- 1. These businesses stimulate the creation of local jobs.
- 这些企业刺激了当地就业机会的产生。
- 2. America's priority is rightly to stimulate its economy.
- 美国的首要任务自然是刺激经济。
- 3. She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions.
- 她质问在这些地区刺激投资是否可行。
- 4. Success will stimulate the people for fresh efforts.
- 成功能鼓舞人们去作新的努力。
- 5. Fear not, however, for coffee can stimulate them again.
- 不过,不要害怕,因为咖啡会再次刺激他们。
- 6. Your encouragement will stimulate me to further efforts.
- 你的鼓励会激发我进一步努力。
- 7. Rewards can stimulate people's enthusiasm to do good deeds.
- 回报能激励人们做好事。
- 8. Therefore, cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite.
- 因此,大麻素可能起到刺激食欲的作用。
- 9. The presentation of the food is designed to stimulate your appetite.
- 食物的呈现是为了刺激你的食欲。
- 10. Writing, visualising and prototyping can stimulate the flow of new ideas.
- 写作、具象化和原型设计可以刺激新想法的产生。
- 11. The blurred imagery of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala.
- 印象派绘画的模糊图像似乎会刺激大脑的杏仁核。
- 12. Music boxes, toys that make pleasant sounds and soft music stimulate the babies' sense of hearing.
- 音乐盒能发出优美柔和的音乐,它能刺激婴儿的听觉。
- 13. Grazing herds stimulate microbial activity in the soil, helping to capture water and separate carbon.
- 放牧能刺激土壤中的微生物活动,帮助水分的获取和碳的分离。
- 14. The higher their capacity to bind at the receptors, the higher their ability to stimulate locomotion.
- 它们结合受体的能力越强,它们刺激运动的能力就越强。
- 15. For example, hormones from the hypothalamus in the brain stimulate the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
- 例如,来自大脑下丘脑的激素会刺激垂体前叶。
- 16. A person who is unable to stimulate others' curiosity or make their life enjoyable may appear somewhat boring.
- 一个不能激发别人好奇心的人或不能使生活变得愉快的人,可能会显得有些无聊。
- 17. The milk of many mammals contains cannabinoids, substances that are known to stimulate certain receptors in the brain.
- 许多哺乳动物的奶含有大麻素,这种物质可以刺激大脑中的某些受体。
- 18. From my point of view, while it is true that the income gap may stimulate the social development to some extent, it causes trouble as well.
- 在我看来,虽然收入差距确实在一定程度上刺激了社会发展,但它也带来了很多问题。
- 19. Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.
- 同样,自动化最终应该提高生产力,通过降低价格来刺激需求,并把工人从繁重、乏味的工作中解脱出来。
- 20. The French President, Jacques Chirac, is to discuss the efforts to stimulate the Japanese economy during a visit to Japan which begins today.
- 法国总统雅克·希拉克将会在今天对日本的开始访问中讨论刺激日本经济的措施。
- 21. The Chinese claim that Pu-er also can lower blood alcohol after drinking, prevent dysentery, and stimulate secretions from the spleen and other organs.
- 中国人称,普洱茶还可以降低酒后血液中的酒精含量,防止痢疾,刺激脾以及其他器官的的分泌。
- 22. Your ad must attract attention, stimulate consumers' interest, create a desire for your product, and motivate people to take action to buy your product.
- 你的广告必须能吸引注意力,激发消费者的兴趣,令人产生对你产品的欲望,并激励人们采取行动来购买你的产品。
- 23. "In general," they reported, "the ability of the compounds to compete at the receptors correlates with their ability to stimulate locomotion in the mouse."
- “总的来说,”他们报告称,“化合物在受体上的竞争能力与它们刺激老鼠运动的能力有关。”
- 24. They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to British throne told a TV reporter that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth.
- 1986年,当这位英国王位继承人告诉一位电视记者,他在自己的乡间别墅海格罗夫与他的植物交谈以刺激它们生长时,他们放声大笑。
- 25. According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, small non-food rewards—like the toys in McDonald's Happy Meals—stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.
- 根据康奈尔大学食品与品牌实验室的一项新研究,小小的非食品奖励——比如麦当劳开心乐园餐中的玩具——同样能刺激人的大脑反应中枢,就像食物那样。
- 26. Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.
- 虽然提高砍伐树木转化为木材产品的效率可能会降低收获率,但它将通过增加供应和降低价格来刺激需求,从而促进消费。
- 27. These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells.
- 这些蛋白质促进血细胞的生成。
- 28. Parents should give children books that stimulate them.
- 父母应给孩子能启发他们的书。
- 29. The women were given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries.
- 那些妇女得到了促进卵巢功能的生育药。
- 30. The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students.
- 这篇文章可用来活跃学生的讨论。