- 1. With a thin scream, like a tea-kettle whistle, the medusa starts to descend.
- 随着一声像茶壶煮开了水那样的微弱的叫声,水母开始下降。
- 2. "You've been dreaming," scoffed his wife; "that's only an ordinary brass tea-kettle."
- “你在做白日梦吧。”妻子对他的话嗤之以鼻,“只是个普普通通的茶釜嘛。”
- 3. So they all landed, taking with them a Tea-kettle, intending to gather some of the Oranges and place them in it.
- 于是他们登陆了,拿着一只茶壶,想采一些橘子放在茶壶里带回去。
- 4. I suppose there's noneed to, in heaven, " she said, straightening her loosened braids with a laugh, and bending over the tea-kettle."
- 我想压根儿就没有哭的必要,”她说,接着笑了一声,理了理松散的发带,俯身去拿茶壶。
- 5. It's interesting because on the surface everything look great, everyone was always watching over their shoulders and it was like a tea-kettle about to boil over.
- 微妙是因为表面上看起来一起都很美好,但每个人都小心注意着他们后面,就像一个快要沸腾的茶壶。
- 6. Then the tinker, dressed up in his wide ceremonial clothes, with a big fan in his hand, came out on the platform, made his politest bow and set the wonderful tea-kettle on the stage.
- 修补匠上场了。他穿着宽大的节日礼服,手里握着把大折扇,深深地弯腰鞠躬,然后把那只奇妙的茶釜放在台上。
- 7. About midnight, hearing a strange noise like the flapping up and down of a pot-lid, he sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, and there was the bewitched tea-kettle covered with fur and sprouting out legs.
- 半夜的时候,他听到一阵奇怪的响动,好像是壶盖在上下扑腾。修补匠坐起来,揉了揉眼睛,就看到那只成了精的茶釜全身长了毛,正往外伸腿呢。
- 8. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water remaining in the kettle and in the cups of the guests.
- 在上茶的过程中,主人要注意茶壶和客人的茶杯里还剩多少水。
- 9. I'll put the kettle on for tea.
- 我来烧壶水好沏茶。
- 10. I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.
- 我来烧壶开水泡点茶。
- 11. I'll put the kettle on and make us some tea.
- 我来烧壶水给咱们沏点儿茶。
- 12. She lifted the kettle a little and tilted its spout over the tea-pot.
- 她稍稍提起烧水壶,将壶嘴向茶壶倾斜。
- 13. He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.
- 他除了烧开水和沏茶以外无事可做。
- 14. Some seniors would even carry a tea kettle when they travel.
- 有些老人甚至在旅行时带着茶壶。
- 15. What they don't tell you: It's not just how much water you boil that determines the carbon footprint of your tea or coffee, but also the type of kettle you use.
- 他们没告诉你的第四件事:冲茶和咖啡的碳足迹的多少不在于用了多少开水,而在于烧水壶的形式。
- 16. Prowse said, when she had asked why there was a pale yellow powder at the bottom of the tea, he had rinsed the cup and told her it was fur from the kettle.
- 普劳斯说,当她问为什么茶底有浅黄色沉淀,他说那是茶壶的水垢,洗了杯子。
- 17. This lamp can be used as a kettle to heat water for a cup of tea with the help of small light bulb.
- 这盏灯可以用作一个水壶可以加热一杯茶水。
- 18. If you took my advice above, you probably ditched your tea kettle, since you could use a pot or a microwave to heat water.
- 考虑了第2条建议,你可能就会把茶水壶给抛弃,因为你还可以使用锅或微波炉来加热水。
- 19. Can two Google searches really produce as much carbon dioxide as boiling enough water in an electric kettle for a cup of tea?
- 两条Google搜索真的能产生用电水壶烧一壶茶所产生的二氧化碳?
- 20. But if good tea is important to you, then you should keep your favorite tea kettle, even if it's a single-purpose item.
- 如果喝茶对你是重要的,现在就应这样考虑,你应该保留着你喜爱的茶水壶,即便那是一件只有单一用途的物品。
- 21. He took the kettle off the fire and mashed the tea.
- 他把水壶从炉子上拿下来,泡了杯茶。
- 22. Shinji ordered pork and shrimp ramen and agreed to split a large kettle of green tea with her.
- 她点了米饭、蔬菜和绿茶,(一点儿肉都不吃,能行吗……pia飞-译者注)真嗣点的猪肉鲜虾拉面,饮料就和丽一起喝那一大壶绿茶。
- 23. For a sound like a tea kettle crooning on the fire was.
- 因为这时房间里响彻着一个声音,就像是茶壶在火炉上低沉地扑扑响声。
- 24. You can buy a new electric tea kettle featuring easy - to - dismember recyclable parts.
- 你可以买到一把新的电茶壶,它的特点是能够轻易分解成可回收的部件。
- 25. The kettle whistled, and Polly made the tea.
- 烧水壶呜呜地响了,波莉沏了茶。
- 26. Polly, put the kettle on. We'll all have tea. Sukey, take it off again.
- 波利,做壶水。我们都有茶水喝。苏克,把水壶拿走了。
- 27. Polly, put the kettle on. We'll all have tea. Sukey, take it off again.
- 波利,做壶水。我们都有茶水喝。苏克,把水壶拿走了。