- 1. Silt and windblown soil buried the site even deeper.
- 泥沙和风吹来的尘土把这个遗址埋得更深了。
- 2. Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt.
- 壤土是由大约等份的黏土、沙和粉砂合成的。
- 3. The river deposited silt at its mouth.
- 河口沉积了淤泥。
- 4. Interbedded with the salt were thin layers of what appeared to be windblown silt.
- 夹杂着盐的是薄薄的一层似乎是被风吹来的淤泥。
- 5. Their remains accumulated on the floor of the lake and were then covered by clay and silt.
- 他们的遗体堆积在湖底,然后被粘土和淤泥覆盖。
- 6. Second, as you know, sand dunes contain other types of particles, besides sand, including clay and silt.
- 第二,正如你所知,除了沙粒,沙丘还含有其他类型的颗粒,包括粘土和淤泥。
- 7. Now, when the rain fell, water ran down the sides of the dunes, carrying clay and silt particles with it.
- 如今降雨的时候,雨水会带着黏土和泥沙颗粒从沙丘两边往下流。
- 8. The hue is caused by the silt that is finely ground away from the valley walls by the glacier and deposited in the lake.
- 这种色调是由淤泥造成的,淤泥被冰川分成很多远离谷壁的细碎的小块,沉积在湖中。
- 9. Once this was done and the silt carried down by the rivers was planted, the rewards were rich: four to five times what rain-fed earth would produce.
- 一旦完成了这个,河流带来的淤泥会沉积在此处,回报是丰厚的:产量是被雨水滋养的土壤的四到五倍。
- 10. Afterwards during the season of subsidence, the water would subside, or recede, revealing a new layer of fertile black silt and allowing for the planting of various crops.
- 在随后的沉降季节,水会退去,并露出一层新的肥沃的黑色淤泥,可以在这上面种植各种作物。
- 11. The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetation.
- 这个湖几乎填满了泥沙和植被。
- 12. The channel is almost choked with silt.
- 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。
- 13. Over time, though, silt and leaves had clogged the drain.
- 但是,时间久了,淤泥和树叶就会阻塞下水道。
- 14. Pollution, silt and landslides have plagued the reservoir area.
- 污染、淤泥以及滑坡等肆虐着水库地区。
- 15. The Bronze Age layers here are 30 feet deep in Yellow River silt.
- 青铜器时代的遗迹在黄河淤泥下30英尺深的地方。
- 16. There's no sign of ice, just a river roiling with silt-laden melt.
- 这里看不到冰雪的迹象,只有融化的雪水裹挟着泥沙顺流而下。
- 17. Silt that floods left-all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which.
- 所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥——这些换宋的就是这么个疾病滋生的水。
- 18. The rain had cemented bits of sand, silt and clay into clumps up to a centimeter wide.
- 雨水把小粒的沙子、淤泥和尘土粘合成厘米大的团块儿。
- 19. As the site is largely covered by a silt lagoon, access is by way of an elevated boardwalk.
- 由于这一地带被淤泥和泻湖大量覆盖,一条高架木板路将其与外部连接。
- 20. Plaques of beta-amyloids are thought to "silt up" the brain and cause nerve death and loss of function.
- 淀粉样蛋白的斑块被认为“堵塞”了大脑,并且造成了神经死亡与功能丧失。
- 21. They follow Little Coal Creek Trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt.
- 他们沿着穿越高山牧场的小煤矿步道行进,在这里可以俯瞰到波光粼粼的河水正从冰川砾石上流过。
- 22. The tsunami destroyed the earthen Banks of the fishponds and filled the ponds with debris and often-toxic silt.
- 海啸破坏了鱼塘的土筑堤坝,将池中灌满了残片和往往是有毒的淤泥。
- 23. The next day the team began to sieve the loose, sandy silt around the spot-more hand bones and foot bones turned up.
- 第二天,考察队开始在现场周围用筛子过滤松散的沙质粉土,他们又陆续发现了更多的手骨和足骨。
- 24. Opponents predict that the turbines will silt up and that the DAMS will produce only half the energy advertised.
- 而反对者们则预言,两个水坝的涡轮机将会被淤泥充塞,而其发电量仅为其宣传的一半。
- 25. Blocking a river with a dam blocks the movement both of fish upstream to spawn and of silt downstream to fertilise fields.
- 建堤坝来阻断河流,既阻挡了回流产卵的鱼,又阻碍了下游淤泥肥沃土壤。
- 26. Blocking a river with a dam also blocks the movement of fish upstream to spawn and the movement of silt downstream to fertilise fields.
- 用大坝阻断河流使得鱼类无法逆流而上去产卵,同时淤泥无法顺流而下去肥沃土地。
- 27. The resulting silt raises the level of the Yangtze riverbed, not only reducing the life of the dam, but also worsening the risk of floods.
- 淤泥堆积抬高河床,不仅减少大坝使用寿命,而且增加洪水泛滥的可能性。
- 28. Silt turbidite (landslide) layers on the deep sea floor far off the coast from underwater landslides, likely caused by strong seismic shaking.
- 离海底滑坡不远的深海底床的淤泥浊积(滑坡)层很有可能是由强烈的地震晃动造成的。
- 29. Silt turbidite (landslide) layers on the deep sea floor far off the coast from underwater landslides, likely caused by strong seismic shaking.
- 离海底滑坡不远的深海底床的淤泥浊积(滑坡)层很有可能是由强烈的地震晃动造成的。