- 1. Another valuable sigil is..
- 另一个有用的符号是. .。
- 2. That must be the Earth Sigil there.
- 这一定就是土之魔符了。
- 3. At last, the Fire Sigil.
- 最后,到火之魔符了。
- 4. OK, let's go find an Earth Sigil or whatever.
- 好了,我们去找个土之魔符或是别的什么。
- 5. You simply type the sigil in place of the argument.
- 您只需输入这些符号来代替相应的参数。
- 6. The sigil, $@, expands to all the (remaining) positional parameters.
- 特殊符号 $@展开为所有(其余)的位置参数。
- 7. You can even combine history expressions to yield sigil soup such as!
- 您甚至可以合并历史表达式来生成!
- 8. For example, you can refer to your home directory with the sigil ~ (tilde).
- 例如,您可以使用符号 ~(波浪符号)引用您的home目录。
- 9. The Guvners think she created Sigil, while Ciphers wonder if it's all her dream.
- 管理者认为是痛苦女士创建了印记城,而密韵者则怀疑这一切都只是痛苦女士的梦境。
- 10. Sigil has a number of special traits, one of which is objective directional gravity.
- 印记城有着数种特殊的特性,其中一种就是客观重力定向。
- 11. The Guvners think she created Sigil, while the Ciphers wonder if it's all her dream.
- 管理者认为是痛苦女士创建了印记城,而密韵者则怀疑这一切都只是痛苦女士的梦境。
- 12. Notice how the image of the serpent is significant even in the sigil at the bottom of the page.
- 公告的蛇是怎样的形象,甚至在很大的图章在谷底页。
- 13. OK, so how are we going to fight a whole bunch of flying creatures that are guarding this stupid Air Sigil?
- 那么我们该怎么去对付守护在那无趣的风之魔符旁的那一整拨飞行生物?
- 14. Sigil of Silence : LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds.
- 沉默印记:勒布朗向她的目标发射一个魔法球体,造成魔法伤害并标记目标3.5秒。
- 15. However, exploring converted documents in tools such as Sigil can also help identify ways you can improve the conversion process.
- 然而,用像Sigil这样的工具探索转换后的文档还能帮助找到改进转换过程的一些方式。
- 16. (two exclamation marks), might look a little strange, but it's a command history sigil that repeats the previous command verbatim.
- (两个感叹号),可能看起来有些奇怪,但它是一种命令历史符号,可以一字不差地重复前面的命令。
- 17. Although you can use Sigil to find and review page breaks and numbering, in a more than 100-page document, doing so might be tedious.
- 尽管您可以使用Sigil查找和检查分页符和页码,但在超过100页的文档中,这么做可能太费事了。
- 18. House Stark's sigil is a gray direwolf on a white background, which means Jon Snow's banners will show a white wolf on a gray background.
- 史塔克家族的徽章是白底的灰色冰原狼,那么雪诺的标志将会是灰底的白色冰原狼。
- 19. With .. and ., the sigil for the current working directory, you can refer to files and directories in the file system relative to your current working directory.
- 和.(当前工作目录的简写符号),您可以引用文件系统中相对于当前工作目录的文件和目录。
- 20. "This is YOUR fault, wizard! NEXT time, we burn your spellbook… "—Entire party, upon first arriving in Sigil and suspecting their mage of botching another teleport.
- “就是你的错,法师!再有下次,我们就点了你的法术书……”——万全团,当他们初访印记城并怀疑他们的法师会搞砸又一次传送术时。
- 21. Sigil (see Resources for the website and support pages) is a WYSIWYG EPUB editor that can find the pattern-matching types of errors and allow programmers to correct them.
- Sigil(参阅参考资料获取网站和支持页面)是一种WYSIWYGEPUB编辑器,它可找到模式匹配类型的错误,并且允许程序员更正它们。
- 22. Both Sigil and PHP scripting with XML and spelling libraries are helpful tools in finding and fixing errors that cannot be detected using normal EPUB checking routines.
- Sigil和php脚本与XML和拼写库相结合,是在查找和修复使用常规EPUB检查例程无法检测的错误时非常有用的工具。
- 23. This article looks at how you can use the Sigil EPUB editor to address some of them and employ PHP in combination with SimpleXML and spelling libraries to resolve many others.
- 本文探讨如何使用SigilEPUB编辑器解决其中一些问题,以及如何结合使用PHP与SimpleXML和拼写库来解决其他的一些问题。
- 24. We added that sigil and enchant because death knights had difficulty reaching the defense "cap" in part because they don't have shields, ranged weapons or often tanking weapons.
- 我们之所以要给死亡骑士提供魔印和特殊附魔,部分原因是由于死亡骑士们无法携带盾牌、远程武器或者是常用的坦克类武器,因而令他们无法达到坦克所要求的防御能力。
- 25. And lo, I discovered that the weaving of white paper formed a matrix that resonated with arcane power. that within the mystic sigil that is the doily, there lay a path taken by few!
- 看,我发现白纸的编结方法形成了一个能与奥术能量共鸣的矩阵。也就是说在纸垫上的神秘图案中,隐藏着一条鲜为人知的道路!
- 26. And lo, I discovered that the weaving of white paper formed a matrix that resonated with arcane power. that within the mystic sigil that is the doily, there lay a path taken by few!
- 看,我发现白纸的编结方法形成了一个能与奥术能量共鸣的矩阵。也就是说在纸垫上的神秘图案中,隐藏着一条鲜为人知的道路!