- 1. He gave a feeble shrug and tried to squirm free.
- 他微微地耸了耸肩,扭动着试图挣脱。
- 2. Someone grabbed him but he managed to squirm free.
- 有人抓住他,但他设法挣脱了。
- 3. Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.
- 提及宗教肯定会使他感到窘迫。
- 4. It made him squirm to think how badly he'd messed up the interview.
- 一想到他把面试搞得有多糟,他就觉得无地自容。
- 5. I wanted to squirm, but I held still.
- 我想动一动,但是我却一动没动。
- 6. To cause to twist or squirm; contort.
- 扭曲引起扭曲或蠕动;
- 7. When they are seated, they tend to squirm, fidget, or bounce.
- 他们坐下的时候,也会在椅子上扭来扭去,坐立不安或者跳起。
- 8. They had to squirm through the mud to reach their destination.
- 为了到达目的地,他们不得不在泥浆中蠕动前行。
- 9. It's hard to tell which end is which when you squirm around so.
- 很难讲,你在这周围闲逛,会有什么结局。
- 10. Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.
- 对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。坐立不安。
- 11. The questionof whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm.
- 是否带礼物的问题常使客人不安。
- 12. Both sides were pleased with having a chance to make their rivals squirm.
- 双方都为能有这样一个机会能够使对方感到不安而欣喜万分。
- 13. The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm.
- 是否带礼物的问题常使客人不安。
- 14. I doubt it: in my experience it is hard to squirm and listen at the same time.
- 我对此表示怀疑:据我的经验,我很难在局促不安的同时还能做到专心倾听。
- 15. Yet I would never look at the table full of leftovers, let alone squirm over them.
- 尽管是我从那些摆满剩菜的桌子旁边经过,但我从不去看桌子。
- 16. Mr Chavez may squirm, but his cash is funding a World Bank-designed update of the land registry.
- 查韦斯先生可能会觉得难为情,但是他正在为世界银行制定的土地登记的更新注资。
- 17. The first time may take a little bit of time because they will squirm and they are very slippery.
- 第一时间可能需要一点点时间,因为他们会蠕动,他们都非常湿滑。
- 18. Making bankers squirm today is part of the summary justice needed to beat pay down from those extremes.
- 如今让银行家们羞愧是摧毁极端薪酬所必需的公正的一部分。
- 19. Contact with the natives seems mainly with the kind who, for a fee, squirm up and down on your lap.
- 所接触的当地人看上去都是些会为了点小费而依偎在你的大腿上扭摆身躯之徒。
- 20. Toss a piece of leaf onto a spiderweb. The spider is indifferent. Because leaves don't squirm like captured flies.
- 假若你拿片树叶在蜘蛛网上晃动,蜘蛛会对此不闻不问,因为树叶是不能像被俘获的昆虫那样蠕动的。
- 21. We've rounded up the top 10 most annoying, make-it-stop, squirm-worthy questions high school seniors are asked.
- 我们评选出了高三生被问过的、最令他们困扰不已的十大问题。
- 22. While a rare interviewer may ask these questions simply to watch you squirm, many wild-card questions serve a purpose.
- 很少无面试官问那些问题仅仅是念让你尴尬,但是很多不可预知的问题都是为了特定的目的才问的。
- 23. For a reporter, it is a guilty pleasure to see some of the world's leading scientists squirm - or not - when grilled by a child.
- 作为一个记者,看到一些世界顶尖科学家被孩子质问时局促不安的样子总会感到窃喜。
- 24. While a rare interviewer may ask these questions simply to watch you squirm, however, many wild-card questions serve a purpose.
- 很少有面试官问这些问题仅仅是想让你尴尬,但是很多不可预知的问题都是为了特定的目的才问的。
- 25. Yi Jianlian didn't squirm, but looked as if he was aching to, like a child trying to mind his manners until the service is over.
- 球场上易建联并没有表现得局促不安。相反,看起来他倒渴望有所表现,就像一个孩子,对自己的一举一动都很在意,尽量做好,直到任务完成才罢手。
- 26. The crafty sons of darkness shall squirm in discomfort as their ritual of lies fall in shambles in a pile around their deadened feet.
- 狡猾的黑暗小人s应该会很不舒服地蠕动,因为他们谎言大厦将倒塌成废墟在他们的瘫腿附近堆满瓦砾。
- 27. The crafty sons of darkness shall squirm in discomfort as their ritual of lies fall in shambles in a pile around their deadened feet.
- 狡猾的黑暗小人s应该会很不舒服地蠕动,因为他们谎言大厦将倒塌成废墟在他们的瘫腿附近堆满瓦砾。