- 1. I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or sorrel, or a horse-fly, or a bumblebee.
- 我并不比牧场上的一朵毛蕊花、一支蒲公英、一片豆叶、一束酢浆草、一只马蝇或一只大黄蜂更孤独。
- 2. "I am sure Peter has eaten sorrel again, and that makes him groan so," said his mother.
- “我相信彼得一定又吃了酸模,才这样呻吟。”他母亲说。
- 3. She wears a sorrel coat today.
- 她今天穿着件栗色的外套。
- 4. The sorrel easily won the race.
- 那匹栗色马轻易地赢了那场赛马。
- 5. Here he had rooted up the moss and wood sorrel.
- 在这里,他连根拔起了苔藓和酢浆草。
- 6. So, how about: salmon in a sorrel sauce with asparagus.
- 那么,是不是这样的呢:三文鱼配sorrel芦笋酱。
- 7. Yet what of Matthew's white collar and the sorrel mare?
- 那么,马修的白领礼服和栗色母马拉的车又是怎么回事呢?
- 8. Upon a biological level, Sorrel assists with cellular communication.
- 在一个生物性水平上,酢浆草协助了细胞通讯。
- 9. Oval '. 'to spearpoint-shaped leaves; preferred to common sorrel for salads.
- 到牙轮顶尖形的叶子;多指做色拉用的普通酸模。
- 10. Then they found next to the road sorrel, send to gather it and they forgot about the kitten.
- 然后他们发现了在路栗色旁边,送会集它并且他们忘掉了小猫。
- 11. Add 3 shots sorrel ade to recipe. Sorrel ade is a drink made in Jamaica from the sorrel plant.
- 配方里加入3盎司的酸果汁。酸果汁是由牙买加的酸液的植物制成。
- 12. But the fragrant dank beckoned with wild garlic, wood sorrel and magnolia still tight in the bud.
- 但是空气中有野蒜和酢浆草的香味,玉兰花正含苞欲放。
- 13. Wild sorrel: this slightly bitter herb adds a lemony flavour to cooking, and goes well with fish dishes.
- 野生栗子:这个略带苦味能给烹饪增加柠檬口味,能让鱼类菜肴更加美味。
- 14. Sorrel will assist initiates in learning to commune with soul, earth and nature for guidance and healing.
- 酢浆草将协助提升者学会和灵魂、地球和大自然互相通讯以获得引导及疗愈。
- 15. Sorrel will assist initiates in learning to commune with soul, earth and nature for guidance and healing.
- 酢浆草将协助提升者学会和灵魂、地球和大自然相互交融以获得引导及疗愈。
- 16. (See Sorrel 's gushy review of Reeder for a closer look.) Yes, it even makes reading news for work more fun.
- (详情见索尔的评论)它甚至可以令为工作看新闻变得有趣。
- 17. The old count's horse, a sorrel gelding, with a white mane and tail, called Viflyanka, was led by the count's groom;
- 伯爵的马夫牵着老伯爵骑的一匹叫做维夫梁卡的白鬃白尾的枣红色骟马;
- 18. European sorrel with large slightly acidic sagittate leaves grown throughout north temperate zone for salad and spring greens.
- 有巨大微酸箭头形叶子的欧洲酸模,遍布于北温带地区,做色拉和春季草地。
- 19. Oxalic acid: Colourless, crystalline, toxic carboxylic acid found in many plants, especially rhubarb, wood sorrel, and spinach.
- 草酸:无色结晶有毒的羧酸类有机化合物。许多植物中有草酸,尤其是大黄、酢浆草和菠菜。
- 20. There are some versions of borscht made without beets. There is an orange borscht, which is made with tomatoes, and a green borscht, which has a sorrel base.
- 也有一些版本的罗宋汤不使用甜菜:比如用番茄可以做出橙色的罗宋汤,还有一种绿色的用酸模做成的罗宋汤。
- 21. The kitchen garden, now well stocked and carefully defended from the birds, was pided into small beds, where grew lettuces, kidney potatoes, sorrel, turnips, radishes, and other coneiferae.
- 现在菜园里出产丰富而且不怕鸟来,许多菜畦分种着莴苣、卵形马铃薯、酸模、芜菁、萝卜和其他十字花科的植物。
- 22. Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare.Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.
- 厨师们用指尖将一片片的酢浆草叶掐下来,折叠并摆放在手工削制的生牛肉泥上,搭配杜松粉和龙蒿泥。
- 23. Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare. Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.
- 厨师们用指尖将一片片的酢浆草叶掐下来,折叠并摆放在手工削制的生牛肉泥上,搭配杜松粉和龙蒿泥。
- 24. Since then, says Steve Sorrel, an economist who produced a report about the rebound effect for Britain's Energy Research Centre, there has been little research into just how big the rebound effect is.
- 史蒂夫·索瑞尔(SteveSorrel)是一位为英国能源研究中心就“回弹效应”问题总结过报告的经济学家。他讲道,自那以后,很少人会去研究这种回弹效应究竟有多大。
- 25. Since then, says Steve Sorrel, an economist who produced a report about the rebound effect for Britain's Energy Research Centre, there has been little research into just how big the rebound effect is.
- 史蒂夫·索瑞尔(SteveSorrel)是一位为英国能源研究中心就“回弹效应”问题总结过报告的经济学家。他讲道,自那以后,很少人会去研究这种回弹效应究竟有多大。