- 1. This model has a mono soundtrack.
- 这个型号是单声道的。
- 2. The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.
- 这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。
- 3. The soundtrack of 'Casablanca' took weeks to edit.
- 《卡萨布兰卡》的声带花了好几个星期才剪辑好。
- 4. It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film.
- 音乐家们花了两天半的时间录制电影的配乐。
- 5. Photos of the above locations are displayed on the resort's website with a banjo soundtrack.
- 度假村的网站上展示了上述地点的照片,并带有班卓琴的配乐。
- 6. The soundtrack is not in sync with the picture.
- 音画不同步。
- 7. I've just bought the soundtrack of the latest Tarantino movie.
- 我刚买了塔伦蒂诺最新影片的音乐磁带。
- 8. Follin graduated with his third soundtrack, "Vectron".
- 福林带着他的第三张原声带“威客创”毕业了。
- 9. More recently, he has been a writer, record slanger, music producer, manager, promoter and film soundtrack supervisor.
- 最近,他成为了作家、唱片制作人、音乐制作人、经理、推广人和电影配乐监制。
- 10. The soundtrack, however, was impossible to hear.
- 然而却很难听到电影的配音。
- 11. The singers' plaintive squeals form the soundtrack of our lives.
- 那些京剧演员哀伤的唱腔成了我们生活的配乐。
- 12. If it does, a soundtrack of some kind would likely be part of the deal.
- 如果它真的这么做,此类配乐可能也是这个协议的一部分。
- 13. Lose the speaker cables without losing a single detail from the soundtrack.
- 没有扬声器电缆却没有从声道失去哪怕一个单一的音节。
- 14. The resort's website shows images of all three, set to a lively banjo soundtrack.
- 度假村的网站上展示了上述地点的照片,并带有班卓琴的配乐。
- 15. This is featured on the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack, and is perfect for this role.
- 这也是电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的片尾曲,而且对于这个角色显得非常合适。
- 16. The movie was graceful and beautiful and the soundtrack has kept it alive all these years.
- 影片不仅优雅而且优美,其原声带的存在更是让这部电影至今都充满着活力。
- 17. The song, included on the “Notting Hill” movie soundtrack, hit number one on the UK charts.
- 这首歌收录在《诺丁山》电影原声大碟,曾荣登英国排行榜榜首。
- 18. The next step would be to find a way to listen to the soundtrack of the film without watching it.
- 接下来,就该想办法抛开电影画面听其原声带(或原声录音)了。
- 19. Because the song is perfectly suited to be the soundtrack to the past few wild weeks of my life.
- 因为那首歌正是我前段时间疯狂生活的真实写照。
- 20. Miyano dreams of becoming a soundtrack composer, and to this end he spent five years studying in Boston.
- 宫野梦想成为电影配乐作曲家,为此,他花了五年时间在波士顿留学。
- 21. One night in 1970, Corcoran brought the just-released Woodstock soundtrack album to Bobbi's apartment.
- 1970年的一天晚上,科克兰带着一张刚发行的《伍德斯托克》原声专辑来到了波比的家里。
- 22. Whittle has come up with a soundtrack to the birth of the cosmos-and it doesn't sound anything like a bang.
- 惠特尔为宇宙诞生进行了配乐——它听起来一点也不象爆炸声。
- 23. You realize that what began as party music has come to be the soundtrack for post-civil-rights America.
- 你会意识到最早以晚会音乐形式出现的音乐现在开始成为民权运动后美国的电影配乐。
- 24. Indian composer ar Rahman on winning two awards for his Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack: "This is insane." God is great again.
- 印度作曲家ARRahman借《贫民窟的百万富翁》原声带获得两项大奖:“很不可思议,上帝又一次证明了他的伟大。”
- 25. Indian composer ar Rahman on winning two awards for his Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack: "This is insane." God is great again.
- 印度作曲家ARRahman借《贫民窟的百万富翁》原声带获得两项大奖:“很不可思议,上帝又一次证明了他的伟大。”