- 1. Pain may be transmitted through splanchnic, vagus, spinal, and phrenic peripheral nerves.
- 疼痛可以通过内脏、迷走、脊神经和膈神经等外周神经传递。
- 2. Objective To provide morphological information for the research of lesser splanchnic nerve.
- 目的为内脏小神经研究提供形态学基础。
- 3. The effects of section of splanchnic nerves on the erythropoietic parameters has been investigated.
- 本文观察了切除内脏大神经对红细胞参数的影响。
- 4. OBJECTIVE: Measuring peritoneal lactate concentrations could be useful for detecting splanchnic hypoperfusion.
- 目的:腹膜内乳酸浓度测定有助于检出内脏血流灌注不足。
- 5. It is to encroach subcutaneous tissue and splanchnic fungus, the disease that causes calls deep fungus disease.
- 一是侵犯皮下组织及内脏的真菌,所引起的疾病称为深部真菌病。
- 6. Somatostatin and analogues such as octreotide and vapreotide also cause splanchnic vasoconstriction at pharmacological doses.
- 生长抑素及其类似物如奥曲肽和伐普肽等在药理剂量下也可以引起内脏血管收缩。
- 7. Portal hypertension occurs as a consequence of structural changes within the liver in cirrhosis and increased splanchnic blood flow.
- 门脉高压是硬化肝内结构性变化及内脏血流增加的结果。
- 8. Objective: To compare the effect of norepinephrine - dobutamine and that of dopamine alone on splanchnic perfusion in sheep with septic shock.
- 目的:观察多巴酚丁胺联用去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺对感染性休克绵羊内脏灌注的影响。
- 9. The pancreatic vasculature is one of the very important yet most complicated components of the splanchnic vascular system of the upper abdomen.
- 胰腺的血管是上腹部内脏血管系统非常重要而又复杂的组成部分之一。
- 10. Splanchnic function loses harmonic motion, sense semiotic criterion last a period of time is longer, and at improving hind also but reappearance.
- 内脏机能失调和运动、感觉症状则历时较久,且于好转后也可再发。
- 11. The facial problem is a reflection of people body's splanchnic problem. Only both internal and external treatment can help solve the skin problem radically.
- 面部皮肤问题是人体五脏六腑的缩影,只有通过内养外护才能从根本上解决皮肤的问题。
- 12. Objective: to investigate the effect of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol on splanchnic perfusion in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC).
- 目的:探讨异丙酚全凭静脉麻醉对腹腔镜下胆囊切除术(LC)患者内脏灌注的影响。
- 13. It might be an important mechanism for lowering appetite, decreasing splanchnic adipopexis and reducing body weight, which were induced by long-term aerobic exercise.
- 这些可能是长期有氧运动导致摄食量减少、内脏脂肪垫降低、体重减轻的重要原因。
- 14. Results EEF could effectively improve the ischemic and insufficient oxygenation stage of splanchnic organs, and therefore alleviate the functional damage of abdominal viscera.
- 结果EEF可有效地改善腹腔脏器的缺血缺氧,并在此基础上减轻腹腔脏器的功能损害。
- 15. The results suggested that the erythropoiesis in rats having bilateral splanchnic neurectomy was not significantly different from in intact rats when subjected to hypoxic hypoxia.
- 结果表明,切除内脏大神经大鼠低氧时的红细胞参数改变与单纯低氧对照比较,无显著性差异。
- 16. Results Up to now, there are 10cases have been reported in Yunnan province, including 5case s of endermic sparganosis, 2cases of eye sparganosis and 3cases of splanchnic sparganosis.
- 结果至今云南已报告的裂头蚴病共10例,其中皮下裂头蚴病5例,眼裂头蚴病2例,内脏裂头蚴病3例。
- 17. Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate early alterations of systemic and splanchnic hemodynamics after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) in normal and cirrhotic rats.
- 目的观察正常鼠肝移植以及肝硬化鼠肝移植术后早期全身和内脏血流动力学的变化。
- 18. Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate early alterations of systemic and splanchnic hemodynamics after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) in normal and cirrhotic rats.
- 目的观察正常鼠肝移植以及肝硬化鼠肝移植术后早期全身和内脏血流动力学的变化。