- 1. He glanced at her slyly.
- 他诡秘地朝她瞥了一眼。
- 2. Anna grinned slyly.
- 安娜会意地咧嘴笑了。
- 3. He would allow John slyly to copy his answers to impossibly difficult algebra questions.
- 对于那些特别难的代数题,他允许约翰偷偷抄袭他的答案。
- 4. Some one must have slipped it slyly into my pocket for a joke.
- 一定是有人捉弄我,偷偷地把它塞进了我的口袋。
- 5. She ran slyly through the wall.
- 她偷偷地穿过那堵墙。
- 6. Love come slyly, like a thief!
- 爱象一个贼,潜到我们身边!
- 7. Including you and Dad, "said Ginny slyly."
- “包括你和爸爸。”金妮调皮地说。
- 8. "I'm just a little garden snake," he grinned slyly.
- “我仅是花园里的一条小青蛇”他狡猾地吐着舌信笑着说。
- 9. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work.
- 我会静静的绽放花瓣,看着你工作。
- 10. Georgos smiled slyly , knowing it was his turn to be superior.
- 乔戈斯狡猾地笑了笑,他知道这下该轮到他高人一着了。
- 11. I noticed fairly early that her descriptions are slyly non-descriptive.
- 我很早就注意到她的描写不仅仅是简单描写。
- 12. In dark corners, behind trucks, vendors and customers slyly exchanged large stacks of bills.
- 在一些黑暗的角落,卡车的背后,商贩和顾客正在核对账单,清点账目。
- 13. The girl constantly put herself in Mr. Franklin's wayDvery slyly and quietly, but she did it.
- 这姑娘经常在弗兰克林先生面前出现―虽然是偷偷的,悄悄的,但她总还是这样做了。
- 14. The girl constantly put herself in Mr. Franklin's way-very slyly and quietly, but she did it.
- 这姑娘经常在弗兰克林先生面前出现—虽然是偷偷的,悄悄的,但她总还是这样做了。
- 15. His face was burning; the girl watched him so closely, studying him, smiling slyly, and maybe could smell his breath.
- 他的脸在发烧。那姑娘那么仔细地打量着他,揣摩着他,狡黠地笑着,也许还闻得到他的气息。
- 16. Kitty had an idea that the Mother Superior, pining her thought and the reason for her remarks, was slyly making fun of her.
- 应为:凯蒂有一种感觉,院长嬷嬷正推断着她的想法、她说那种话的原因,暗中在拿她取笑。
- 17. In an instant, the past flashed upon my mind as the wind whistled past. Holding the flower high, I seemed to see Ch'ichen smiling slyly a second.
- 刹那间,往事裹挟着岁月的风尘呼啸而至。我擎着那朵木槿,仿佛又看见了齐晨狡黠的笑颜。
- 18. Diana slyly cut herself another "sliver" of the chocolate cake. "I think my own are pretty nice.".. But there's really something about yours... And your twins!
- 戴安娜不好意思的切下另一小块巧克力蛋糕,“我觉得我自己的孩子很可爱,但你的孩子真的很不一样——尤其是你的双胞胎!”
- 19. After heard these words, they open their mouths slyly and barely at once and thanked me gladly. They expressed good wishes to me and hoped me keep the inspirations too.
- 他听了马上咧开嘴,很高兴地谢谢我,也祝我常有灵感。
- 20. That takes us to an important point that I wanted to secretly and slyly get across to everyone: Sometimes applying a data mining algorithm to your data will produce a bad model.
- 这也是我想审慎地告诉大家的一点:有时候,将数据挖掘算法应用到数据集有可能会生成一个糟糕的模型。
- 21. As such, silver screen references to glamorous shimmer and lush screening have been slyly constructed through DIY experimentation using roof sheet, metal chains, and off-the-shelf curtain tracks.
- 正因如此,象征迷人的闪光灯和豪华幕布的银幕以屋顶板、金属条和现成的窗帘轨道通过DIY试验被隐晦地表现在建筑中。
- 22. As such, silver screen references to glamorous shimmer and lush screening have been slyly constructed through DIY experimentation using roof sheet, metal chains, and off-the-shelf curtain tracks.
- 正因如此,象征迷人的闪光灯和豪华幕布的银幕以屋顶板、金属条和现成的窗帘轨道通过DIY试验被隐晦地表现在建筑中。