- 1. Slyness is hurting deliberately.
- 狡猾是故意的伤害。
- 2. He delighted in female subtlety, slyness and fecundity.
- 他醉心于女性的细腻、狡黠和旺盛的生殖力。
- 3. Magda heard him out, smiled tacitly with peasant slyness.
- 玛格达听出了话里的意思, 带着庄稼人的调皮神情沉默地微笑。
- 4. It makes sincerity turn to hypocrisy, cleverness turn to slyness and seriousness turn to dogma.
- 真诚成了虚伪,聪明成了狡猾,认真成了刻板。
- 5. It is probably because of its slyness and shrewdness, the cat is often supposed to be connected whit witches and devil.
- 也许是由于猫看上去狡诈阴险,人们常把它与巫婆或魔鬼联系在一起。
- 6. The dancers move in unison as they mimic the animal's approach to a carcass, the slyness of the walk and the aggressiveness of an attack.
- 舞狮人的动作要协调,因为他们模仿的是狮子接近猎物,步伐要狡猾,要有狩猎的攻击性。
- 7. This is the so-called human wisdom according to my meaning, which is obviously different from the slyness of fox or the acumen of animals.
- 这就是我所谓的人类智慧,这显然区别于狐狸纯粹的狡猾或者动物的聪明。
- 8. From green to blue, red, yellow, brown, black, dark and gold, these masks show fear, tension, relaxation, slyness, desperation, outrage, and so on.
- 从绿色到蓝色,红色,黄色,棕色,黑色,黑色和黄金面具表演,进行拉伸、松弛,恐惧,绝望,outrage和狡猾的,等等。
- 9. One of the Polish students was Klara, about 24, rather small, with the classic Slavic look: clear skin, good cheekbones, a pouty mouth, and a slyness in her blue eyes.
- 学生里有个波兰来的女生叫克拉拉,大约24岁,身材娇小,典型的斯拉夫相貌:皮肤白皙,颧骨优美,嘴巴翘着,蓝眼睛里带一丝狡黠。
- 10. Bantering about daily trivialities with neighbours and friends who come to visit as guests in the same tone, squinting eyes of everyone twinkles tacitly in the same slyness.
- 和来家中做客的邻居朋友用同一种腔调巧妙地笑谑着身边的琐事,大家眯起的眼睛都默契地闪着同一种狡黠;
- 11. Bantering about daily trivialities with neighbours and friends who come to visit as guests in the same tone, squinting eyes of everyone twinkles tacitly in the same slyness.
- 和来家中做客的邻居朋友用同一种腔调巧妙地笑谑着身边的琐事,大家眯起的眼睛都默契地闪着同一种狡黠;