- 1. Tain this song.
- 覃这首歌。
- 2. He spent a lot of money on [in] enter - tain ing friends.
- 他在招待朋友上花了许多钱。
- 3. He wasted a lot of money on [in] enter - tain ing friends.
- 他在招待朋友上花了许多钱。
- 4. This system can also automatically update and main - tain FAQ.
- 该系统还能够自动地更新和维护faq库。
- 5. Passing by the Fairy Cave. Bigger than the one in Tain Mu Mountain?
- 路过嵊州仙人洞。比天姥山那个大?
- 6. I think it's a good way of killing time and enter-tain ing yourself.
- I认为这是好办法,造成时间和输入,泰宁自己。
- 7. Otherwise the insurance company would no doubt have enter- tain ed your case.
- 不然的话,保险公司毫无疑问将会接受索赔的。
- 8. The petiole and the stem all posses assimilation, but con-tain very littls mechanical tissue.
- 叶柄、茎均具同化功能,但机械组织不发达。
- 9. God commanded Israel to fight on cer-tain occasions for a special reason which does not apply today.
- 有时神吩咐以色列民战斗是出于某个特别的原因,这样的原因在我们今天已不适用。
- 10. The feature of the source bed is the essential condition for the formation of gold deposits of cer-tain types.
- 矿源层是某些类型金矿成矿的必要条件之一。
- 11. Love may conquer death and the fear of death. Only through love can man main tain and continue life. — Ivan Turgenev.
- 爱是可以战胜死亡和对死的恐惧的。只有爱才能使生命维持和延续。- - -I .屠格涅夫。
- 12. Then followed a battle of looks between them, but the cap-tain soon put away his weapon and sat down like a beaten dog.
- 他们的目光对峙了一会儿,老船长终于收起了刀子,像一条斗败的狗一样坐在那里。
- 13. But Xury was happy to go to the cap-tain, and the captain was a good man. 'In ten years'time, 'he said, 'Xury can go free.
- 但苏里很乐意跟随船长,这位船长是一个好人。“十年后,”他说,“苏里将会获得自由”。
- 14. The history of Chinese education to a cer - tain extent can be seen as a memory of the history of traditional Chinese culture.
- 中医教育的历史从某种程度上可以看作是传承中国传统文化的历史。
- 15. I wait him for a long time. Suddenly, the tain coming and many people get off the train. I look around and try to find the Mr Smith.
- 我一直等了好长时间,突然有火车来了,许多旅客下车,我四处寻找史密斯先生。
- 16. Tain eyes the happy crowd, knowing they are all anxious to eat and drink and party. He hesitates and the lines that plough his face deepen.
- 汀看着喜悦的人们,知道他们全都渴望着大吃大喝大玩。他犹豫了一下…。脸上的皱纹又加深了。
- 17. The strains isolated from nodules of the recombinant grown on soybean root main-tain the same high tolerance to salt, antibiotics and toxin.
- 该重组体在大豆根上能结瘤,并且从根瘤中分离出的后代品系对盐、抗生素和毒素仍保持同样高的抗性。
- 18. From the Angle of national land data, this paper analyzes the problems in national spatial data and introduces cer-tain approaches to solving the problems.
- 从国土数据的角度出发,分析国土空间数据存在的问题,提出一些解决问题的方法。
- 19. Methods Selected I branch 62 cases with chronic heart failure patients were randomly pided into left hospital, karni tain treatment group and control group.
- 方法入选我科62例慢性心力衰竭住院患者,随机分为治疗组和对照组。
- 20. The new publication of the Tain legend, one of the great heroic tales of Ancient Ireland, gave the people of Ireland something native of which they could be truly proud.
- 新版传奇故事是古爱尔兰伟大英雄故事之一,它给予了爱尔兰人一些真正值得他们骄傲的本土产物。
- 21. In this article, methods for optimizing the injection of C_3 polymerization inhibitor are presented based on the mechanism of fouling, and a cer - tain effect is achieved upon implementation.
- 文中从结垢的机理出发,提出了优化碳三阻聚剂注入的方法并予以实施,取得了一定的效果。
- 22. In this article, methods for optimizing the injection of C_3 polymerization inhibitor are presented based on the mechanism of fouling, and a cer - tain effect is achieved upon implementation.
- 文中从结垢的机理出发,提出了优化碳三阻聚剂注入的方法并予以实施,取得了一定的效果。