- 1. We're gonna have a little shindig over at our house tonight.
- 我们准备今天晚上在我家举行一次聚会。
- 2. Do the following steps to enable the Shindig container to the bootstrap?
- 按以下步骤启用shindig容器。
- 3. But this year's shindig finds economists in an unusually reflective mood.
- 不过,今年的狂欢节经济学家看上去沉浸在不寻常的反思情绪中。
- 4. This is a great shindig! I haven't had this much fun in quite some time.
- 真是个了不起的舞会!我好久没有这么开心了。
- 5. And if he's that foggy on dates, maybe his Deathday shindig was wrong too.
- 但是,如果他对时间概念模糊的话,那么他的忌辰舞会同样可能是不准的。
- 6. Such a party may be called a hog wrassle, a hoedown, a barndance, or shindig.
- 比如可以叫“小猪摔跤”、“土风舞”、“谷仓舞”或 “狂欢会”。
- 7. If you're unhitched, prompt your PALS to invite eligible singles to this shindig.
- 如果你单身,让你朋友邀请不错的单身朋友来你的宴会。
- 8. This task enables Mashup Center to bootstrap Shindig server from the root Web context.
- 此任务使MashupCenter能够从根web上下文引导Shindig服务器。
- 9. This year’s ICEGOV, a big e-governance shindig, was held in Estonia, a leader in the field.
- 国际政务盛会“国际电子政务理论与实践交流会”(简称ICEGOV)今年在爱沙尼亚举办,它在这方面是其他国家的先驱。
- 10. To download and install the necessary programs and build the Shindig WAR file, do the following steps.
- 要下载和安装必要的程序并构建ShindigWAR文件,按以下步骤操作。
- 11. For example, Shindig rpc.js provides the underlying communication mechanism for OpenSocial gadgets and the container.
- 例如,Shindig rpc . js为opensocialgadget和容器提供了底层通信机制。
- 12. AT a recent shindig in London of the shale-gas industry, energy firms gave a rosy view of the fuel's prospects in Europe.
- 近期在伦敦的一场页岩气业的盛会中,能源公司们纷纷对其在欧洲的前景表示看好。
- 13. From your command prompt, change the directory to the wanted folder, and enter the following command to download Shindig beta3.
- 在命令提示符处,将目录改变到需要的文件夹,并输入以下命令来下载Shindigbeta3。
- 14. Yet as the industry gathers in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress, its biggest annual shindig, it feels like 1995 all over again.
- 但是当移动通讯界的代表相聚在巴塞罗那的移动世界大会,这个业内最大的年度聚会时,仿佛又回到了1995年。
- 15. At the Brasilia shindig, some 21 new sites were added to the heritage list-even though the expert advice suggested only ten were eligible.
- 巴西利亚的那场闹哄哄的大会将21个新地点添入遗产名录——尽管专家建议其实只有10个是符合要求的。
- 16. Those attending last year's Lennart Meri security shindig (disclosure: your columnist is a regular and appreciative participant) had two options.
- 那些去年参加伦纳特·梅里聚会(爆料:你们的专栏作家是一个长期并且有欣赏力的社交聚会参与者)的人有两个选择。
- 17. The word at a do-gooders’ shindig held in April, the Global Philanthropy Forum, was that big private donors will want cannier use of their money.
- 用一句源于在4月举行的为不合实际的社会改良家聚会的全球慈善论坛上的话是:大型私人捐赠者希望更为精打细算地利用捐赠。
- 18. Apache Shindig: Explore this OpenSocial container to quickly host OpenSocial apps with code to render gadgets, proxy requests, and handle REST and RPC requests.
- ApacheShindig:探索这个opensocial容器,通过能呈现小工具、代理请求以及处理REST和RPC请求的代码来快速托管opensocial应用程序。
- 19. WHEN the mobile-telecoms industry recently met in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress, its biggest global shindig, head and body seemed oddly separated.
- 移动通信巨头们最近巴塞罗那碰了个头。在参加移动世界大会(Mobile WorldCongress)这一全球最大的移动通讯盛宴的时候,该行业“头”和“身体”似乎古怪的分离了。
- 20. WHEN the mobile-telecoms industry recently met in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress, its biggest global shindig, head and body seemed oddly separated.
- 移动通信巨头们最近巴塞罗那碰了个头。在参加移动世界大会(Mobile WorldCongress)这一全球最大的移动通讯盛宴的时候,该行业“头”和“身体”似乎古怪的分离了。