- 1. Another aspect of synchrony is that people often try to validate their opinions to those of others.
- 同步性的另一个方面是,人们经常试图向他人证明自己的观点。
- 2. One of the social needs addressed by conversational flow is the human need for "synchrony"—to be "in sync" or in harmony with one another.
- 对话流程满足的社会需求之一是人类对“同步”的需求——即保持“同步性”或相互协调性。
- 3. In some sense, it is the synchrony that induces diffusion slowing.
- 这种同步状态正是扩散速度下降的原因。
- 4. Patient's comfort and synchrony have also to be taken into account.
- 患者的舒适性和人机同步性也是需要考虑的。
- 5. Then we'll delve deep into the warm and welcoming world of synchrony.
- 接着我们就会融入到这个温暖而又充满着爱的大同世界。
- 6. "The dining problem of philosophers" is a typical subject of synchrony.
- “哲学家进餐问题”是一个典型的同步问题。
- 7. "The dining problem of the philosophers" is a typical subject of synchrony.
- “哲学家进餐问题”是典型的同步问题。
- 8. Their synchrony reduces the number of possible states the brain can be in, lowering its phi.
- 他们之间的同步性大大减少了大脑可能处于的状态,减小了phi值。
- 9. Three parts of work are done in the subject: First: The synchrony of the abnormal oscillation.
- 论文的主要工作分以下三方面:第一:神经异常振荡的同步。
- 10. In order to handle network partitions, the extended virtual synchrony(EVS) model is introduced.
- 为支持网络可划分的情况,引入了扩展虚拟同步模型。
- 11. Conclusion: Under the state of qigong, the synchrony of the brain motor cortex was enhanced obviously.
- 结论:进入气功状态后,脑运动功能皮质低频活动的同步性会明显增强。
- 12. And they explain a huge swath of life, from emotional contagion and social synchrony to how infants learn.
- 他们可以用来解释生活中很大部分的现象,从情绪感染和社交同步到婴儿如何学习。
- 13. Synchrony guides employees, step by step, through even the most complex customer-service and up-selling situations.
- Synchrony 指导员工逐步完成即便是最复杂的客户服务和向上销售情况。
- 14. The sympatry in space and the synchrony in time indicated that these natural enemies had high efficiency to control their preys.
- 天敌和害虫在空间上的同域性和时间上的同步性说明了天敌对害虫控制作用较明显。
- 15. Shaftless driver is an advanced transmission mode, which can solve the problem of synchrony in the high-precision printing line.
- 无轴传动是目前比较先进的、可以解决高精度印刷同步性的一种新的传动方式。
- 16. These suggested that AAI had atrioventricular synchrony and synchrony of ventricle contraction, and was a suitable pacing mould.
- 认为AAI起搏既保持了房室顺序同步性又维持了心室收缩舒张顺序的同步性,是较理想的起搏方式。
- 17. Synchrony heterogeneity: There's almost always a need to support both synchronous and asynchronous interactions between applications.
- 同步异构性:几乎始终需要同时支持应用程序之间的同步和异步交互。
- 18. While other animals' brain regions development in synchrony, in humans, the development of the PFC lags far behind that of other areas.
- 其他动物的大脑区域发育是同步的,而人类的PFC发育远远慢于大脑其他区域。
- 19. Objective To assess the effect of interventricular synchrony on left ventricular structure and function remodeling by echocardiography.
- 目的应用超声心动图探讨心室间协同性对心脏解剖结构和功能重构的影响。
- 20. This paper tries, from the perspective of diachrony and synchrony, to analyze the grammaticalization features and cognitive motivations.
- 本文从历时和共时的角度分析研究英汉并列、主从关系连接词的语法化特征和语法化理据。
- 21. Objective To assess left intraventricular contractive synchrony in patients with congestive heart failure by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI).
- 目的用组织多普勒(TDI)研究慢性充血性心力衰竭(心衰)患者左室内收缩同步性。
- 22. Fire ants often march onto the abdomen of a pet lying outdoors enjoying the sun, then sting in synchrony, which is a very painful experience.
- 宠物在户外躺下享受阳光时,火蚁常常朝它们腹部进军,然后同时叮咬,这可是非常痛苦的体验。
- 23. Now a new design gives this curved camera a boost: the shape of the lens and of its sensor can be changed in synchrony, providing a 3.5x zoom.
- 如今,一种新的设计再次提升了这种曲面摄像头的性能:通过改变镜头和传感器的形状带来3.5倍的光学变焦。
- 24. In other words, the programming model that you use to invoke a Web service usually determines the synchrony of the call, and not the network protocol.
- 换句话说,用来调用Web服务的编程模型通常确定调用的同步性,而不是网络协议。
- 25. Normally the sinoatrial node generates regular electrical pulses that spread across the Chambers of the heart, causing the cells to contract in synchrony.
- 正常情况下,窦房结产生规律的电脉冲,传入各心房,再带动细胞同步收缩。
- 26. This was of modest consequence in a era, only recently past, when our ability to conduct these conversations was restricted by proximity and synchrony.
- 我们进行对话的能力被这些近在咫尺的左邻右舍、整齐划一的步调所约束。这是一个时代里的结果,这一切就发生在最近。
- 27. Thus, a suitable adjusting training before each race will inevitably achieve the synchrony between the rhythm of physical strength and the race requirement.
- 因此,赛前对运动员进行适宜的调整训练,可使运动员的体能节律与比赛的体能要求达到同步。
- 28. Thus, a suitable adjusting training before each race will inevitably achieve the synchrony between the rhythm of physical strength and the race requirement.
- 因此,赛前对运动员进行适宜的调整训练,可使运动员的体能节律与比赛的体能要求达到同步。