- 1. Carmen stayed behind in the dark, sunless room.
- 卡门待在那个黑暗的不见阳光的屋子里。
- 2. The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base.
- 黎明时天气阴沉,云层压得很低。
- 3. Suspended on their stilts, the actors remove their masks and reveal their off-white faces, staring terrified at a sunless sky, dark clouds congregating.
- 演员们被吊在高跷上,他们摘下面具,露出他们苍白的脸,惊恐地盯着没有阳光,乌云聚集在一起的天空。
- 4. Most flowers will not grow in a sunless place.
- 多数花卉在没有阳光的地方不能生长。
- 5. The two were silent in a sunless church
- 两个人沉默,没有阳光的教堂里
- 6. We love each other in the sunless abyss.
- 我们爱对方在没有阳光的深渊。
- 7. Quickly get the most flawless, natural-looking sunless tan ever.
- 快速得到最完美的,自然的仿晒棕褐色肤色。
- 8. Earth spins, and Wing, the high island, is hurled into the sunless shadow of night.
- 地球旋转,在一个叫做翼的高地。正在被卷入阴暗的夜之影。
- 9. While I was enduring another sunless English winter, letters and cards from home streamed in.
- 在我忍受着度过又一个缺少阳光的英国冬天时,家乡的信件和明信片雪片般的飞来。
- 10. Plus, use the special plant selector to grow for every possible situation and condition, from sunless walls to sandy soil.
- 另外,使用特殊的植物选择成长为每个可能的情况和条件,从昏暗的墙壁沙质土壤。
- 11. A year later, she was groping13 her way alone through another sunless bog14, but this time she reached a rest for her feet.
- 一年以后,她又独自一人摸索着穿过另一处不见阳光的沼泽,但这一次她找到了一处歇脚的地方。
- 12. I admitted as much when it started to get darker, the sunless day fading toward a starless night, but Jacob was more confident.
- 看着天色渐渐暗下来,没有阳光的白日慢慢被无星之夜取缔时,我不得不认输了,但雅革却变得越来越有积极。
- 13. Researchers have found a chemical from a tropical mint plant that works both as a sunless tanner and as a solar shield in fair-skinned mice.
- 研究人员从热带一种薄荷类植物中发现的化学物质对缺乏阳光照射的皮革以及实验室隔绝阳光的“白皮”鼠都有作用。
- 14. Lasers beamed from landing craft could, he says, power rovers in sunless areas of the moon or Mars, such as craters where water might be found.
- 他说,登陆飞行器传送的激光能够为月亮或火星上阳光不足之地的漫游探测器提供能量,比如在水源可能存在的火山口这种地方。
- 15. According to Mr Petro, lasers beamed from landing craft could power rovers in sunless areas of the moon or Mars, such as craters where water might be found.
- 根据Petro先生的说法,激光传输系统可以在没有太阳光的月球或火星区域上发挥作用,例如在有可能找到水源的火山口内。
- 16. How beautiful the summer night is, which is not night, but a sunless, yet unclouded day, descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolness!
- 夏日的夜晚也是美丽的,与其称它为夜晚,它其实更像一个阳光照射不到的,晴朗的白昼,它携带清露,阴凉以及一丝丝清爽降落到了地球!
- 17. In a pristine environment, you can have a massage, get a Botox treatment, be wrapped in a moisturizing herbal cocoon, get a healthy sunless tan and even have a tattoo removed.
- 在一个纯净的环境,你可以有一个按摩,获得肉毒杆菌素,在保湿草药茧包裹,得到一个健康阳光的棕褐色,甚至有纹身删除。
- 18. Her complexion was insipidly fair, and the two smooth bands of hair beneath her cap were of that sunless flaxen hue which generally accompanies pink cheeks and white eyelashes.
- 她的容貌白皙得毫无生气,帽子下两束平伙的头发是淡黄色的,可是缺乏光泽,这种淡黄头发通常总是有粉红面颊和白皙睫毛相伴随的。
- 19. Her complexion was insipidly fair, and the two smooth bands of hair beneath her cap were of that sunless flaxen hue which generally accompanies pink cheeks and white eyelashes.
- 她的容貌白皙得毫无生气,帽子下两束平伙的头发是淡黄色的,可是缺乏光泽,这种淡黄头发通常总是有粉红面颊和白皙睫毛相伴随的。