- 1. This will enable you to break the habit of subvocalization.
- 这将使你能够克服掉默读习惯。
- 2. Subvocalization is often considered the biggest barrier to speed reading.
- 默读被视为速读的最大障碍。
- 3. Break this one habit, called subvocalization, and you can double or even triple your reading speed.
- 改掉这个名为“默读”的习惯,可以使阅读速度提高一倍,甚至两倍。
- 4. This will break your subvocalization attachment and can easily let you double your reading rate with sufficient practice.
- 这将打破你默读的习惯,经过足够的实践之后很容易让你阅读速度翻倍。
- 5. Subvocalization is "hearing" the words as you read silently, saying them in your mind, at the same rate you would read out loud.
- 默读就是“听”在你安静的看熟的时候,你脑袋里面读出来的字词,这就像你大声的朗读时候一样。
- 6. Of course, there are times when subvocalization is a good idea - as in the case of dense texts or subjects with which you're not familiar.
- 当然,有些时候,默读是一种好的方法。
- 7. Subvocalization creates enough mental noise that it can hold your attention, but without that it can often be difficult to stick with what you are reading.
- 默读已经产生了足够多的噪音,它可以影响你的注意力。
- 8. Let’s assume your negative thought is a subvocalization, meaning that it’s like you hear a voice in your head that says something you want to change, like, “I’m an idiot.”
- 假设你的消极思想是默念式的,也就是说,你仿佛听到脑海中的有个声音在念叨着某种你想改变的事,比如,“我是个傻瓜。”
- 9. Let’s assume your negative thought is a subvocalization, meaning that it’s like you hear a voice in your head that says something you want to change, like, “I’m an idiot.”
- 假设你的消极思想是默念式的,也就是说,你仿佛听到脑海中的有个声音在念叨着某种你想改变的事,比如,“我是个傻瓜。”