- 1. A Tokay gecko hangs upside down in its terrarium at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- 宾夕法尼亚州费城自然科学院的养缸里,一只壁虎倒挂着。
- 2. Widely used for terrarium, pet house, etc.
- 广泛地应用于爬行动物饲养箱、宠物屋等。
- 3. Finally, place your plants inside the terrarium.
- 最后将植物放到水晶球盆景中。
- 4. However, a larger terrarium with a ratio of 1 male to 5 females is ideal.
- 然而,更大的水晶球的比例为1男5女是理想的。
- 5. Make new friends by keeping it green. Create your own sunny mini-terrarium.
- 用绿色来装点创造你自己的阳光微景观。
- 6. —and, with his heart pounding, lowered the box into the terrarium and opened the lid.
- ——而且他的心也怦怦直跳,他把纸箱放进玻璃容器里,打开盖子。
- 7. Or you can keep it in a more expensive glass terrarium container with a screen lid.
- 或者,你可以饲养在一个昂贵的玻璃饲养箱子里。
- 8. Students will learn and make their own little terrarium while enjoying afternoon tea.
- 大家将在轻松的氛围中,一边享受下午茶,一边交流并动手做出自己的小世界。
- 9. Males are highly aggressive towards each other when confined in a small terrarium with a number of females.
- 男性非常积极的努力时,相互封闭在一个小水晶球了一些女性。
- 10. These under tank heaters permanently adhere to your terrarium, forming a solid bond for optimum heat transfer.
- 这些水箱加热器与玻璃容器很好的联系在一起,以实现最佳的传热效果。
- 11. The research aimed at the design of a tube-type medicinal Terrarium image inspecting system based on machine vision.
- 本课题的研究目的是设计一套基于计算机视觉的药用管制玻璃瓶检测系统实验装置。
- 12. Our main products lines are LED lamps, aquarium lamp, Heating lamp and lighting for pets, cages and terrarium for reptiles.
- 自有模具五金车间,主要产品有LED水族灯宠物加热灯照明灯爬虫笼和缸。
- 13. Finally if you find that you need something even more chill than Ivy, try your hand at making an ultra-low maintenance moss terrarium.
- 最后,要是你发现你需要一种比常春藤还要耐寒的植物,试试动手做一个可以在超低温下生存的苔类景观箱吧。
- 14. Then he lifted the snake—it was noticeably warm to the touch on the side that had been closest to the fire—and laid it gently in the terrarium.
- 然后,他提起蛇——靠近火的那一边的身体摸上去明显有了温度——把它轻柔地放回玻璃容器内。
- 15. The upcoming workshop is a fun moss terrarium workshop. Whether you are already a member or aren't a member yet, we would like to invite you over.
- 最新一期即将举办的,将是有趣的苔藓微景观手作体验课,无论你已经是芳草地会员或是尚未加入,都欢迎你来参加。
- 16. Make new friends by keeping it green. Create your own sunny mini-terrarium. With the help of our professionals, you can become an expert gardener!
- 用绿色来装点创造你自己的阳光微景观。在我们专业的指导下,你也可以成为一名巧心的园丁。
- 17. Overall system relates to image processing, DSP technology, it can inspect the defective tube-type medicinal Terrarium with other auxiliary equipment.
- 整个系统以图像处理、DSP技术为基础,针对药用管制玻璃瓶的缺陷进行检测。
- 18. It was no more animate than the glass walls of the terrarium, and Gerard wondered how anyone, even an expert, could tell if the thing was alive or dead.
- 如同养育箱的玻璃墙一样没有活力,此时,杰拉德想知道,即使是行家,如何来辨别这东西是死了还是活着。
- 19. He set down the box and then dragged the python's terrarium across the floor from the bedroom to the living room and set it to one side of the fireplace.
- 他放下箱子,把装有蟒蛇的养育箱从卧室拖到客厅并把它放在壁炉的一侧。
- 20. Mind you, a bottle terrarium will not help with that most common of horticultural mistakes---inadequate light. Bottle terraria just help improve humidity.
- 请注意!塑胶瓶只能帮你提高溼度,不能弥补你其他栽培上的错误,例如光线不足。
- 21. He set down the box and then dragged the python 's terrarium across the floor from the bedroom to the living room and set it to one side of the fireplace.
- 他放下箱子,把装有蟒蛇的养育箱从卧室拖到客厅并把它放在壁炉的一侧。
- 22. A moss terrarium is consisted of mosses and ferns - plants with a similar environment, along with cute little decorations to create a new kind of tabletop decoration.
- 苔藓是用苔藓植物和蕨类植物等生长环境相近的植物,搭配各种造景小玩偶,运用美学的构图原则组合种植在一起的新型桌面盆栽。
- 23. She asked for help creating a terrarium, telling the woman behind the register, "I've never made one before, but I looked it up on the Internet and was totally obsessed."
- 女店员说:“我从来没有做过,但是我在网上看过,现在我完全被迷住了。”
- 24. In the last year, she said, the best-selling item in her online store has been a kit for building a terrarium in a small glass bubble. "We sold a gazillion of them, " she said.
- 她说在去年网上商店销售最好的是利用试管瓶制作的水晶球,她说:“我们买了很多。”
- 25. The principle of natural and lifelike in artworks can be fully embodied in respects of imitated coral, aquarium and terrarium decoration or artificial bonsai and garden ornaments.
- “师法自然,讲求逼真”的艺术宗旨,无论在仿真水族布景,还是山水盆景设计等各方面都能充分体现。
- 26. The principle of natural and lifelike in artworks can be fully embodied in respects of imitated coral, aquarium and terrarium decoration or artificial bonsai and garden ornaments.
- “师法自然,讲求逼真”的艺术宗旨,无论在仿真水族布景,还是山水盆景设计等各方面都能充分体现。