- 1. The gunman used the hostages as a human shield.
- 持枪歹徒用人质作人体盾牌。
- 2. He clanged his sword three times on his shield.
- 他用他的剑当当当地敲了3下盾。
- 3. The police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield.
- 警察用防暴盾牌抵挡攻击。
- 4. The team is his shield, his radar.
- 这个团队是他的盾牌,他的雷达。
- 5. Are the Martian shield volcanoes still active?
- 火星上的盾状火山还处于活跃期吗?
- 6. Did you say we have shield volcanoes on Earth?
- 你是说地球上有盾状火山吗?
- 7. Shield volcanoes have very gentle sloping sides.
- 盾状火山的斜坡非常平缓。
- 8. What happens if your spear hits against your shield?
- 如果用你的矛刺你的盾,结果会怎么样呢?
- 9. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
- 我们的心等候耶和华;他是我们的帮助和盾牌。
- 10. My shield is the strongest. It can stop any spear in the world.
- 我的盾是最结实的。它能抵挡住世界上任何矛。
- 11. Her job was to serve as a gatekeeper, a human shield for the technicians.
- 她的工作是当一个看门人——技术员的人盾。
- 12. The volcanoes in the Hawaii islands, in the Pacific Ocean are shield volcanoes.
- 太平洋夏威夷群岛的火山是盾状火山。
- 13. One of the most interesting features on the surface is, in fact, the shield volcanoes.
- 地球表面最有趣的特征之一就是盾状火山。
- 14. Instead, they are shield volcanoes—volcanoes with broad, sloping slides formed by molten rock.
- 相反,它们是盾状火山——由熔融岩石形成的宽而倾斜的滑坡。
- 15. Instead, they are shield volcanoes — volcanoes with broad, sloping slides formed by molten rock.
- 相反,它们是盾状火山——由熔岩形成的宽而倾斜的滑梯。
- 16. Shield volcanoes formed when magma comes out of the ground in the same spot over and over again.
- 当岩浆一次又一次地在同一地点从地下涌出时,就形成了盾状火山。
- 17. Washington insists its shield plan is not directed against Russia but threats from "rogue states" such as Iran.
- 华盛顿坚称,其防御计划不是针对俄罗斯,但威胁来自“无赖国家”如伊朗。
- 18. All four show distinctive lava channels and other flow features similar to those found on shield volcanoes on Earth.
- 这四个地方都有独特的熔岩通道和其他类似地球上盾状火山的流动特征。
- 19. They are called shield volcanoes, because viewed from above, they kind of resemble shields, like a warrior's shield.
- 它们被称为盾形火山,因为从上方俯瞰,它们有点像盾,就像战士所持的那种盾。
- 20. The gravitational shield of the giant outer planets, while highly efficient, must occasionally fail to protect Earth.
- 巨大的外行星的引力护盾虽然效率很高,但偶尔也会无法保护地球。
- 21. What's particularly interesting about these volcanoes is that most of the volcanoes here on Earth are not shield volcanoes.
- 十分有趣的是地球上的大多数火山都不是盾状火山。
- 22. Satan's shield is as big as the moon—this is the most common form of simile, epic, or otherwise, and it can be schematized.
- 撒旦的盾如同月亮一般庞大——这是最常见的比喻、史诗或其他形式,并且还可以被系统化。
- 23. The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to online searches for the brands they offer.
- 这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。
- 24. As lava flows and spreads to form a shield volcano, the volcano's eventual height depends on the new mountain's ability to support its own weight.
- 随着熔岩流动和扩散从而形成盾状火山,这座火山的最终高度取决于这座新火山支撑自身重量的能力。
- 25. Venus has mostly shield volcanoes, and they are randomly scattered, that indicates that Venus does not have moving tectonic plates, and that's a big difference compared to Earth.
- 金星上大部分是盾状火山,而且它们是随机分布的,这表明金星没有移动的构造板块,这一点与地球有很大的不同。
- 26. You can't shield her from the truth forever.
- 你不可能永远瞒着她,不让她知道事实真相。
- 27. She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.
- 她把自己的真实感情掩藏在一副冷漠的外表后面。
- 28. He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.
- 他用左手遮挡反射过来的阳光。
- 29. Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.
- 水不能有效阻挡太阳中更有害的射线。
- 30. The attacks allowed the coalition to display its shield of antimissiles.
- 该进攻令联盟得以展示其反导弹屏障。