- 1. Marine and freshwater stickleback can hybridize in contact zones.
- 海水和淡水棘鱼可以在接触区杂交。
- 2. Instead, Dr Couzin has built a biddable robot three-spined stickleback.
- 相反,Couzin博士已经设计了一条机器三刺鱼。
- 3. Prolux's theory is based on studies of the collared flycatcher and the three-spined stickleback .
- 普罗勒克斯的观点是建立在有项圈的和三脊刺鱼的研究之上的。
- 4. Nine-spined stickleback share the human ability to copy each other's behaviour if it's to their advantage.
- 九刺鱼和人类一样,如果对它们有利的话,能够相互模仿行为。
- 5. Now, scientists say they've found the first animal example of this behavior in a common fish, the nine-spined stickleback.
- 目前科学家们说他们第一次在普通的九叶穿柳鱼身上找到了动物的这种行为。
- 6. Although the fittest possible stickleback might be both slender and wide-mouthed, these linked traits make such an evolutionary jump unlikely.
- 尽管适于生产的刺鱼应该是扁却大嘴的,但是相互关联的特征使得这种进化成为不可能的。
- 7. In various places in the Northern Hemisphere, for example, Marine stickleback fish were scattered among landlocked lakes as the last Ice Age ended.
- 例如,在北半球的许多地方,在上个冰川季结束后,海棘鱼散布于陆地包围的湖里。
- 8. British researchers studying the behavior of tiny stickleback fish have found that they are much more willing to take risks in search of food in pairs than alone.
- 英国研究者通过研究小棘鱼的行为发现比起自己一个人他们更愿意冒险与伙伴一起外出觅食。
- 9. It thumps the catch against the branch to stun it-a lesson some young birds learn only after swallowing a stickleback that erects its dorsal spine on the way down.
- 然后它会在树枝上把鱼摔死——当小鸟能够顺着鱼的背脊吞下一只棘鱼时,才会学习这个技能。
- 10. And watched three-spined stickleback fish hunt water fleas, to the accompaniment of either white noise calibrated to match the noise level of speedboats or a silent track as a control.
- 并控制三刺鱼在跟快艇噪音程度相当的白噪声中,或者完全安静的环境之下,观察它们捕食水蚤的情况。
- 11. The study which compared the growth rate, success of reproduction and life span of stickleback fish, found that fish given a "binge then diet" food regime had a reduced life span of up to 25%.
- 这项研究通过对比刺鱼的生长速率,繁殖成功率和生命跨度,发现被喂养“狂吃然后减肥”的饮食节律的鱼寿命缩短达到了25%。
- 12. The study which compared the growth rate, success of reproduction and life span of stickleback fish, found that fish given a "binge then diet" food regime had a reduced life span of up to 25%.
- 这项研究通过对比刺鱼的生长速率,繁殖成功率和生命跨度,发现被喂养“狂吃然后减肥”的饮食节律的鱼寿命缩短达到了25%。