的用户的帐户对象。
- 20. LOTHAR (Land Optronic thermal Aiming Resource) is a multi sensor system specifically designed for Fire Control Systems equipped with the "Tilde" thermal camera (ir cooled).
- Lothar系统是一种多传感器系统,专为配备“蒂尔德”热成像仪(红外制冷)的火控系统设计。
- 21. Lucene supports fuzzy searches based on the Levenshtein Distance, or Edit Distance algorithm. To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term.
- Lucene支持基于编辑距离算法的模糊搜索,你可以使用波浪符号“~”放在查询词的后面,比如搜索一个与“roam”拼写相近的词可以使用。
- 22. File checking occurs in the check function and simply looks for files ending with a tilde (~) or pound sign (#), beginning with a pound sign, or ending with the extension .pyc.
- 文件检查发生在check函数中,仅简单地检查以波浪号(~)或者井号(#)结束的文件,以井号后开始或扩展名 .pyc 结束的文件。
- 23. File checking occurs in the check function and simply looks for files ending with a tilde (~) or pound sign (#), beginning with a pound sign, or ending with the extension .pyc.
- 文件检查发生在check函数中,仅简单地检查以波浪号(~)或者井号(#)结束的文件,以井号后开始或扩展名 .pyc 结束的文件。