- 1. Side-way attack is the main attack form of scoring, the place kick is another kind of important goal way in this Europe Cup too.
- 边路进攻是进球的主要进攻形式,定位球也是本届欧洲杯进球的另一种重要的进球方式。
- 2. "We are going the same way you are," said the boys and they took hold of the basket, one on each side, and trudged along with merry hearts.
- “我们和你们走同一条路。”男孩子们说着,一边提着篮子,一边愉快地走着。
- 3. When everyone has perfect information, traffic jams simply spread onto the side roads that seem to offer a way around them.
- 当每个人都掌握完美的信息时,交通堵塞就会蔓延至旁边的道路,而这些道路似乎本是为其提供通路的。
- 4. "Toast lands butter side down because humans aren't tall enough to let it land any other way," Matthews said.
- “吐司的黄油面朝下落地,因为人类不够高,不能让它以其他方式降落。”马修斯说。
- 5. Is it the same way on the other side of the house?
- 房子的另一边也是这样吗?
- 6. One day, wind blew hard and trees shook from side to side in the wind on her way home after school.
- 一天,在她放学回家的路上,风刮得很大,树在风中摇摆。
- 7. Peter shot off and rushed head over heels down the mountain-side, turning wild somersaults on his perilous way.
- 彼得拔腿就跑,头也不抬地冲下山坡,翻着跟斗向前滚。
- 8. A new book, The Magic Kingdom: Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, confirms that he was very definitely on the side of ordinary people.
- 新书《魔幻王国:华特·迪士尼和美国生活方式》证实了他绝对是芸芸众生中的一员。
- 9. Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.
- 这样做能让你的页面更加一目了然,并且,如果你必须剪切一个段落并把它放在其他位置上,另一侧的文字也不会丢失。
- 10. Ah, yes, if you wanted to, indeed, we could also change things in such a way that the third side remains constant.
- 是的,如果你想这样做,也可以用这样的方式改变,那就是保持第三条边恒定不变。
- 11. The livestock on the green side was managed in a way designed to mimic the great migratory herds of Africa.
- 在草木葱翠的一边,人们模仿非洲草原上动物的迁移的模式对牲口进行管理。
- 12. When the debate is framed this way, I have no doubt the side of liberty will win.
- 当辩论用这种方式进行时,我毫不怀疑自由终将获胜。
- 13. Man is a gregarious animal, and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way on the side of a hill.
- 人是一种爱群居的动物,就象牛喜欢沿着山坡的同一条道路吃草一样喜爱共识。
- 14. Side are a great way to keep current with emerging trends in software.
- 业余项目是跟踪软件最新潮流的最佳办法。
- 15. It's important to have a health-care professional confirm your intuition-especially about which side and which way the dysfunction has manifested.
- 因此寻求专业的医学诊断十分重要,特别是诊断问题在哪一侧、是哪一种。
- 16. This being the only window in the house, no neighbors' glances were to be feared from across the way or at the side.
- 整所房子只有这一扇窗子是临街的,因此无论从侧面或是从对面,都不必担心邻居的窥视。
- 17. This way you add server-side code to all client-side validation functions in order to check conditions and to show messages.
- 在这种方法中,您将把服务器端代码添加到所有客户端验证函数中,以检查条件并显示消息。
- 18. Other toddler do's: if you see a toy you like - even if it's all the way on the other side of the room - go for it.
- 小孩子可以做的其他事情还有:如果看到了一个自己喜欢的玩具,即便它在房间的另一头,也要去拿过来。
- 19. Wrapper services on the remote side of the call are another way to reduce the number of remote calls.
- 远端封装器服务的调用是减少远程调用数量的另一种方法。
- 20. "My dad flew to Elizabeth's side, making his way slowly to her front," Carrie Fisher wrote in the Daily Mail.
- “爸爸的思绪飞到了伊丽莎白那边,正缓慢的走到她面前”凯瑞·费舍在《每日邮报》中回忆道。
- 21. Are you on a riverbank with no way to get to the other side?
- 你是不是觉得自己身处一个到不了对岸的河堤旁?
- 22. Villarreal: Pellegrini has gone but they still have an excellent side with technique all the way through it.
- 比利亚雷亚尔:虽然佩莱格里尼走了,但他们阵容还算齐整,技术也一直不错。
- 23. Neither side expects the other to see history exactly its own way.
- 任何一方都不期望对方完全用自己这方的视角看历史。
- 24. When Mom and Dad received the news from the doctor that his heart was deteriorating rapidly, they took it hand in hand, side by side, all the way.
- 当父母亲从医生那里得知父亲的心脏正在快速衰竭的时候,他们始终手牵手,肩并肩地一起面对疾病。
- 25. However, the developer is responsible for the server-side state through the way a component or its properties are declared, which can be session-persistent.
- 然而,通过声明组件及其属性,开发人员需要管理服务器端的状态,这种状态可能是会话持久性的。
- 26. Imagine a scenario where your first call retrieves data, and your second call manipulates the data in some way on the client-side.
- 想象这样一种场景,其中第一个调用获取数据,第二个调用在客户端操作该数据。
- 27. The workforce knows that pedantic adherence to fixed rules rapidly falls by the way side in the light of tight schedules and limited resources.
- 职工知道,根据紧张的进度和有限的资源,迂腐地遵守确定的规则会快速地半途而废。
- 28. For right brain activation, and, therefore, creativity development it is very helpful thing to exercise the left side of one’s body. What way?
- 所以呢,要锻炼右脑最好的办法就是使用身体的左边部位,什么意思,也就是吃饭用左手,写字用左手,你要愿意,用左脚也没人管你。
- 29. Fear is the way of the Dark Side.
- 恐惧是黑暗势力之道。
- 30. Additionally, there was no way to identify a client-side context to the server.
- 此外,服务器没有别的方法识别客户端环境。