- 1. It is a spiritualism of 'self'.
- 它是一种“自我”的灵性论。
- 2. Of or relating to or connected with spiritualism.
- 唯心论的,涉及唯心论的,或和唯心论有关的。
- 3. Ewok spiritualism has a wide pantheon of gods and spirits.
- 伊沃克人的精神至上观念里有着各种各样的神灵。
- 4. Spiritualism teaches "that man is the creature of progression;"
- 通灵术教导人说:“人类是进步的生物;
- 5. Its key purpose is to annotate spiritualism life philosophically.
- 对灵性生命和精神生命的哲学化注释,是其重要的使命。
- 6. Space fuii of arts and nature fully reflects dignity and spiritualism.
- 充满艺术与自然的空间,让高贵与灵性充分得以体现!
- 7. Psychical research and spiritualism are thought by many to supply such evidence.
- 许多人认为心灵研究和招魂术已提供了这种证据。
- 8. Bring up a topic that touches on the supernatural, mysticism, reincarnation, spiritualism or the occult.
- 提一些关于超自然,神秘主义,再生,灵性或神秘学之类的话题。
- 9. Apparent representation of form are the result of the creative power of thought, as in Spiritualism.
- 显在的形态表现同样是思想创造力的产物。
- 10. In such a complex era, people's mind needs to be perted from petty materialism to vast spiritualism.
- 在如此复杂的时代里,人们的思想需要从狭小的唯物论转向广大的唯心论。
- 11. Norman, who dabbled with spiritualism, apparently informed a colleague that he could walk through walls.
- 涉猎降灵之术的诺曼,据传曾向一位同事声称自己身负穿墙绝技。
- 12. How to solve these problems and finally realize the spiritualism, luxury and inpidual characters of the jewelry?
- 如何解决这些问题并实现首饰的灵性、奢华感和个性化。
- 13. There'er several kinds of dog. they are the stanchest animal. They have spiritualism. And they are loved by people.
- 狗的种类很多,它们是最忠实的动物,它们有灵性,很讨人喜欢。
- 14. And so it went on, until I found myself meditating on cheese, or spiritualism, or the Rocky Mountains—but no sleep!
- 如此继续下去,直到我发现自己沉浸在奶酪、招魂 术和落基山脉的遐想之中——但仍没有睡意!
- 15. This longhouse is dedicated to the practice of the Smokehouse faith, a traditional spiritualism also known as Seowyn.
- 这房子是专门为熏制信仰的实践而设计的,遵循一个传统的唯心论,也被称为seowyn。
- 16. Houdini in his later life became very interested in spiritualism and seances because of the great loss he felt upon the death of his mother.
- 霍迪尼晚年时期开始由于他母亲的死使他感到非常痛苦,然后开始痴迷上了唯心论和降神会。
- 17. They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism. The identification with physical life becomes stronger than ever.
- 他们仅仅是把他们的自我从唯物主义中脱离出来,而使之附着在唯心主义上,从而使他们对物质生活的识别较之过去,更为强烈。
- 18. Lu Xun's early educational ideology connotated as "respect inpidualism and promote spiritualism" marks the formation of his enlightenment ideology.
- 鲁迅早期“立人”思想以“尊个性而张精神”为其内涵,标志着鲁迅启蒙主义思想的基本形成。
- 19. I don't for one moment suppose that I'm taking it upon my self to say that I'm the inventor of spiritualism, or that I'm even the principal exponent of it.
- 我没有站在自己的立场说我是降灵学说的发明者、理论倡导者,一次也没有。因为明摆着还有许多伟大的灵媒、许多伟大的研究者、探索者。
- 20. This festival puts an end to all evils in man; gives him realization of the eternal bliss, and spiritualism becomes alive by the celebration of this festival.
- 这个盛典结束了人类的一切罪恶,使人类认识了永恒的幸福,通过举办这一盛典,非物质主义开始活跃。
- 21. In his review, Vallini wrote that for all of the "stupefying, enchanting technology" in the film, it "gets bogged down by a spiritualism linked to the worship of nature."
- 他说,电影中所有“醉人的,令人迷幻的科技”,使人深深陷入对大自然的唯心崇拜中。
- 22. The doctrine of man's consciousness in death, especially the belief that spirits of the dead return to minister to the living, has prepared the way for modern spiritualism.
- 人死后仍有知觉的教义,尤其是死人的灵魂会回来为活着的人服务的观念,为现代招魂术铺平了道路。
- 23. The Beatles' current solution is spiritualism, specifically "transcendental meditation, " as propounded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 56, a tiny, cherubic seer with shoulder-length locks.
- 披头士目前诉诸于唯心论来寻求慰籍,尤其对印度的超在禅定派情有独钟,这个教派是有56岁的瑜伽修行者Maharishi Mahesh 创立的,他是一个矮小、长相天真、留着披肩发的预言家。
- 24. Yet 80 years ago a Bengali, Rabindranath Tagore, Asia’s first Nobel laureate, stirred crowds in India, China and Japan by calling for a pan-Asian spiritualism to counter Western materialism.
- 八十年前,一位孟加拉人,泰戈尔,亚洲首名诺贝尔桂冠摘得者,其所推崇的泛亚主义理念在印度、中国和日本产生极大反响。 他主张用东方的灵性来对抗西方的唯物主义。
- 25. The mystical trend of our time, which shows itself particularly in the rampant growth of the so-called Theosophy and Spiritualism, is for me no more than a symptom of weakness and confusion.
- 我们这个时代的神秘化趋势(尤其是有神论和唯心主义的泛滥),在我看来,不过是人的软弱和困惑的某种表现罢了。
- 26. The flat drawings by artist Kim Miran reflects this "Light with Darkness", a modern concept that's both contemporary and classical, and is also a world for exploring wisdom and spiritualism.
- 金美兰画家的平面绘画便是象征着这种‘暗光’的,同时具备现代性与古典性的一个当代的概念,也是一个探究智慧与灵性的世界。
- 27. The flat drawings by artist Kim Miran reflects this "Light with Darkness", a modern concept that's both contemporary and classical, and is also a world for exploring wisdom and spiritualism.
- 金美兰画家的平面绘画便是象征着这种‘暗光’的,同时具备现代性与古典性的一个当代的概念,也是一个探究智慧与灵性的世界。