- 1. A tense stand-off gripped Thailand.
- 拉紧疏远距离的泰国。
- 2. Even so, a deal would be far better than continued stand-off.
- 即便如此,能够达成协议总比继续僵持下去要好。
- 3. The stand-off took place 75 miles south of a major naval base.
- 本次对峙事件发生在距某重要海军基地以南75英里的地方。
- 4. Awareness of the cost of this economic stand-off is mounting.
- 人们越来越意识到该地区经济僵局带来的损失。
- 5. The worst time to get to know your adversary is during a stand-off.
- 最坏不过对峙时才开始了解对手。
- 6. His fearless, no-nonsense approach resolved more than one stand-off.
- 他无畏而没有废话的方法比袖手旁观更能解决问题。
- 7. But it could leave the Security Council split and make an end to the stand-off with Iran harder.
- 但是,这份协议已经使安理会意见分歧,而且要与伊朗结束僵局更加困难。
- 8. A 40-year-old man was arrested after a stand-off lasting several hours and remains in police custody.
- 在对峙数个小时之后,一名40岁男子遭到逮捕,目前仍被拘留。
- 9. After a two-month stand-off the army moved in to clear the streets;50 people were killed in the resulting clashes.
- 泰国陆军与之对峙两月之后开始了清剿行动,有50人在一系列的冲突中丧生。
- 10. Now, with another nuclear stand-off and fresh uncertainties about succession, famine again stalks the country.
- 现在,伴随着另一个核问题和新一轮继承权导致的动荡,饥荒再一次登陆这个国家。
- 11. Earlier, hundreds of youths were involved in a stand-off with riot police four miles away at Salford Shopping City.
- 早些时候,在4英里外的索尔福德购物城,数百年轻人参与了一次与警方的对峙。
- 12. But as the stand-off wore on, armed police approached the coach and began to smash windows and the glass front door.
- 但随着对峙的推移,武装警察靠近旅游车,开始打碎窗户和前门玻璃。
- 13. The move comes amid a worsening stand-off over a Western offer for Iran to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.
- 这一变化让伊朗与为其提供作为核燃料的浓缩铀的西方国家的关系更加恶化。
- 14. Once again, civil war was close: in October 1993 the stand-off between Yeltsin and his parliament turned into armed conflict.
- 内战双方的实力再次势均力敌:1993年10月叶利钦与国会之间的对峙演变成武装冲突。
- 15. Earlier this year, five Chinese vessels were involved in a stand-off with a survey ship from the US navy off China's Hainan Island.
- 今年早些时候,五艘中国舰艇在中国的海南岛与一艘美国海军的侦察船相对峙。
- 16. The uneasy stand-off between the main players was a repetition of February's meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors.
- 主要国家之间这种令人局促的僵局,堪称2月份G20财长和央行行长会议的重演。
- 17. Indeed, the flora and fauna of Hawar have been the main beneficiaries of the stand-off between Bahrain and Qatar over the islands' ownership.
- 事实上,哈瓦群岛上的动植物种群已经成为巴林和卡塔尔两国因群岛所有权问题而造成的紧张关系的受益者。
- 18. With the economy declining and social discontent rising, a stand-off with the West might be tempting for Mr Putin's cabal-but ruinous for most Russians.
- 随着经济衰落、社会不满上升,与西方对峙对于普金来说可能是一个充满吸引力的的阴谋——但对大多数俄罗斯人来说则是毁灭性的。
- 19. But Iran has shown little interest in taking the right steps at Qom or elsewhere needed to build confidence in its intentions and end that stand-off.
- 但是,对于在Qom市区或其它地方踏出正确一步,伊朗却表现出兴趣缺缺,这些正确步骤对于建立外界对于伊朗意图的信任并结束此一核子僵局是绝对必要的。
- 20. Yet now that the stalemate is resolved and the deal signed, uncertainty is still rife-because the polarisation that made the stand-off possible is as sharp as ever.
- 然而既然僵局被解决、协议签订,不确定性还是非常多的,因为使疏远的可能性的极化还是一如往昔凸显。
- 21. The confrontation between Mr Brown and the malcontents is less like a gunslingers’ deadly stand-off than the Monty Python sketch in which two men slap each other with fish.
- 布朗先生与不满者之间的对峙比起MontyPython有两个人鱼互相拍打的素描画,更像一个枪手要保持致命的距离。
- 22. The confrontation between Mr Brown and the malcontents is less like a gunslingers' deadly stand-off than the Monty Python sketch in which two men slap each other with fish.
- 布朗先生与不满者之间的对峙比起MontyPython有两个人鱼互相拍打的素描画,更像一个枪手要保持致命的距离。
- 23. THE stand-off over America’s debt ceiling has entered strange territory: pretty much everyone agrees the limit will be raised, but it is becoming ever harder to see just how.
- 有关美国债务上限的基准差距的境况已经变得十分诡异:几乎每个人都同意上调限额,但是就是很难看到它究竟会如何进行。
- 24. THE stand-off over America's debt ceiling has entered strange territory: pretty much everyone agrees the limit will be raised, but it is becoming ever harder to see just how.
- 有关美国债务上限的基准差距的境况已经变得十分诡异:几乎每个人都同意上调限额,但是就是很难看到它究竟会如何进行。
- 25. These incursions culminated in the siege of the Church of the Nativity in spring 2002, a 40-day stand-off between Israeli snipers and armed militants sheltering in the ancient building.
- 这样的入侵在2002年春天到达顶点,那时他们包围了主诞堂(the Church of the Nativity),以色列的狙击手与藏身于这座古建筑里的武装分子对峙了40天。
- 26. These incursions culminated in the siege of the Church of the Nativity in spring 2002, a 40-day stand-off between Israeli snipers and armed militants sheltering in the ancient building.
- 这样的入侵在2002年春天到达顶点,那时他们包围了主诞堂(the Church of the Nativity),以色列的狙击手与藏身于这座古建筑里的武装分子对峙了40天。