- 1. The strange names in our passage today are like Matthew's version of MapQuest.
- 今天经文中提到一些陌生地名,就像马太编写的道路指南。
- 2. Not too long ago, for most of us, MapQuest was the default online mapping service.
- 不久之前,我们大多数人所默认使用的在线地图服务都是MapQuest。
- 3. When most people think of maps on the Internet, Google, MapQuest and TomTom might come to mind.
- 当大多数人想到在互联网上使用地图的时候,Google、MapQuest和Tomtom可能已经想到了。
- 4. Don't just use a MapQuest or Google Maps image; instead, write out where you are and how to get there.
- 不要仅仅使用MapQuest或GoogleMaps的图片,相反,你要写出你在哪里以及如何到达那里。
- 5. So if you think about the way something like, say, Mapquest works, and last week in recitation you looked at the fact that shortest path is exponential.
- 所以如果你想想电子地图,还有上周学的列举法,你就会发现一般最简单的方法,都是指数递增的。
- 6. With all my recent business travel, this shortcut has saved hours of my life that would have otherwise been spent on MapQuest... which makes MapQuest obsolete.
- 这个快捷方式给我最近的出差省了大量的时间,而如果你还在用MapQuest的话,那你就OUT了。
- 7. If you're planning a road trip or have a long commute to work, Mapquest Gas Prices will allow you to plan a journey and find out where the gas will be cheapest along the way.
- 如果你正在计划一次驾车出游或是你上下班的路途遥远,Mapquest网站的油价搜索功能可以帮助你做好出行计划并在沿途找到最便宜的加油站。
- 8. If you're planning a road trip or have a long commute to work, Mapquest Gas Prices will allow you to plan a journey and find out where the gas will be cheapest along the way.
- 如果你正在计划一次驾车出游或是你上下班的路途遥远,Mapquest网站的油价搜索功能可以帮助你做好出行计划并在沿途找到最便宜的加油站。