- 1. She won 10% of the vote statewide.
- 她赢得全州10%的选票。
- 2. He argues that we need statewide uniformity.
- 他辩称我们需要全州统一。
- 3. These voters often determine the outcome of statewide elections.
- 这些选民们往往决定着全州大选的结果。
- 4. In the weeks since flooding began, 16 people have died statewide.
- 洪水暴发几周以来,全州已有16人遇难。
- 5. Following statewide redistricting last autumn, black representation in both the House and Senate doubled.
- 继去年秋季的全国性的新行政区划后,众议院和参议院中的黑人代表们都翻了一番。
- 6. They concluded that applying the daytime rule statewide would lead to a similar reduction in accidents.
- 他们的结论是,在全州范围内实行白天的交通规则将会减少类似事故的发生。
- 7. After a commission examined and revamped communications procedures, the statewide response "has become far more professional and responsive," he says.
- 在一个委员会审查并修改了通讯程序后,全州范围内的响应“变得远比之前更加专业和迅速”,他说。
- 8. And a statewide yard sale will be held.
- 还会举行全州范围内的宅前销售。
- 9. The falloff in passing rates occurred statewide.
- 过关率的下降在整个州内都广泛存在。
- 10. Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.
- 每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。
- 11. This fall Florida started the first statewide voucher program.
- 今年秋季,佛罗里达开始了第一项全州教育券计划。
- 12. On November 29th Minnesota began its second statewide recount in two years.
- 11月29日,明尼苏达州开始了近两年第二次全州范围内的重新计票。
- 13. Today Linden announced the first statewide roll out of a virtual learning environment.
- 今天,林登实验室宣布了第一个州级虚拟教学环境。
- 14. Senators are chosen in statewide elections and represent all residents of their states.
- 参议员是州选民的代表,因此参议员选举在全州举行。
- 15. And in the coming decades, registration of black voters statewide would increase more than tenfold.
- 在接下来的十年里,全州范围内注册黑人选民数量翻了不止十番。
- 16. Whether Mr DuPree will be able to repeat that achievement statewide is a far more difficult question.
- 这样的成就能否在全州范围内得到再现呢?这是一个相当棘手的问题。
- 17. The key for Florida, alone among the 50 states, was obtaining a statewide waiver from federal funding rules.
- Florida面对的关键问题是如何在50个州中单独从联邦现有法律中获得全国性的豁免权利。
- 18. Mr. Reilly says when he served in the nineteen nineties, he pushed states to develop their own statewide standards.
- Reilly称,当他20世纪90年代在职时,他推动各州制定自己遍及全州的标准。
- 19. Additionally, California recently enacted a law requiring that all whole eggs sold statewide be cage-free by 2015.
- 另外,加利福尼亚最近还制定法律,要求2015年之前达到在全州范围内只销售散养鸡蛋。
- 20. Mr. Reilly says when he served in the nineteen nineties; he pushed states to develop their own statewide standards.
- Reilly表示,他在19世纪90年代任职时,他要求全国各州制定出他们自己的标准。
- 21. Candidates for “proportional” offices—the lower house of Congress and the state assemblies—compete in statewide races.
- 候选人为了能在国会的下议院和州际议会中求得席位而在全州范围内展开竞争。
- 22. Assuming the survey respondents are representative, total statewide losses in those seven crops would be nearly twice that.
- 假设受调查者是有代表性的,那么整个州这七种作物的经济损失将近上述损失额的两倍。
- 23. The plan also reduces teacher pay if students fail to improve on statewide tests. A local tax increase pays for the program.
- 但是,如果学生在全国测试中的成绩没有提高,老师也要相应地减薪。
- 24. Joe Sisson, Chickasha police chief, and Officer Harold Kuku had heard the statewide alarm for the Buick and were waiting for it.
- 切克沙镇警长乔·西森,警察哈罗德·库库,他们听到对别克车的全州警报,正等着拦截它。
- 25. Statewide unemployment, at 10.2%, has trebled since then, as bricklayers lay down their hods and tour guides doff their Mickey masks.
- 而州平均失业率,随着砖瓦匠放下他们的浆桶,旅游向导脱下他们的米奇面罩,也自06年上窜3倍达到10.2%。
- 26. In 2005 the governor, Bob Riley, announced a pilot programme called Alabama Connecting Classrooms Educators and Students Statewide, or ACCESS.
- 2005年,该州州长鲍伯·莱利推行了一名为“阿拉巴马州全州教育网络化”或“联网”的项目。
- 27. In 2005 the governor, Bob Riley, announced a pilot programme called Alabama Connecting Classrooms Educators and Students Statewide, or ACCESS.
- 2005年,该州州长鲍伯·莱利推行了一名为“阿拉巴马州全州教育网络化”或“联网”的项目。