- 1. Ramraiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window.
- 飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。
- 2. He dressed the shop window.
- 他装饰了商店的橱窗。
- 3. The shop had a sign in the window: "Have your cards read here, $25."
- 那家商店的窗户上有个招牌,写着:“算命,$25”。
- 4. Please post up this advertisement for our concert in your shop window.
- 请把我们音乐会的广告张贴在你们商店的橱窗里。
- 5. The little girl pressed her nose against the shop window.
- 小女孩把她的鼻子紧贴在商店橱窗上。
- 6. I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window.
- 我想我的未婚妻会喜欢商店橱窗的那件羊毛衫的。
- 7. If you wanted to know which products to display in your shop window this Christmas, why not compare the volume of search interest in each product and discover the winner?
- 圣诞节要到了,如果你不知道把哪一种产品摆在商店橱窗里才合适,那为什么不比较一下人们的搜索兴趣,并从中找出最受欢迎的那一个呢?
- 8. That huge vase you brought back from India for me. It is in the charity shop window now.
- 最后一件事,你从印度给我带回来的那个花瓶,它已捐给慈善商店正在慈善商店的窗口展出。
- 9. Staff arrived on the morning of August 8th to find the shop window had been smashed with a rock and the books on display pelted with eggs.
- 该店员工在8月8日早上到达书店时,发现商店窗户被一块石头击碎,展出的书籍上满是打碎的鸡蛋。
- 10. He was still early. He walked around the block, stopping every now and then to look in a shop window.
- 看看时间还是很早他绕着街区逛了一圈不时停下脚步从商店橱窗往里看。
- 11. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window.
- 司机大叫起来,车也失去了控制,几乎撞上一辆公车,还上了便道,在还差几厘米就撞上商店橱窗时终于停了下来。
- 12. I saw a pair of shoes in the shop window and it caught my fancy immediately, so I bought it.
- 我看见商店橱窗里的一双鞋子,立刻觉得很合心意,就买了下来。
- 13. It's a shop window, not a business.
- 它是一个销售窗口,并非整个公司。
- 14. Interpreting such a sanction to include a website-which, for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, is more akin to a shop window than a cash till-may seem extreme.
- 将这条法规理解为包括网站也许显得有些走极端,因为这个网站对于三菱重工来说比起钱柜,更像是橱窗。
- 15. Interpreting such asanction to include a website—which, for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, is moreakin to a shop window than a cash till—may seem extreme.
- 对包括网站在内处罚的法律解释或许是过于极端了,网站对三菱重工而言只是橱窗远非钱箱。
- 16. A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.
- 小孩站在橱窗前渴望地看着那些玩具。
- 17. The multicoloured balls in bubble-gum machines could be picked up in a girl’s dress, or the red of a stiletto shoe matched with the frame of a shop window.
- 那些美,你能在泡泡糖机器中五彩缤纷的小球中找到,你能从一名女孩光彩夺目的服装上找到,你能在一只搭配在商店橱窗架上的红色细高跟鞋那儿找到。
- 18. To a Manchester judge sentencing two young girls caught stealing jeans from a shop window, they were not just "selfish" but "symptomatic of the Facebook generation".
- 对一个曼彻斯特的法官来说,判了两个从一家商店的橱窗偷牛仔裤的女孩子刑,而他们不只是自私只不过是“社交网络这代”的“症候”而已。
- 19. Blue Nile adopted a virtual model, in which it provides a shop window for suppliers yet does not put any of its own capital at risk.
- 蓝色尼罗河采用虚拟模式,它为供应商提供一个虚拟橱窗,而不用冒险投入自己的资金。
- 20. The schools in the shop window rotate each year; currently, Kulosaari is on call, along with around 15 others.
- 每年用来向外展示的学校都要轮换,今年轮到的是科洛·萨里小学以及其他15所学校。
- 21. Interpreting such a sanction to include a website-which, for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, is more a kin to a shop window than a cash till-may seem extreme.
- 对此处罚还包括网站的解译——对三菱重工,网站更像商店的窗户而不是钱箱——似乎是太极端了。
- 22. In our day-to-day lives, this doesn't pose a problem; the light entering my eyes from the display in the coffee shop window takes an immeasurably small period of time to get to me.
- 在我们的日常生活中,这全然不会造成什么问题:咖啡店橱窗陈列物上的光线进到我眼中所花的时间,短到几乎无法计量。
- 23. In our day-to-day lives, this doesn't pose a problem; the light entering my eyes from the display in the coffee shop window takes an almost immeasurably small period of time to get to me.
- 在我们的日常生活中,这全然不会造成什么问题:咖啡店橱窗陈列物上的光线进到我眼中所花的时间,短到几乎无法计量。
- 24. No-one was exempt: in the 90s, even cheap and cheerful retailers lost out when their stores were used to sell cheaper jeans and anything else the JV partner fancied putting in the shop window.
- 情况无一例外:上世纪90年代,即使是乐观的廉价品零售商也以失败告终,他们的门店被用来销售更廉价的牛仔裤,以及合资企业合作方喜欢放在橱窗里的其它任何商品。
- 25. How important is the World Cup shop window?
- 世界杯的赛场秀有多重要?
- 26. How did she feel when she found the piano no longer in the shop window on the birthday?
- 在她生日那天,要是她发现那架钢琴已经不在商店的橱窗里摆着,她会怎么想呢?
- 27. I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window. Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater?
- 我想我的未婚妻会喜欢商店橱窗的那件羊毛衫的。你能帮我挑一条和这件羊毛衫相搭配的裙子吗?
- 28. People do this just because they know that online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop window because online shop have no need to pay the rent.
- 人们这样做是因为他们知道网上的商品通常比在商店橱窗中展出的产品更便宜,因为网上开店不需要付房租。
- 29. People do this just because they know that online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop window because online shop have no need to pay the rent.
- 人们这样做是因为他们知道网上的商品通常比在商店橱窗中展出的产品更便宜,因为网上开店不需要付房租。