- 1. I'm really not a bit surprised.
- 我确实毫不吃惊。
- 2. He was genuinely surprised.
- 他真得吃了一惊。
- 3. I'm not really surprised.
- 我并不真地惊讶。
- 4. My words surprised and confused him.
- 我的话使他既惊讶又困惑。
- 5. These stories surprised and moved me.
- 这些故事令我吃惊,并且感动了我。
- 6. She looked surprised when I told her.
- 我告诉她时她显得很惊讶。
- 7. He whistled, surprised but not shocked.
- 他吹了声口哨,有些惊讶,但并不震惊。
- 8. She seemed neither surprised nor worried.
- 她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。
- 9. The violence of her feelings surprised him.
- 她感情之强烈使他吃惊。
- 10. He was surprised at her breadth of reading.
- 他对于她的博览群书感到惊讶。
- 11. Quite frankly , I'm not surprised you failed.
- 老实说,我对你的失败不感到意外。
- 12. I was surprised by the strength of her feelings.
- 她感情之强烈让我吃惊。
- 13. He has surprised us before with his inventiveness.
- 他以前曾以创造才能令我们吃惊。
- 14. I'm not surprised that your studies are suffering.
- 你功课变差,我并不感到惊讶。
- 15. We were surprised by the narrowness of our victory.
- 我们对自己勉强获胜感到惊讶。
- 16. She didn't sound surprised when I told her the news.
- 我把消息告诉她时,她好像并不感到惊讶。
- 17. I was surprised by his preparedness to break the law.
- 我对他打算以身试法感到惊讶。
- 18. I was surprised at the cross-section of people there.
- 我对那里人的典型性类型感到惊讶。
- 19. She was, not unnaturally , very surprised at the news.
- 这消息自然让她大吃一惊。
- 20. Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.
- 她未列入该编组使大家感到惊讶。
- 21. People were surprised that Smith was omitted from the team.
- 人们感到惊讶,史密斯竟未列入该队。
- 22. This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet.
- 这位女士确实对发生在她宠物身上的事感到吃惊。
- 23. Her docility had surprised him.
- 她的顺从让他吃了一惊。
- 24. I was surprised, to say the least.
- 毫不夸张地说,我感到吃惊。
- 25. I was somewhat surprised to see him.
- 见到他我颇感诧异。
- 26. I'm surprised you fell for that trick.
- 我感到惊奇,你竟中了那个诡计。
- 27. I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.
- 我没想到她这么快就同意了。
- 28. It's always surprised me how popular he is.
- 他怎么那么受欢迎,我百思不得其解。
- 29. Charles's visit surprised and gladdened him.
- 查理的造访让他又惊又喜。
- 30. At first, he seemed surprised by my questions.
- 起初,他似乎对我的问题感到意外。