- 1. Skewness is an eigenvalue of symmetric distribution of the image.
- 偏斜度是一个能表征图像是否对称分布的特征量。
- 2. The skewness means the skewed direction and degree of the distribution.
- 偏斜装置的偏斜方向和分布的程度。
- 3. This paper proposes a new algorithm of video watermarking based on skewness.
- 提出一种基于偏斜度的视频水印新算法。
- 4. The sensibility of skewness to variation of sedimentary environment is finite.
- 偏度对研究区沉积环境差异的敏感性是有限的。
- 5. Pore structure is characterized by coarse skewness of throat, fine skewness of …
- 上覆地层压力对渗透率及孔隙结构特征影响很大。
- 6. We need to calculate the coefficient of skewness to measure the degree of deflection.
- 我们需要计算偏度系数来衡量偏转的程度。
- 7. Skewness is a statistical measure of the uniformity of the distribution of a group of measures.
- 偏态是对一组分布均匀性测量的统计度量。
- 8. The skewness or bending of Weft yarn is unavoidable in finishing process of printing and dyeing.
- 织物在印染过程中,纬纱歪斜或弯曲是不可避免的。
- 9. The correlation between the skewness and the kurtosis of the sea surface elevation is also discussed.
- 文中还讨论了波面偏度和峰度的相关关系。
- 10. I also discuss the potential effect of time-varying skewness and kurtosis on the performance of the model.
- 我也探讨了随时间变化的偏态系数与峰态系数对此模型表现之潜在的影响。
- 11. The temporal skewness of trans-ionospheric pulse is negative, which means its energy is shifted to the leading edge.
- 穿过电离层脉冲时间偏度数值为负,表明能量分布偏向上升沿。
- 12. With increasing convective mach number the skewness and flatness factors increase a little and the peak positions move outwards.
- 随着对流马赫数的增加,脉动的偏斜性和间歇性略有增加,并且其峰值对应的位置向混合层外侧移动。
- 13. The analysis can generate descriptive statistics, such as: the mean, variance, standard deviation, range, kurtosis and skewness.
- 该分析可以生成描述性统计,如:均值,方差,标准差,范围,峰度和偏度。
- 14. The objective of this study is to investigate systematic risk in asset pricing with higher moments, especially for skewness and ku...
- 本研究的目的,在于探讨偏态与峰态等高阶矩系统风险对资产定价的影响。
- 15. Results Parameters including mean value and skewness gotten from histogram can reflected the all texture feature of images of fatty and normal liver.
- 结果从直方图分析中提取的均值、斜态均能反映两类图像所特有的纹理特征。
- 16. The paper proposes new separate ratio estimators for population mean using known skewness coefficient of auxiliary variable in stratified random sampling.
- 本文在分层随机抽样下通过使用辅助变量的偏斜系数提出了几个总体均值的估计。
- 17. Then it comparatively analyzes some basic statistic of CCFI and BDI, which include mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, autocorrelation, and so on.
- 第二章对CCFI和BDI及CCFI分航线指数之间平均收益率、标准差、偏度、峰度、序列相关性等基本统计量进行了比较分析。
- 18. When excavating with parallel association rules, the two data distribution characters, data skewness and workload balance, will affect the validity of pruning.
- 在进行并行关联规则挖掘时,数据偏斜和工作量平衡这两个数据分布特征影响着剪枝的有效性。
- 19. The ameliorated method of diagonal slice spectrum analysis is presented and used to characterize the skewness and phase coupling of the rough surface profiles.
- 本文提出了一种改进的对角线切片谱分析方法,并把它用于粗糙表面轮廓的非线性和耦合性特征分析。
- 20. The sorting of the aeolian sand soil in the middle and southern desert is medium and better and the skewness is near symmetrical and the kurtosis is leptokurtic.
- 中部、南部风沙土分选性中等和较好,呈窄峰态和近对称的分布形式。
- 21. From the capillary pressure curve morphology, the most samples' capillary pressure curve has not platform segments showing skewness with smaller slanting degrees.
- 从毛管压力曲线形态上看,大部分样品的毛管压力曲线没有平台段,多呈倾斜状,具偏细歪度。
- 22. Grain-size distribution may be characterized in part by skewness of the distribution. Skewness is a statistical measure of the uniformity of the distribution of a group of measures.
- 粒径的分布具有偏态分布的特点。偏态是对一组分布均匀性测量的统计度量。
- 23. On this base, the skewness of high-order statistic analysis is used to test and verify the effectiveness of the conclusion. Simulation results further show this method is practicable.
- 在此基础上,利用高阶统计分析中的斜度概念验证此结论的有效性,并且通过仿真实验进一步说明了此方法的可行性。
- 24. Objective To test whether the distribution of normal old peoples subjective well-being scores present positive skewness and what types of items tend to be given more positive responses.
- 目的考察国内正常老年人主观幸福感的测量结果是否存在正向倾斜,并分析与检验哪类题目更易引起受测者的正向回答。
- 25. The distribution of WTP for organic food shows a remarkable skewness, ranging mostly between 5-20%, lower than current market price premiums approximately between 20-40% in the world market.
- 各个研究中得到的支付意愿评价结果呈现出显著的偏态分布,主要集中于5-20%之间,低于各国有机食品相对于传统食品的实际差价20-40%。
- 26. Then, we use Skewness Analysis way to show the relationship between engaged behavior and loyalty, responsibility, matchup, performance, satisfaction and diligence in Shanghai knowledge workers.
- 然后,以上海知识员工为例,通过偏相关分析,从忠诚度、责任度、适配度、绩效度、满意度、勤奋度六个维度研究与敬业行为的相关关系。
- 27. Particularly, parameters of model can be chosen to match empirically estimated mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of the stock return distribution. The model thus has the potential to produce…
- 特别地,模型的系数可选择得与股票收益分布的实际估计评均值、方差、挠度和峭度相匹配,因而就可能产生出与实际观测的股票收益分布较为一致的期权价格。
- 28. Particularly, parameters of model can be chosen to match empirically estimated mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of the stock return distribution. The model thus has the potential to produce…
- 特别地,模型的系数可选择得与股票收益分布的实际估计评均值、方差、挠度和峭度相匹配,因而就可能产生出与实际观测的股票收益分布较为一致的期权价格。