- 1. Choose healthy foods like whole-grain cereals, low-fat dairy like low-fat yogurt or skim-milk, lean protein like eggs or Turkey bacon, fruit, and nuts.
- 多吃一些粗粮食品、低脂酸奶或脱脂牛奶、瘦蛋白物质如蛋类、火鸡培根、水果、坚果等有益健康的食物。
- 2. He commissioned a 2010 report which showed that the wholesale price of infant formula in Singapore was ten times greater than the value of its chief ingredient, skim-milk powder.
- 他委任了一份2010年报告,当中显示新加坡婴儿奶粉的批发售价是其主要成分脱脂奶粉的十倍。
- 3. You also can change the whole milk into skim milk or yoghourt.
- 你还可以把全脂牛奶换成脱脂奶或酸奶。
- 4. If you make it at home, using skim milk is a good way to cut fat and calories from the drink.
- 如果你在家做热巧克力的话,使用脱脂牛奶就可以减少热巧克力中的脂肪和卡路里含量。
- 5. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee - stick to skim milk and very little sugar.
- 不过,在往咖啡里添加东西时要注意——要坚持用脱脂牛奶和极少量的糖。
- 6. Instead, he suggests getting these compounds through food, whether by including green tea at breakfast or by adding an extra glass of skim milk to your daily diet.
- 相反,他建议通过食物获得这些化合物,不论是早餐时候喝绿茶还是在日常饮食中加杯脱脂牛奶。
- 7. Skim milk is almost never skim milk.
- 脱脂牛奶基本都不是脱脂牛奶。
- 8. If you prefer thicker soups, choose vegetable purees made with water or skim milk as a base - their smooth, creamy texture feels indulgent, and the pureed veggies provide a nutritional bonus.
- 如果你喜欢比较浓稠的汤,可以用蔬菜泥或是脱脂牛奶做原料-这样的汤与奶油浓汤一样具有细滑的口感,而且蔬菜泥还能提供更多的营养。
- 9. If you don't like your coffee black, add a little skim milk and artificial sweetener to keep the calorie count low.
- 如果你不喜欢你的咖啡“清汤挂水”,那就往里面稍微加点脱脂牛奶和人造甜味剂,味道有了,又不会有太多热量。
- 10. But CFLs couldn’t be dimmed, they were fragile, and they produced a light that had all the warmth and appeal of skim milk.
- 不过节能灯不能调光,而且易碎,它所发出的光芒就像脱脂牛奶一样柔和温暖,富有吸引力。
- 11. And you can cut down fat and sugar more by using skim milk and an artificial sweetener.
- 并且可以使用脱脂奶和人工甜味剂减少脂肪和糖。
- 12. To ease sunburn, Morgan recommends applying a compress of cold skim milk mixed with oatmeal.
- 为减轻晒伤的症状,Morgan建议用冷的脱脂牛奶家桑燕麦片做冷敷。
- 13. Or 1-2 scoop protein shake and 2 Fiber One Bars, ground into a paste and mixed with skim milk.
- 或者1—2勺含有蛋白质的搅拌冰淇淋和纤维一两条,搅拌成一团并且混入脱脂奶。
- 14. One glass of whole milk contains 4.5 grams of saturated fat, compared with 0g in skim milk, 1.5 grams in 1% milk, and 3 grams in 2% milk.
- 一杯脱脂牛奶含饱和脂肪酸0g,1%牛奶含有1.5g,2%牛奶含3g,与此相比,一杯全脂牛奶含有4.5g的饱和脂肪酸。
- 15. Better choices may be Brazil nuts (for selenium), skim milk (for calcium), or a spinach salad (for folic acid).
- 更好的选择是吃一些巴西胡桃(获得更多的硒),脱脂牛奶(获得更多的钙),或菠菜沙拉(获得更多的叶酸)。
- 16. And milk-based drinks as well as skim milk.
- 牛奶饮料以及脱脂牛奶。
- 17. skim milk instead of creamer in your coffee (2 creamers = 45 calories; skim milk = negligible calories; plus, it adds calcium)
- 选用脱脂牛奶而不是咖啡伴侣(2匙咖啡伴侣等于45卡路里,而脱脂牛奶中的卡路里几乎可以忽略不计,另外,它还能增加钙)
- 18. Your goal is to eat three to four servings a day of low-fat cheeses, yogurt, and 1 percent or skim milk; the calcium in dairy products is the most readily absorbed by your body.
- 你的目标是每天吃三到四份的低脂干酪、酸奶酪和1%或全脱脂乳;奶制品中的钙是最容易被你的身体吸收的。
- 19. The homemade variety is best when you’re counting calories, because you can control the ingredients -- skim milk and fresh or frozen fruit are all you need.
- 如果你要减肥的话,在家里自己制作这样的果汁奶昔还是不错的,可以根据需要控制奶昔当中各种物质的成分,因为只有用脱脂的牛奶和新鲜的水果才能减肥、健康两不误。
- 20. I notice you have two quarts of skim milk.
- 我看到你拿了两夸托脱脂牛奶。
- 21. Skim milk, crusts, middlings, bits of doughnuts, wheat cakes with drops of maple syrup sticking to them, potato skins, leftover custard pudding with raisins, and bits of Shredded wheat.
- 早饭包括脱脂奶,面包渣儿,粗麦粉,一小块油煎圈饼,上面沾着枫蜜的麦糕,土豆皮,缀着葡萄干的小块布丁,零碎的麦片。
- 22. An easy solution, Iserloh said, is to try skim milk plus, which has added milk solids for a creamier taste.
- Iserloh说,一个很简单的解决方法就是给脱脂牛奶加料,加入固态奶制品可以获得更加浓郁的口感。
- 23. Very few restaurants outside Starbucks carry whole milk, 2 percent milk, skim milk, and half-and-half; it's just not practical.
- 星巴克外面基本上没有纯牛奶,百分之二的纯牛奶,脱脂牛奶,一半牛奶一半奶油;那是不切实际的。
- 24. At the breakfast can drink skim milk perhaps yogurt, the rest and request and the first taboo base really greatly.
- 早餐时能够饮用脱脂牛奶或许酸奶,其余忌讳和请求与第一种基真雷同。
- 25. Unsweetened cereal with skim milk and fruit.
- 无糖谷物及少量牛奶和水果。
- 26. If you're concerned about fat and calories, choose 1% or skim milk.
- 如果你担心脂肪和卡路里,选择1%或脱脂牛奶。
- 27. Parmesan cheese is a robust-flavored Italian cheese ideal for those cutting down on fat because it is made with skim or part-skim milk.
- Parmesan奶酪由脱脂或部分脱脂牛奶制成,它是意大利干酪味中对减肥很有效的一种奶酪。
- 28. When cooked with water or skim milk, the oats thicken and take more time to pass through your digestive system, meaning you'll go longer between hunger pangs.
- 当燕麦粥和水或者脱脂牛奶,燕麦变厚,并且需要更多时间来通过消化系统,意味着你更经得住饿。
- 29. Whole milk has more cholesterol than skim milk.
- 全脂牛奶比脱脂牛奶的胆固醇含量较高。
- 30. Whole milk has more cholesterol than skim milk.
- 全脂牛奶比脱脂牛奶的胆固醇含量较高。