- 1. He slept solidly for ten hours.
- 他整整睡了十个小时。
- 2. Graham is so solidly consistent.
- 格雷厄姆非常可靠稳定。
- 3. He stood solidly in my path.
- 他把我的道挡得死死的。
- 4. It rained solidly for three hours.
- 雨下了整整三个小时。
- 5. She's played solidly throughout the spring.
- 她整个春季都表现得很稳健。
- 6. The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican.
- 洛斯阿拉莫斯地区是坚定的共和党地盘。
- 7. Their house, which was solidly built, resisted the main shock.
- 他们的房子修建得很坚固,经受住了主震。
- 8. People who had worked solidly since Christmas enjoyed the chance of a Friday off.
- 自圣诞节连续工作到现在的人们星期五可以有机会放假一天。
- 9. This bridge is very solidly built.
- 这座桥造得很坚固。
- 10. He is solidly built.
- 他身体很瓷实。
- 11. He stared down Muslera, then stroked the ball solidly.
- 他盯着穆斯·莱拉,然后用力一脚将球踢了出去。
- 12. Opinion polls confirm that Americans are solidly on Israel's side.
- 民意测验证实美国人坚定的站在以色列这边。
- 13. Blacks are solidly for Mr Obama, but many swing voters are unsure.
- 黑人对奥巴马的支持坚如磐石,但许多摇摆不定的选民还没有拿定主意。
- 14. But black Republicans are solidly behind their candidate - John McCain.
- 但是,黑人共和党人还是坚定支持共和党候选人麦凯恩。
- 15. Indiana, solidly Republican for years, has recently become a swing state.
- 印第安纳曾经是多年的共和党“铁杆”,现在却成了摇摆州。
- 16. Older women seem to be as solidly pro-Clinton as blacks are solidly pro-Obama.
- 老年白人女性对希拉里的支持程度丝毫不亚于黑人对奥巴马的支持。
- 17. "Central heating is just too extravagant," says Mr. Kimura, who is solidly middle class.
- “中央供暖系统太浪费了。”作为中坚中产阶级的Kimura先生这样说道。
- 18. Overall, the company will be solidly profitable in 2011, Ford has told Wall Street analysts.
- 总之,福特告诉华尔街的分析师,这个公司将在2011年有稳定的盈利。
- 19. On the other hand, Sumitomo has a rapidly growing business in China and is solidly profitable.
- 而另一反面,住友在中国业务增长迅速,且连续盈利。
- 20. When you try to work solidly for hours on end, you inevitably end up getting tired and distracted.
- 当你试着要坚持数小时以完成工作时,必然会以疲惫和精神涣散而告终。
- 21. This move puts EMC solidly on this path and could become the biggest single thing it has ever done.
- 这一现象将使EMC更加坚定的在这条道路上前进,并成长为它能够达到的最大程度。
- 22. This report is solidly positive for the economy: bit by bit the pieces of recovery are falling into place.
- 这份报告对于经济来说是一个非常积极的利好消息:恢复正在稳定进行中。
- 23. The houses are stately and grand: not prefabricated but solidly constructed and rich in architectural detail.
- 这里的房子庄严宏伟:绝非预制房,建造坚固,建筑细节随处可见。
- 24. But Barclays Capital has contributed solidly to the group's profits, accounting for 30% of the total in 2006.
- 尽管如此,巴克莱资本对集团公司总利润的贡献率保持稳定,2006年达30%。
- 25. That was true in my tests, and I'd be wary of using it with Vista, though it performed solidly in Windows XP.
- 我在测试时就碰到了这样的情况,所以我在Vista系统中使用Foxmarks时会特别地谨慎,不过它在WindowsXP系统中表现还是很稳定的。
- 26. We believe that the U.S. real economy is still solidly based, particularly the high-tech and basic industries.
- 我们相信美国经济的内核仍然坚实稳固,特别是它的高科技产业和基础工业。
- 27. But perhaps because of his origins in the solidly "red" region of Emilia, he gravitated to the left of the movement.
- 但也许是因为他出身于“红色”传统很深的地区——艾米利亚,他在68年的运动中更倾向于激进派。
- 28. Estonia now sees itself as a solidly Nordic country, yet its snow-clad neighbour, Latvia, needed an IMF-led bail-out.
- 现在,爱沙尼亚认为自己是一个团结统一的北欧国家;而它冰雪覆盖的邻居拉脱维亚,却需要国际货币基金组织领导的救援计划。
- 29. Estonia now sees itself as a solidly Nordic country, yet its snow-clad neighbour, Latvia, needed an IMF-led bail-out.
- 现在,爱沙尼亚认为自己是一个团结统一的北欧国家;而它冰雪覆盖的邻居拉脱维亚,却需要国际货币基金组织领导的救援计划。