- 1. That hole was caused by spall blow - out.
- 那个洞就是被碎片打穿的。
- 2. The spall that blew out the back caused the water jug to leak.
- 头盔背后爆出的碎片把水桶打的漏水了。
- 3. The fracture of film probably happens more than that of spall.
- 薄膜断裂比层裂的可能性要大。
- 4. It is also found that the spall and fine cleft are due to local melting of heavy rail tread.
- 缺损和小裂口则是因重轨踏面局部熔融所造成的。
- 5. British actor Timothy Spall played Winston Churchill in the Oscar-winning film, the King's Speech.
- 英国男演员蒂莫西•斯波曾在奥斯卡获奖影片《国王的演讲》中扮演了温斯顿·丘吉尔一角。
- 6. The type of failure in operation is no longer the fatigue spall, but starts Witt the surface damage.
- 使用中的失效形式已不是疲劳剥落,大多是起始于表面损伤一类的故障。
- 7. The void coalescence-based spall model is applied to numerical simulations of one-dimensional spall tests.
- 这种基于空穴聚集的层裂模型已被应用于一维层裂试验的数值模拟。
- 8. Two spall planes were observed in the soft recovered sample for the high stress triangular wave experiment.
- 在经过高应力三角形波实验的软回收样品上,发现了两个层裂面。
- 9. Cast: Colin Firth, Eve Best, Geoffrey Rush, Guy Pearce, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Gambon, Timothy Spall.
- 演员:科林·菲斯,杰弗里·拉什,海伦娜·博瀚·卡特尔,迈克尔·刚本,蒂莫西·司波。
- 10. Spall fracture is the most common failure form of concrete components subjected to impact or explosive loading.
- 层裂破坏是爆炸冲击载荷下混凝土结构常见的破坏形式。
- 11. The dynamic response of the above two kinds of propellants are studied by dynamic compaction and spall experiment.
- 在动态压缩实验的基础上,本文对两种典型推进剂层裂过程进行了研究。
- 12. An insulation material which could automatically spall off the equipment at excessive temperatures was introduced.
- 文章介绍了一种能够超温自动脱落的保温材料。
- 13. HR2 steel was shocked and the spall samples were obtained by using a light-gas gun and "sample soft-capture" technology.
- 利用轻气炮加载和样品软回收技术,对HR2钢进行了试验,获得了软回收层裂样品。
- 14. By the fracture analysis and metallographic analysis, we obtained the spall fracture mechanism at different strain rate.
- 对回收的样品进行了断口分析和金相分析,从宏微观角度分析了无钴合金在不同应变率下的断裂机制。
- 15. According to the curve, the spall strength, the thickness of spall scab and the tensile strain rate under different condition were obtained.
- 根据所得曲线波形计算出相应条件下的层裂强度、层裂片厚度以及各自的应变率,最后得到层裂强度随拉伸应变率变化的关系曲线。
- 16. The wear of aluminum matrix composites, which is the common result of spall, adhesion and particle wear, is analysed in the end of the paper.
- 最后分析了铝基复合材料表面的磨损情况,说明了它的磨损是剥落、粘着和磨粒磨损共同作用的结果。
- 17. The melt eroding acting on the matrix of crucible refractory destroyed the combination between grain and matrix, and caused the grain to spall…
- 合金液通过侵蚀坩埚材料的基质部分破坏了坩埚表层的结构。
- 18. Coupled with damage function model proposed previously, pr function is applied to simulate the spall behaviors of OFHC copper and 45 steel as examples.
- 通过其与损伤度函数模型进行耦合,对无氧铜和45钢平板撞击层裂进行了数值模拟。
- 19. The melt eroding acting on the matrix of crucible refractory destroyed the combination between grain and matrix, and caused the grain to spall. There were intense…
- 合金液通过侵蚀坩埚材料的基质部分破坏了坩埚表层的结构。
- 20. Because of axis line deflection and asymmetric load distribution of rotary kiln, the support parts may break, spall, or erode due to the induced overlarge contact stresses.
- 回转窑运行中由于轴线偏差,支承载荷分配严重不均,导致支承部件因接触应力过大而产生压溃、剥落和点蚀等现象。
- 21. Experimental techniques based on the dynamics of shock wave attenuation were used to produce decaying triangular shock pulse in LY12 Al samples of plate-impact spall tests.
- 就样品中呈现三角形脉冲的平板冲击实验而言,样品中可以存在一些高拉伸应力区域并发生多次层裂。
- 22. By the experiment and analysis, at the same shock pressure, the spall strength will increase with the strain rate, and it will decrease with the increasing thickness of samples.
- 通过实验与分析可知,在相同冲击压力下,层裂强度随拉伸应变率的增长而增长,随样品厚度的增加而减小。
- 23. It immediately explodes, transmitting a compression shock wave into the crew compartment, where it strips off "spall" -flakes of metal, some the size of a frisbee-that fly into occupants.
- 它迅速爆炸,并发射出密集的冲击波到层层穿越到乘员舱,它需要使“残瓦破片”(金属的碎片,一些甚至有飞盘一般大)层层剥落。
- 24. An approximate formula for the thickness of the major spall is presented and the "mica-splitting" phenomenon about the minor spalls observed in the experiments is satisfactorily explained.
- 提出了一个计算主裂片厚度的近似公式,对实验中出现的多层的呈云母状结构的次裂片现象也作出了较满意的解释。
- 25. Under the condition of directly hit with precision-guided munitions, the research on the spall-resistant dam- age for underground structures has become important in protective engineering.
- 用钢板对地下结构进行抗震塌破坏加固改造,已成为精确打击条件下坑道防护工程研究的重要内容之一。
- 26. The propagation of laser-induced stress wave is also further investigated, and the influences of film thickness on spall thickness as well as the time when spallation begins are predicted.
- 探讨了激光诱导压力波的传播规律,预测了不同靶厚下的层裂厚度及其对层裂开始时间的影响。
- 27. To prevent spalling, the manufacturer must develop spall resistant rolls while the user must be familiar with the roll characteristics and maintain the rolls in a manner to promote longevity.
- 为预防剥落,制造商必须开发抗剥落性能的辊子,同时,用户必须熟悉辊子的特性并对辊子进行维护保养,以提高辊子的寿命。
- 28. It is indicated that the spall strength equations determined by the traditional methodology are valid only for the numerically simulated 'pullback' by a local instantaneous critical stress criterion.
- 研究指出,传统方法确定的层裂强度测定方程仅仅可能对采用瞬时层裂准则得到的数值模拟的层裂信号有效。
- 29. It is indicated that the spall strength equations determined by the traditional methodology are valid only for the numerically simulated 'pullback' by a local instantaneous critical stress criterion.
- 研究指出,传统方法确定的层裂强度测定方程仅仅可能对采用瞬时层裂准则得到的数值模拟的层裂信号有效。