- 1. Equipment and materials were subpar.
- 设备和材料不达标。
- 2. Credit Duncan's defense for Martin's second straight subpar game, too.
- 马丁的连续两场的状态低迷都要归功于邓肯的防守。
- 3. Months into third grade, I developed a consuming worry about getting subpar grades.
- 在三年级读了几个月,由于担心成绩达不到平均水平,我被一种强烈的焦虑折磨着。
- 4. Subpar job performance can prompt a follow - up investigation into an employee's past.
- 在工作中的表现能够引发对员工过去经历的后续调查。
- 5. Employees lacked professional credentials, he said; equipment and materials were subpar.
- 员工缺乏专业认证;设备和材料不达标。
- 6. India is perhaps the most exposed, due to its poor rainy and resultant subpar rice crop.
- 印度或许是受影响最严重的,糟糕的雨季气候导致印度水稻产量偏低。
- 7. The swim was excellent, but the run 26 subpar I ended up walking the last 4 miles of it.
- 游泳部分很出色,但跑步不达标(最后四英里我是走完的)。
- 8. The trick is to not feel subpar when a travel snob overshadows your story with one of their own.
- 当你遇到高傲的旅客用他们的经历来贬低你的时候,窍门就是别觉得自己低人一等。
- 9. Question: What would be an insensitive thing to say to someone whose work has been subpar lately?
- 今日问题:说什么话对一个工作表现欠佳的员工来说是不得体的?
- 10. I think we got really lucky that Harrington, Davis, and Jackson all had subpar games and shot terribly.
- 我认为我们很幸运,哈林顿,戴维斯,和杰克逊都不在状态,投的很烂。
- 11. For English speakers with subpar Chinese skills, daily life in China offers a confounding array of choices.
- 对于中文不过关的英语人士来说,在中国生活不得不稀里糊涂地做各种选择。
- 12. Sometimes you can follow all of the obvious design rules and still end up with something that seems visually subpar.
- 有时你按照常规的设计规则,到最后还是有些东西似乎视觉欠佳。
- 13. McGrady had a subpar shooting night, but he is playing well enough for us to win, if we can get other contributors.
- 麦蒂今晚的投篮太糟糕了,但他打得还不错,足以让我们能赢,前提是我们其他的球员能够贡献分数。
- 14. It will come across in your delivery, and even if the material's subpar, people will laugh. Or at the very least, smile and nod.
- 即使笑话本身并不怎么样,也能通过你的传达而让大家捧腹大笑或者至少让人们点头微笑…
- 15. With regard to Android, Google will lack the user interface or embedded software expertise necessary and will deliver a subpar product.
- 考虑到Android系统,Google将会缺乏用户界面或者必要的嵌入式软件专业技术。
- 16. Our insistence on dotting every ‘I’ and crossing every ‘T’ breeds inefficiency, causing major delays, stress overload and subpar results.
- 坚持对细节一丝不苟的专注(dottingevery ‘I’andcrossing every ‘T’俚>),造成了低效率、大延期、超负荷以及烂结果。
- 17. He added the Fed wanted to avoid 'a further significant weakening in the economic outlook,' suggesting more subpar growth could be another trigger.
- 他还补充说,美联储希望避免经济前景进一步显著弱化,这说明更多经济增长低于平均水平的情况也会是一个诱发因素。
- 18. The economy grew at a weak 0.9 percent pace in the first three months of this year, slightly better than the prior quarter, but still considered subpar.
- 经济在弱的 0.9%成长速度在最初三个月内今年,些微地比较好的超过那更重要的四分之一,但是仍然考虑过的次标准。
- 19. Shrugging off foibles - like subpar corn that led them to seek an organic grain from the Finger Lakes - they are content to gain their expertise as they go.
- 不理瑕疵——如劣质玉米使他们从风格湖那寻找有机谷物——他们对一路上取得的专业知识很满意。
- 20. While all of these indicators might perform better in the second half of 2008 than in the first, they are likely to remain in contraction or register subpar growth.
- 到2008(原文如此,疑为2009年)年下半年,可能所有这些指标或许都好于上半年,但仍然会保持收缩或是表现出低于标准以下的增长。
- 21. Reports that the iPhone 4 is suffering from subpar wireless reception has thrown the internet into a frenzy, with some suggesting we're simply not holding the phone correctly.
- iPhone4遭遇无线信号错误显示的报告使得整个internet都开始抓狂,因为有的人说,我们并没有正确的持有手机。
- 22. Save the children has released its 2011 Mothers' Index Rankings, shedding light on which of the world's countries are best for women and their children — and which are subpar.
- “拯救儿童\”发表了2011年母亲们心中的排位,哪些国家最适合妇女抚养小孩,又是哪些垫底呢?
- 23. If customers find the system too hard to use, Cadillac could instantly suffer as irate or perplexed drivers rate the car's overall quality as subpar, hurting the brand and sales.
- 一旦消费者觉得这个系统太难用,愤怒、焦头烂额的车主就会对XTS轿车的整体质量给予差评,凯迪拉克立刻就会遭受打击,对品牌和销量造成损害。
- 24. Daily life in China offers a confounding array of choices for English speakers with subpar Chinese skills. At banks, there are machines for "cash withdrawing" and "cash recycling.
- 在中国生活的外国人常常会面临一系列令人困惑的选择:在银行,既有“取款”机又有“存取款一体”机。
- 25. Japan's ai Fukuhara, who finished runner-up to Liu Shiwen at February's Kuwait Open for her best career finish, will try to make up for a subpar performance at the last Asian Games in Doha.
- 日本的福原爱,在今年二月的科威特公开赛上紧随刘诗雯获得亚军,这也是她职业生涯的最佳名次。在这次亚运会上,她将尽力避免在多哈亚运会中的糟糕表现。
- 26. Japan's ai Fukuhara, who finished runner-up to Liu Shiwen at February's Kuwait Open for her best career finish, will try to make up for a subpar performance at the last Asian Games in Doha.
- 日本的福原爱,在今年二月的科威特公开赛上紧随刘诗雯获得亚军,这也是她职业生涯的最佳名次。在这次亚运会上,她将尽力避免在多哈亚运会中的糟糕表现。