- 1. Known as the unstability of the stannous solution, potassium permanganate process was used to standardized it.
- 由于标准亚锡溶液不稳定,提出了用高锰酸钾滴定法标定标准亚锡溶液。
- 2. Synergistic effects are found in the complexes of stannous oleate and sulfurated isobutylene or tricresol phosphate.
- 油酸亚锡与磷酸三甲苯酚酯和硫化异丁烯添加剂有良好的协同作用。
- 3. In order to reduce tungsten to W5 + completely, titanium trichloride or stannous chloride were generally used as reducing agents.
- 为使钨完全还原为5价,通常单独使用三氯化钛或氯化亚锡作还原剂。
- 4. Rhodium in rhodium plating bath was determined by spectrophotometric method using potassium iodine and stannous chloride as chromogenic agent .
- 以碘化钾和氯化亚锡作显色剂,用光度法测定镀铑溶液中的铑。
- 5. The way using crude material furoic acid and propyl alcohol to synthesize propyl furoate is researched by catalyst stannous oxide. The yield is 77%.
- 以呋喃甲酸和正丙醇为原料,氧化亚锡为催化剂,合成了呋喃甲酸正丙酯,产率可达77% 。
- 6. The anodic oxidation and electrolytic colouring of 6063 aluminum alloy containing rare earths in solutions of sulfuric acid and stannous sulfate are studied.
- 本文系在硫酸、硫酸亚锡溶液中对添加有稀土的6063变形铝合金进行了阳极氧化和电解着色。
- 7. The effects of the synthesis conditions such as monomer(lactide) purity, catalyst(stannous octoate) concentration, vacuum level, reaction time and temperature, were discussed.
- 探讨了单体丙交酯纯度、催化剂辛酸亚锡用量、反应时间、反应温度及真空度对聚合物相对分子质量的影响。
- 8. It is found that in the presence of butyl titanate or stannous oxalate as a polycondensation catalyst the carboxyl content is not always on the increase in all high vacuum stage.
- 发现,钛酸四丁酯或草酸亚锡作为缩聚催化剂时,在整个高真空阶段羧基含量并不是一直增加的。
- 9. A new immersion plating process was developed in which copper sulfate and stannous sulfate were used as main salt, with addition of complex, brightener and stabilizer to tin salt.
- 采用硫酸铜、硫酸亚锡为主盐,加入络合剂、光亮剂、锡盐稳定剂,研究成功了一种新的浸镀铜锡合金工艺。
- 10. A comparison has been made between systems of stannous oxalate and antimony trioxide, the result shows the former has a bright future as a polycondensation catalyst in practical production.
- 与酚类抗氧剂一起作为复合稳定剂,效果更佳。较好的草酸亚锡体系与实用的三氧化二锑体系的比较,表明在实际生产中草酸亚锡作为缩聚催化剂是很有前途的。
- 11. A comparison has been made between systems of stannous oxalate and antimony trioxide, the result shows the former has a bright future as a polycondensation catalyst in practical production.
- 与酚类抗氧剂一起作为复合稳定剂,效果更佳。较好的草酸亚锡体系与实用的三氧化二锑体系的比较,表明在实际生产中草酸亚锡作为缩聚催化剂是很有前途的。