- 1. Maps show where the place is.
- 地图显示了这个地点的位置。
- 2. Now, the show gives people a special place to read across China.
- 现在,该节目为所有中国人提供了一个阅读的特殊场所。
- 3. In the middle of one mission, a trail of green lights was used to mark a new objective - and show the easiest way to get to the place.
- 在一个任务当中,一条绿光的尾迹用来标注一个新的目的地——同时显示到达这个地方的最近路线。
- 4. The pie charts show the changes on…… in some place in 2000.
- 此饼形图显示了2000年一些地方……的变化。
- 5. For others, it's the bag. But for more and more fashion followers, nails are the hottest place to show off the latest fashion trends.
- 而对于另一些人,时尚则是包,但是对于越来越多时尚的女孩子们,指甲则是最热门的表现时尚潮流趋向的地方。
- 6. The signs of stress can also show up in a place even more obvious than your waistline: your skin.
- 压力不仅表现在你的腰围上,还表现在更明显的地方:你的皮肤上。
- 7. Refactoring lets you easily make changes to your code in one place and have those changes show up in other places that code appears.
- 重构允许您轻松地更改一个位置中的代码并且在代码出现的其他位置显示这些更改。
- 8. The circled green Numbers show the sequence of execution that would take place if asynchrony were not enabled.
- 绿色圆圈中的数字显示在不启用异步的情况下的执行顺序。
- 9. There is evidence to show that athletic contests took place in Ancient Egypt and in the ancient Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.
- 有证据表明在古埃及和克利特岛上的古弥诺斯文化中就举行过体育比赛。
- 10. Still, those forlorn mansions also show how a place that squandered its competitive advantage, as Penang did several times, can regain it.
- 同时,这些形只影单的官邸也表明着,像槟榔屿这样几度挥霍着自己竞争优势的地区,可以重新拥有曾经的繁荣。
- 11. There are several studies that show that learning can't take place without sleep to reinforce the knowledge [source: Schaffer].
- 一些研究显示,没有睡眠的学习不可能巩固知识【来源:谢弗】。
- 12. The first place that vascular disease can show up is where the blood vessels are the smallest and the farthest away from the heart.
- 血管病最早会通过离心脏最远、最细的血管显示出来。
- 13. Once you stop treating the TreeView as a place to put data, and start treating it as a place to show data, everything starts working smoothly.
- 一旦你不再把TreeView当成一个存储数据的地方,而是看做一个展现数据的地方,那么一切都将水到渠成。
- 14. Some members in the audience bet on each horse to win, place, or show.
- 一些观众对将取得第一、第二或第三名的每匹马下赌注。
- 15. The upshot is that studies show the galactic rim as being a very bad place for planets, and therefore life, to form.
- 其结果是,研究表明,在行星和生命的形成方面,星系外层边缘是非常不好的地方。
- 16. Presenting the multicolored script, "I asked her to show me graphics on her computer screen that show how to track a disease from one place to another."
- 为了使剧本更多彩,“我请她给我在她电脑的屏幕上演示病害的从一地传到另一地的轨迹。”
- 17. Clinical psychology theories show that journaling about traumatic experience that already took place helps ease a victim's anxiety.
- 临床心理学理论表明,将已发生的痛苦经历记进日记里,有利于减轻当事人的忧虑。
- 18. As someone who likes to think I have a fairly complete education in the Broadway musical, however, one show holds a special place: West Side Story.
- 对于那些自认对百老汇音乐剧欣赏有很深造诣的人来讲,有一部剧享有特殊的地位:这就是《西区故事》。
- 19. Sam: Because Maria is leaving, I hope that Steven Winn will take her place as producer of the show.
- 山姆:因为玛丽亚要离开,所以我希望史蒂文代替玛丽亚的位置做电视节目的制作人。
- 20. Come along, Madam Hester, and show your scarlet letter in the market-place!
- 过来,海丝特太太,在这市场上亮亮你那鲜红的字母吧!
- 21. I wanted to put the Kalashnikov in a fuller context and show its place in a larger evolution of automatic infantry arms and shifts in tactics and war fighting.
- 我想把卡拉什尼科夫武器放置于一个全面的情况之中,了解它在步兵自动武器演进以及在战争战术转换中的作用。
- 22. Organizing a "flash mob" basically involves e-mailing a bunch of people with instructions to show up at a certain place for a few moments, then disappear.
- 组织一次“快闪”活动,基本上只需要用电子邮件通知一群人在某个地点出现一会儿,然后消失。
- 23. The tongue cleaner has been used by contestants on talent show "American Idol" after efforts to place the product directly into the hands of the show's make-up artist.
- 舌头清洁已用于由参赛者才艺表演在经过努力把产品直接进入表演的化妆大师的手中后显示“美国偶像”。
- 24. Timetables and schedules don't figure into the Zapps' plans. “It depends mostly on what a place has to show,” explained Zapp.
- 时间和进度表在夫妻俩看来并不重要。他们解释说:“我们的行程主要取决于哪个目的地必须去。”
- 25. Once was outside the Giorgio Armani show place in Milan in February 2009 and another was at the Oscar DE la Renta show in New York in September.
- 一次是2009年2月份,在米兰的乔治·阿玛尼秀场外,另外一次是9月份在纽约的奥斯卡·德拉伦塔秀场。
- 26. What is man's place in a world where money and the media show are all that matter?
- 在金钱和媒体秀如此重要的世上,人的地位到底在哪里?
- 27. He presents numerous examples to show how the reader can place even the most convoluted and tightly coupled code into a unit test harness.
- 他列举了大量的示例,以说明读者如何将费解的、耦合的代码放进单元测试中。
- 28. He presents numerous examples to show how the reader can place even the most convoluted and tightly coupled code into a unit test harness.
- 他列举了大量的示例,以说明读者如何将费解的、耦合的代码放进单元测试中。