- 1. He muffed his opening speech.
- 他搞砸了自己的开幕讲话。
- 2. He delivered a gushing speech.
- 他发表了一场阿谀的演说。
- 3. The speech was full of ad libs.
- 讲话中满是即兴之词。
- 4. He reported the speech verbatim.
- 他逐字报道了那篇讲话。
- 5. The speech was carefully phrased.
- 这篇讲话措辞谨慎。
- 6. He summarized the speech snappily.
- 他对讲话做了精练的概括。
- 7. He delivered his speech in French.
- 他用法语作的演讲。
- 8. He was making quite a long speech.
- 他当时正在发表一个相当长的演讲。
- 9. Don't worry. Your speech was fine.
- 别担心。你的讲话挺好的。
- 10. The tone of the speech was upbeat.
- 这次讲话的语气颇为乐观。
- 11. She'd rather die than give a speech.
- 她宁愿死也不愿意演讲。
- 12. The president made a stirring speech.
- 总统作了一次激动人心的演讲。
- 13. His speech was one of great triviality.
- 他的讲话根本无足轻重。
- 14. The candidate's speech was non-specific.
- 这位候选人的讲话只是泛泛之谈。
- 15. Her speech offers much food for thought.
- 她的演讲有许多发人深思的内容。
- 16. His speech has provoked a raging debate.
- 他的演讲激起了激烈的争论。
- 17. Her speech carried the ring of authority.
- 她的讲话带着权威的口吻。
- 18. The senator gave his standard stump speech.
- 那位参议员进行了一次例行的竞选巡回演说。
- 19. They admired his gutsy and emotional speech.
- 他们十分欣赏他坚定而饱含深情的讲话。
- 20. There was little comic relief in his speech.
- 他的演讲少有轻松幽默的地方。
- 21. The speech was pandering to racial prejudice.
- 这篇讲话是在纵容种族偏见。
- 22. Her speech showed great maturity and humanity.
- 她的演讲显示出十足的成熟和博爱。
- 23. Her speech was greeted with howls of derision.
- 她的演讲受到阵阵嘲笑。
- 24. Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.
- 她的讲话对每个人都有深远的影响。
- 25. His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.
- 他讲话不成熟,词汇量也有限。
- 26. The speech had already been redrafted 22 times.
- 该演讲稿已被重写了22次。
- 27. He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
- 他在雷鸣般的掌声中结束了演讲。
- 28. He chose an uncontroversial topic for his speech.
- 他为自己的演讲选择了一个不会引起争议的话题。
- 29. He delivered his speech with evangelical fervour.
- 他发表演说时热烈鼓吹自己的思想。
- 30. Intoxication interferes with speech and coordination.
- 醉酒影响言语能力和协调性。