- 1. But side-door entries are permissible. "We need a model that doesn't replace existing retailers," says Kamal Nath, India's minister of commerce and industry.
- 但打擦边球是允许的,印度商务与工业部长KamalNath说,:“我们需要一个不伤及现有零售商的模式。”
- 2. She slipped in and out of the theatre by a side door.
- 她从侧门溜进去又溜出了那家剧院。
- 3. Someone came up, opened the passenger side door which would scare you.
- 有人走过来,打开了乘客侧门,这可能会吓到你。
- 4. He could hear whispering and scuffling on the other side of the door.
- 他能听见门那边的低语声和窸窸窣窣的走动声。
- 5. The kitchen door is at the side of the house.
- 厨房门开在房子的侧面。
- 6. My eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom and I was able to make out a door at one side of the room.
- 我的双眼逐渐适应了这种昏暗,能够看到那个房间的一侧有一扇门。
- 7. There is a large window on either side of the front door.
- 前门两侧各有一个大窗户。
- 8. The outside of a closet door is the side opposite the closet.
- 橱柜门的外面就是橱柜的另一面。
- 9. You walk in the front door, Christ in majesty—on the left side are the damned writhing and on the right side are the blessed looking a good deal happier.
- 你走进前门,威严的基督——左边是受诅咒之人在遭受苦难,右边是受保佑的人,看起来快乐得多。
- 10. In the side of what had seemed to be a snow-bank stood a solid-looking little door, painted a dark green.
- 在刚才似乎是雪堆的地方,立着一扇漆成深绿色的,看起来很结实的小门。
- 11. There is a door on either side.
- 两侧各有一门。
- 12. The other side hasn't yet slammed the door on further negotiations.
- 对方在谈判中还没有关门。
- 13. Though milk containers may fit snugly in the side door, this isn't an ideal place for storage.
- 虽然装牛奶的容器可能非常适合放在侧门,但是这不是一个理想的贮藏地方。
- 14. A car drops me off at a side door to a soundstage, where aharried but friendly publicist meets me.
- 汽车把送到摄影棚的侧门,一个烦人但友好的公关人员接待了我。
- 15. The groom enters the church from a side door.
- 而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂。
- 16. I quickly opened the driver's side door, crumbled inside and kneeled in the front facing the back seat.
- 我赶紧打开驾驶门挤进里面,屈膝面朝后座。
- 17. Then, striding to a side door, he shouted again, 'Joseph!'
- 而后跨进一个侧门,再次大喊:“约瑟夫!”
- 18. He said he had knocked at the side door with his knuckles for a quarter of an hour.
- 他说他已经敲侧门15分钟了,我想Sarah一定是没听到,那会她正在楼上打扫卧室。
- 19. "Want help?" he calls from the side door.
- 需要帮忙吗?”他从侧门那边喊道。
- 20. A top hatch and a side door or two side doors provide access to and viewing of the engine.
- 一个顶面舱口盖和一个边门或二个边门提供引擎的通入和观察。
- 21. Denise sees Nancy talking to Steve again and smiles as she slips out a side door.
- 当丹尼斯从侧门出去的时候看见南希再次和史蒂文交谈和微笑。
- 22. This time, a side door was unlocked.
- 这一次,一道侧门没有上锁。
- 23. A few minutes later, the same drunk stumbles in the side door of the same bar. He hollers for a drink.
- 过了几分钟,同样那名醉汉又踉跄地从同一间酒吧的侧门进来,叫喊着要酒喝。
- 24. When they opened them, the carriage was just drawing up at the side door of the Plaza Hotel, where Kugelmass had optimistically reserved a suite earlier in the day.
- 他们再次睁开眼睛时,马车正驶到广场酒店的侧门并停了下来,库格麦斯当天已经乐观地在那儿订了个套间。
- 25. The protagonist of the system is installed in the side door reader or keyboard password.
- 该系统的主角是安装在门侧的读卡器或密码键盘。
- 26. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a.
- 他没有修车门,让保留在车上的凹痕时刻提醒自己:不要在生活的道路上走得过于匆忙,那样别人只好向你扔砖头,引起你的注意。
- 27. He would place it right beside him, in the small compartment in the passenger side door of the SUV, so he could refer to it often.
- 他会把它放在自己的旁边,就在SUV的走道侧门小隔间里,以方便他经常翻阅。
- 28. The master bedroom has a side door that provides direct access to the balcony.
- 主卧室有一个可以直接通向阳台的边门。
- 29. The next day, he changed out of his uniform, slipped out a side door, and ran to join the opposition.
- 第二天,他换下制服,偷偷溜出侧门,加入了反抗者队伍中。
- 30. The next day, he changed out of his uniform, slipped out a side door, and ran to join the opposition.
- 第二天,他换下制服,偷偷溜出侧门,加入了反抗者队伍中。