- 1. I made a solemn promise that I would return.
- 我郑重承诺我会回来的。
- 2. Erica was solemn, pulling at her blonde curls.
- 埃丽卡表情严肃,拉扯着她金黄色的卷发。
- 3. The solemn intensity of Jade's gaze discomfited him.
- 在杰德强烈而严肃的凝视下他狼狈不堪。
- 4. There was nothing portentous or solemn about him. He was bubbling with humour.
- 他身上一点也不装腔作势或故作严肃。他幽默十足。
- 5. At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.
- 在最庄严的的时刻他也会露出嘲弄的微笑或是说些讽刺挖苦的话。
- 6. They take a solemn oath.
- 他们庄严地宣誓。
- 7. The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.
- 仪式在庄严的气氛中进行。
- 8. Grand, solemn, and dark was the whole landscape around.
- 周围的景色伟大、庄严而深沉。
- 9. Her face was so solemn that he almost whispered his answer.
- 她的脸那么严肃,他几乎是在低声回答。
- 10. Some follow each other in solemn parades, but others swirl about, sideways and upside down.
- 庄严的游行队伍中有的人跟随彼此,而有些则原地打转,侧着身子,上下颠倒。
- 11. They waited a time that seemed an age, and then the same muffled boom troubled the solemn hush.
- 他们等了一段时间,仿佛等了一个世纪,然后,同样低沉的轰隆声打破了肃穆的寂静。
- 12. The Frog-Footman repeated, in the same solemn tone, only changing the order of the words a little.
- 蛙脸仆人只是把语序换了一下,用同样严肃的声调重复了一遍。
- 13. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it.
- 我们会为此争论不休,甚至可能以国家的身份做出一些听起来相当严肃的承诺来庄重的承诺来避免这种情况发生。
- 14. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn sounding commitments to avoid it.
- 我们将为此争论不休,甚至可能作为一个国家作出一些相当庄严的承诺来避免它。
- 15. He listened intently, but the stillness was profound and solemn--awful, even, and depressing to the spirits.
- 他聚精会神地听着,但周围一片寂静,深沉而肃穆——甚至可怕,令人沮丧。
- 16. All the saints above, in solemn troops, and sweet societies sing for him, and wipe the tears forever from his eyes.
- 所有的圣人都在庄严的军队和温馨的团体中为他歌唱,将他的泪水永远的拭去。
- 17. Here the unfeeling Toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn.
- 说到这里,没心没肺的托德不禁暗笑起来,随后又振作起来,竭力装出一副特别严肃的样子。
- 18. We entered into a solemn bond.
- 我们缔结了一项严肃的协定。
- 19. Her expression grew solemn.
- 她的表情显得严肃起来。
- 20. Her face grew solemn.
- 她的脸显得严肃起来。
- 21. His solemn little face broke into smiles.
- 他那严肃的小脸绽开了笑容。
- 22. She made a solemn promise to him when they became engaged that she would give up cigarettes for good.
- 他们订婚时,她向他许下郑重的承诺,说她会永远戒烟。
- 23. It's awful solemn like, ain't it?
- 这很肃静,是吧?
- 24. He struck a most solemn blow upon the piece of wood.
- 他使劲地朝那块木头劈了下去。
- 25. He stepped back and gave the door a most solemn kick.
- 他往后退了一步,狠狠地踹了门一脚。
- 26. "But that's not all," Mary went on, almost pale with solemn excitement.
- “还不止这样。”玛丽接着说,她的脸色因为兴奋几乎有些发白。
- 27. "I don't want to go to school and learn solemn things," he told her passionately.
- “我不想上学,不想学正经的东西。”他激动地对她说。
- 28. Miss Rottenmeier began with a severe and solemn voice: "I shall speak with you later, Adelheid."
- 罗特麦耶小姐用严肃而低沉的声音开口了:“阿得海特,我等会要跟你谈谈。”
- 29. He knew Peter must be obeyed, and he returned in a moment, wearing John's hat and looking solemn.
- 他知道彼得的命令必须服从,所以他很快就回来了,戴着约翰的帽子,神情很严肃。
- 30. Please your Majesty to give the circumstance that solemn weight which is its due, seeing it was foretold.
- 陛下,这个事实是被预言过的,请您给予它重视吧。