- 1. I stuffed my hands in my pockets.
- 我把双手塞进了我的口袋里。
- 2. The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes.
- 袋子里塞满了脏衣服。
- 3. There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes.
- 有塞满衣服的一个一个纸箱。
- 4. She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left.
- 她把她零零碎碎的东西都塞进了一只包里就走了。
- 5. He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.
- 他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子。
- 6. Many children have a menagerie of stuffed animals in their rooms.
- 许多孩子在自己房间里收集有一批填充动物玩具。
- 7. He stuffed his fingers into his ears.
- 他用手指塞住耳朵。
- 8. These are Dyche's collection of stuffed animals.
- 这些是戴奇收藏的毛绒玩具。
- 9. Hansel stooped and stuffed the little pocket of his coat with as many as he could get in.
- 汉赛尔蹲下身,尽量把外套的小口袋里塞满石子。
- 10. They are called ollie bollen in Holland, they are stuffed with sweets like raisins and fruit.
- 它们在荷兰被称为“ollie bollen”,里面塞满了葡萄干和水果等甜食。
- 11. Months later, she was still finding cash stuffed in her trouser pockets and the pockets of her handbags.
- 几个月后,她仍然会发现裤袋和手提包的袋子里塞满了现金。
- 12. From family pets and wild animals to toys, stuffed animals, and media images, animals are a central part of every child's world.
- 从家庭宠物和野生动物到玩具、毛绒动物和媒体图片,动物是每个孩子世界的主要部分。
- 13. He ordered stuffed whiting.
- 他点了夹馅牙鳕鱼。
- 14. We stuffed our faces at the party.
- 我们在聚会时都吃撑了。
- 15. The fridge is stuffed to bursting.
- 冰箱满得都快撑破了。
- 16. They had had their pet dog stuffed.
- 他们请人把他们的宠物狗制成了标本。
- 17. She stuffed the money under a cushion.
- 她把钱塞到软垫底下。
- 18. His hands were stuffed in his pockets.
- 他两手插在口袋里。
- 19. I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake.
- 我吃巧克力蛋糕都撑到嗓子眼儿了。
- 20. He stuffed a bag with a few changes of clothing.
- 他往包里塞了几件替换衣服。
- 21. The museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.
- 博物馆的玻璃柜里摆满了动物标本。
- 22. Every room must have been stuffed with material things.
- 每个房间肯定已经堆满了东西。
- 23. All the drawers were stuffed full of letters and papers.
- 所有抽屉里都放满了信函文件。
- 24. In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt.
- 穿上一套细条纹西装后,他马上就显得一本正经。
- 25. He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me.
- 他抢走我的钱包,打开并把它装得满满的,然后还给了我。
- 26. I stuffed cookies in my mouth and tried to be "the person who put the most cookies in his mouth".
- 我把饼干塞进嘴里,努力成为“把最多的饼干放进嘴里的人”。
- 27. A snowman is stuffed with explosive.
- 雪人里面装满了炸药。
- 28. His delicious steamed stuffed bun quickly sold by the people's praise.
- 他的美味包子受到人们的赞誉卖得很快。
- 29. Bell peppers stuffed with couscous, alongside ratatouille, is a very popular dish.
- 甜椒酿蒸粗麦粉配上蔬菜杂烩是一道十分受欢迎的菜。
- 30. They think he is a real stuffed shirt. But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve.
- 他们认为他真是一个妄自尊大的人。但是我知道我父亲是很坦率的。