- 1. Last year a federal task-force urged reform for patents related to genetic tests.
- 去年,一个联邦特别工作组敦促对基因检测相关的专利进行改革。
- 2. The task force is comprised of congressional leaders, cabinet heads and administration officials.
- 该任务队由国会领导人、内阁首脑和行政官员构成。
- 3. The mayor's handpicked task force has now begun prosecuting a dozen city officials.
- 市长亲自挑选的工作小组现在已经开始起诉十几名市政官员。
- 4. He created a task force charged with looking at a range of women's issues.
- 他成立了一个工作组,任务是研究一系列有关妇女的问题。
- 5. The dispatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.
- 派遣特遣队纯粹是应急措施。
- 6. The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.
- 美国正派遣一支海军特遣队赶赴该地区疏散美国公民。
- 7. Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcement task force with the avowed mission of eradicating corruption in city government.
- 去年,斯蒂芬斯市长成立了一个特别执法工作组,公开宣称要根除市政府的腐败。
- 8. He starred in two of my favourite Hong Kong movies from the 1990s: DOWNTOWN TORPEDOES and TASK FORCE.
- 他主演了两部20世纪90年代我最喜欢的香港电影:《神偷谍影》和《特种部队》。
- 9. Mr. Ban says the new task force will study the root causes of the crisis and propose solutions to be executed decisively.
- 潘基文说,新成立的工作小组将研究危机产生的根源,并提出必须果断执行的解决方案。
- 10. The task force issued its latest guidelines after reviewing the evidence from a number of studies on aspirin's benefits and risks.
- 工作小组是在评估了有关阿司匹林益处和风险的多项研究得出的证据之后发布的最新指南。
- 11. They designed a task force to fully implement a planning process using monthly sales and operations meetings.
- 他们设立了一个工作小组,召开月度销售与运营会议来全面实施这一规划流程。
- 12. Explosives in Damaturu destroyed police headquarters, the Joint Task Force office and five churches.
- 达马图鲁的警局总部、联合工作小组办公室和五座教堂在爆炸中被毁。
- 13. Stay in touch with the task force convenors and monitor their progress.
- 和任务组召集人保持联系,跟踪他们的进展。
- 14. I'm trying to find a group of experts to put together a task force.
- 我现在正在查找一组专家以便组成一个特别工作组。
- 15. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
- 因特网工程工作小组(IETF)
- 16. IETF: Vist the Internet Engineering Task Force.
- IETF:拜访因特网工程工作小组。
- 17. The FMoH has formed a task force, including UNICEF and WHO to coordinate the overall response to the epidemic.
- 联邦卫生部组织了一个包括联合国儿童基金会和世卫组织在内的工作队,协调对该病流行作出的总体反应。
- 18. For each task force, recruit one or two professionals in that area to serve as the initial convenors.
- 对于每一个工作队,招募一两个在这个领域的专业人士作为初步召集人。
- 19. If the whole group is confident in a task force or committee it should empower the subgroup to make most decisions on its own.
- 如果整个团队对于一个特别小组或者委员会有信心,那应该授权子团队自己来进行大多数决策。
- 20. He argues the job should be handed over to a bipartisan task force.
- 他认为,这项工作应该交给由两党组成的工作组。
- 21. After the attack, the FBI and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service set up a task force to investigate who had done it.
- 袭击发生后,FBI和美国邮政检查服务局成立了一个工作队来调查谁是幕后黑手。
- 22. WHO is assisting the task force and has provided 7 tons of emergency supplies for the immediate response.
- 世卫组织正在协助该专题小组并已提供7吨应急物资用于紧急应对。
- 23. Apple even submitted the protocol to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for consideration as a universal standard.
- 苹果公司甚至还将该协议提交给互联网工程任务组(IETF)作为通用标准的候选。
- 24. The task force includes vessels from the United States and the European Union.
- 这一特别行动小组包括美国和欧盟的战舰。
- 25. These were among a series of outcomes issued by the Global Task Force meeting held on 9 and 10 October in Geneva.
- 这些内容只是全球专题小组于10月9日和10日在日内瓦召开的会议上发布的一系列结果中的一部分。
- 26. A new international Task Force was launched and met for the first time today to tackle the global shortage of health workers.
- 启动了一个新的国际专题小组并于今天第一次召开会议以应对全球卫生工作者短缺的问题。
- 27. Some of these conflicting forces have been at work within the task force itself.
- 某些矛盾力量在特别工作组内就已经开始活动。
- 28. A national task force comprising MoH, WHO and other international partners in the field, is coordinating the response to this outbreak.
- 由卫生部、世卫组织和当地其它国际伙伴组成的一个国家专题小组,正在对这一暴发的应对行动加以协调。
- 29. Codex also created a Task Force to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance in food of animal origin.
- 法典委还建立了一个专题小组处理动物源食品中的抗微生物药物耐药性问题。
- 30. The Task Force will focus on practical solutions.
- 专题小组将注重于实用的解决方案。