- 1. She was a statuesque brunette.
- 她有着一头深褐色头发,身材高挑挺拔。
- 2. A statuesque female avatar walks up, standing over him.
- 一个身材优雅的女性阿凡达走过来,站在他旁边。
- 3. The two story granite columns create a voluminous vision and a statuesque atmosphere.
- 两个楼层高的花岗石之柱环列,营造空间开扬的视感,更助长大器四方的感觉。
- 4. So we try to make them a little more perfect, a little more statuesque, if that's at all possible.
- 所以,我们就试图令他们更完美,更优美典雅,尽我们所能。
- 5. He remembered his mother's statuesque body bending over the gas ring to stir at something in a saucepan.
- 他记得他母亲高大的身子弯在煤气灶上搅动着锅里的什么东西。
- 6. Salla is a statuesque human female, with wide, tightly curled black hair, orange eyes and an exotic beauty.
- 萨拉是一位如雕像般庄严优美的人类女子,有着蓬蓬的打着细卷的黑发和橙色的眼睛,充满异域之美。
- 7. "That was an especially beautiful sunny day," recalls Jimmy Mitchell, a statuesque man in his early thirties.
- “那是一个特别美丽的晴日。”吉米·米切尔回忆道。
- 8. “That was an especially beautiful sunny day, ” recalls Jimmy Mitchell, a statuesque man in his early thirties.
- “那是一个特别美丽的晴日。”吉米·米切尔回忆道。
- 9. Each is in love with a statuesque vision, a set of ideals or dreams that they have sought to breathe life into.
- 每一个都和他们所寻求的要注入活力的一个雕像般视野、一整套的理想或梦想紧紧连接。
- 10. Xiao Hongs artistic mind works correspondingly an especial atmosphere , which makes desolation statuesque scenery .
- “艺术的心意”使萧红对自己的作品持有特殊的审美要求,正是如此,萧红抓住了“荒凉”。
- 11. "Dian was a tragic figure," says Goodall. "She was very, very tall, statuesque and really, really wanted to get married.
- Dian很可怜,”古德说,“她很高很高,身材修长而且真的很想结婚。
- 12. The smooth statuesque bodies with skin of creamy and lively flesh tones starkly contrast the reflectively flat blue background.
- 画中人身躯如雕像般平滑,润泽的肌肤搭配充满活力的肌肉线条,与光滑平板的蓝色背景形成强烈对比。
- 13. As powerful starlight whittles away these cool cosmic mountains, the statuesque pillars that remain might be imagined as mythical beasts.
- 由于强大的星光削减着这些冰冷的宇宙山峰,那些残留的雕塑柱看起来如同各种想象中的神兽。
- 14. The body types of the performers range from statuesque to trans-gender to disabled, and their personalities from sensational to scintillating.
- 表演者的身体类型从雕塑到跨性别到残疾,以及他们的个性从耸人听闻到闪烁。
- 15. Ares represents the very best selection of Shiraz from Two Hands Wines. A statuesque, Powerful and deeply flavoured wine matured in 100% new French oak.
- 这是双掌酒庄的穗乐仙酒王,在100%全新的法国橡木桶进行陈年,是一款结构明朗,香气浓郁,力道十足的葡萄酒。
- 16. I was looking at a rare beauty: statuesque with long, dark hair cascading like a curtain over her angular shoulders, and her eyes lit up like chocolate fireflies.
- 我正看到一个非常美丽景象:她就像是一个雕塑,长长的黑发像窗帘一样瀑布般地泻落在她瘦削的肩膀上,眼睛像是巧克力色的萤火虫一样明亮。
- 17. I was looking at a rare beauty: statuesque with long, dark hair cascading like a curtain over her angular shoulders, and her eyes lit up like chocolate fireflies.
- 我正看到一个非常美丽景象:她就像是一个雕塑,长长的黑发像窗帘一样瀑布般地泻落在她瘦削的肩膀上,眼睛像是巧克力色的萤火虫一样明亮。