- 1. Everyone else was getting sloshed.
- 其他每个人都快喝醉了。
- 2. The champagne sloshed and spilt.
- 香槟酒向四处喷射。
- 3. She sloshed coffee into the mugs.
- 她哗哗地把咖啡倒进杯子里。
- 4. The water sloshed around the bridge.
- 河水拍打着桥的周围。
- 5. We all sloshed around in the puddles.
- 我们都噗噗地踩着一摊摊的积水。
- 6. Some of the paint sloshed out of the can.
- 桶里撒出了一些油漆。
- 7. The two girls joined arms and sloshed through the mud together.
- 这两个女孩挽着胳膊,一起趟过了泥浆。
- 8. He took a mouthful of the cheap wine and sloshed it around his mouth.
- 他呷了一口廉价葡萄酒,在嘴里来回咂摸着。
- 9. You sloshed it out. I watched you.
- 你溅出来的,我看见了。
- 10. Billy: I went to a party at a friend's house and got very sloshed.
- 比利:我去了一个朋友家里的派对,而且喝得很醉。
- 11. He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips.
- 他把油漆往上一泼,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹。
- 12. When he sloshed a cup of coffee he asked her if she would like some drink.
- 他一边笨手笨脚地为她倒咖啡,一边问她是否想喝点什么。
- 13. The water sloshed around inside him-he felt it, he heard it-then settled.
- 他感到并听到喝下去的水在他的肚子里翻腾,然后归于安静。
- 14. She sloshed through the shallow water and reached the opposite bank where another man was waiting for her.
- 她溅着水花渡过了浅水抵达对岸,那边另有人正在等她。
- 15. I sloshed this around on the inside to coat not only the top corners, but also where this piece joins the hull.
- 这对周围的内,以外套,不仅顶端的角落,但也是这片加入船体。
- 16. This money was entrusted to a few thousand traders who sloshed it around the world in search of the highest returns.
- 这些资金被托付给几千名交易员,由他们追逐着最高的回报将这些资金如天女散花般洒向世界各地。
- 17. The figure trudged, or rather sloshed, onwards till the hill resumed and the treacherous sheet of water was left behind.
- 这人艰难地跋涉着、或者说是踉跄着一直向前,将这座小山和讨厌的水洼甩在了身后。
- 18. It's also brilliantly funny: Barrymore dressing up her new Pal in flowery hat and frock, and et getting sloshed on tennies.
- 这也是非常精彩有趣的:巴里摩尔把她的新朋友用华丽的帽子和罩袍打扮起来,但是E.T沉迷于网球。
- 19. Outside the sun-sloshed breeze blows everywhere, but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house.
- 到处是给太阳晒得懒洋洋的风,不像搅动屋里沉闷的那样有生气。 。
- 20. The high winds and waves sloshed oily water over the miles of containment boom that have been strung around Louisiana's fragile coastline.
- 狂风巨浪卷带着油水越过路易斯安那州脆弱海岸线上排列的围油栏内数里处。
- 21. When bones have to help lift a weight, the fluid gets sloshed about, leading to the proliferation of osteoblasts in the areas under the most stress.
- 当骨骼迫于帮助增加体重,液体就如醉汉般来回晃动,从而导致高压区造骨细胞的增加。
- 22. Instead, the Americans sloshed millions of dollars at the mass murderers who had originally helped to destroy the place so that they would fight on our side.
- 但是,美国人撒了无数的钱给原来破坏这个地方的刽子手,然后,这帮人就帮我们打仗了。
- 23. Another holds that by clanking the glasses into one another, wine could be sloshed from glass to glass, thereby serving as a proof the beverages had not been poisoned.
- 另一种解释坚持认为碰杯时双方各将自己的酒向对方的酒杯中倾注一些,从而证明酒中无毒。
- 24. Mechanical parameters of sloshed liquid are obtained finally. The parameters determined by this method are fairly consistent with the results of theoretical calculation and …
- 用此种辨识方法获得的液体晃动的主频率和参预基频晃动液体的等效质量与理论计算和共振试验法得到的结果基本一致。
- 25. Mechanical parameters of sloshed liquid are obtained finally. The parameters determined by this method are fairly consistent with the results of theoretical calculation and …
- 用此种辨识方法获得的液体晃动的主频率和参预基频晃动液体的等效质量与理论计算和共振试验法得到的结果基本一致。