- 1. Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer pisions for this work .
- 为了这项工作,步兵部队和装甲师都配备了近程中队。
- 2. Why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft?
- 为何中国需要或者希望得到这种短程隐形战机?
- 3. But ask yourself: why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft?
- 但你问问自己:中国会需要或者想要一种短程的隐形飞机吗?
- 4. One in five new cars added to club fleets is electric; such cars are good for short-range, urban use.
- 每五辆加入俱乐部的新车中就有一辆是用电驱动的,这样的车适合短距离驾驶,在城市中使用。
- 5. It is found that, reverse to common idea, the short-range is notpreferable for the stability of icosahedral clusters.
- 我们发现,与通常所认识的不同,短程势并不利于二十面体团簇的稳定。
- 6. Manufacturers are looking to boost a short-range communication system called near-field communications (NFC) in phones.
- 手机生产商希望在手机中推广名为近场通讯(NFC)的短距离通讯系统。
- 7. The advantage of this is that it works anywhere-unlike short-range Wi-Fi technology, it is not limited to a few hotspots.
- 它的优势是,无论你身处何方都能随时接入网络-不像射程较短的Wi - Fi技术,移动网络不受限于少数接入热点。
- 8. The PRC-343 (H4855) PRR, manufactured by SELEX Communications, provides short-range communications for frontline soldiers.
- 由ESLEX通信公司制造的PRC-343 (H4855)PRR,能为前线士兵提供短程通信。
- 9. Half the group was lucky enough to get out of bed for an hour a day to spin around in the NASA Short-Range Human Centrifuge.
- 其中一半人有幸每天下床,在美国航空航天局(NASA)的短距人体离心机里进行旋转体验。
- 10. The single-seater short-range vessel lacks a hyperdrive, and as such requires deployment from launch bases and capital ships.
- 这种短程单坐战斗机缺少超空间推进器,因此必须部署在发射基地或大型母舰内。
- 11. Instead, it supports web-browsing, E-mail and voice-over-internet calls (using Google Talk software) via short-range Wi-Fi technology.
- 其支持网络浏览,email以及通过短程Wi - Fi技术的因特网音频交谈(使用Google Talk软件)。
- 12. There may also be other parameters as part of the cache ID, such as whether the user is asking for a short-range or long-range forecast.
- 在cacheID可能会有其他的一些参数,比如用户需要的是短期的还是长期的天气预报。
- 13. There was some irony in this as early plans for the 8th Air Force had envisaged the need for an escort, albeit with short-range Spitfires.
- 具有讽刺意味的是,第8航空队的早期计划中也考虑到了对护航的需求,只不过采用的是航程较短的“喷火”战斗机。
- 14. The latest notion is to store the number on another medium, one that can be read without contact, through a short-range wireless connection.
- 当前的理念式把号码存储在另一种介质中,无需接触即可读取,通过短距离无线连接完成。
- 15. Ukrainian officials denied the U. S. missile claim, saying they had launched only short-range missiles that couldn't reach the plane flying some 155 miles away.
- 乌克兰官员否认了美国有关导弹误射的说法,辩称他们只发射了短程导弹,不可能击中飞行在155英里以外的客机。
- 16. NFC is a short-range, high-frequency wireless technology which lets devices, primarily mobile phones, communicate with other NFC devices in order to exchange data.
- 近场通信是一种近距离、高频率无限技术,可以允许手机等设备和其它近场通信设备进行数据交换。
- 17. The belligerent talk was accompanied by Pyongyang's test-firing of two short-range missiles, bringing to five the number launched since its nuclear test on Monday.
- 在发出这份挑衅性声明的同时,平壤方面再次试验了两颗短程导弹,这也是他们周一核试验以来试射的第五颗导弹。
- 18. The iPhone is not the only phone that can switch automatically between a short-range Wi-Fi connection and a mobile-phone network, depending on which one it sniffs.
- iPhone并不是唯一能够在短程wifi连接和移动电话网络之间自行切换的手机。
- 19. This is often used for short-range branches where the destination is near the current location, so specifying an offset rather than an absolute address makes more sense.
- 这通常用于短程分支,其中目标地址距当前位置很近,因此指定一个偏移量(而不是绝对地址)会更有意义。
- 20. Moscow responded to the conciliatory moves by signalling the cancellation of threats to deploy short-range missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave, which sits within the EU.
- 作为对该和解姿态的回应,莫斯科发出了消除威胁的信号,取消部署在欧盟范围内加里宁格勒飞地的短程导弹。
- 21. A town might have a lot of hotspots providing fast, short-range access, along with a larger base station covering the entire area with a slower connection as fallback.
- 一个城市可以拥有许多提供快速、覆盖范围小的接入方式的热点地区,同时还有一个更大的基站以较低的接入速率覆盖整个地区作为候选。
- 22. The software then uses Bluetooth, the short-range radio technology built into many mobile phones, to check whether any friends or other members with similar interests are within 20 metres.
- 这个软件可以通过蓝牙技术以及短程无线电技术作用到手机上,去检测在我们周围的20米内有没有和我们兴趣相投的朋友。
- 23. Bluetooth Technology is a kind of open specification for wireless data and voice, it is basic on low cost short-range radio link, and it can build a wireless link for immobile and mobile device.
- 蓝牙技术是一种无线数据与语音通信的开放性规范,它以低成本的近距离无线连接为基础,为固定与移动设备通信环境建立一种无线连接。
- 24. This bow had limited power and short range.
- 这种弓的功率有限,射程很短。
- 25. The main obstacles, according to Mr Urquhart, are the comparatively short range of electric vehicles and the lack of places to charge them.
- 根据厄克特的统计,提升占有率的主要障碍是电动汽车的行驶距离相对较短和充电地点的匮乏。
- 26. With their relatively short range, these vehicles are aimed at commuters and are suitable for commercial use in towns – by, for example, postal services and restaurants delivering food.
- 由于相对较短的行驶距离,这些车辆面向上班族,适用于城镇商业用途,例如邮政服务和餐馆外卖。
- 27. With their relatively short range, these vehicles are aimed at commuters and are suitable for commercial use in towns – by, for example, postal services and restaurants delivering food.
- 由于相对较短的行驶距离,这些车辆面向上班族,适用于城镇商业用途,例如邮政服务和餐馆外卖。